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lzcutter - answer to your question about CCC

Posted: April 19th, 2007, 10:39 pm
by mrsl

I used the Edit option from the top toolbar and brought this particular edition over here.

Feel free to tell me to erase it if you wish.


Read Re: Spring Frolic Screenings Schedule
Posted: 04/02/2007 12:32 EDT in response to: mrsl in response to: mrsl
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**************Memo to Dean Finnie*************

From: Lynn and Anne


Hope this memo finds you and Prof. Klondike relaxing over a fine glass of scotch.

MrsL and I are here on the porch of her B&B with Assistant Coach Ben Johnson and Prof. Lee Marvin enjoying a lovely nightcap.

I thought it best to bring you up to date since I had to dash out of our meeting with Lee, Prof. Marvin, upon delivery of Anne's urgent message earlier this evening.
Please thank Filmlover for his quick appraisal of the situation and bringing the matter to our attention so quickly. (I suspect we have driven the young man into exhaustion today with all the missives being delivered.)

I rushed over to MrsL's B&B as quickly as I could. When I got here, the original Dr. McDreamy himself, was here. Did you know that Dr. Kildare is here looking for you? He's a guest at the B&B and lucky for us!

Buck E. Cat had made good his escape from being Prof. Curtis' constant companion. Unfortunately, his escape led him here about the time that Peter
Ustinov was exiting the shower.

You know, as well as I, that cats and water don't mix and now Mr. Ustinov knows that too. Buck E in his haste to avoid the water from the shower, shot by Mr. Ustinov, causing him to trip on the over sized towel he was trying to maintain around his waist.

I regret he took a header into the marble commode next to the shower.

Luckily for us and our insurance agent, Edmund O'Brien, we heard the crash, the profanity and the thud. Buck E. whizzed past us , caterwauling, on his way down the stairs. That darn cat can move fast, I tell you.

Dr McDreamy, er Kildare, was right behind us and along with his long suffering nurse, Mary Lamont. They rushed to Mr. Ustinov's aid. Mr. Ustinov, in the beginning, was quite belligerent and threatening to sue us all to high heaven. But, Nurse Lamont worked her charm and soon had Mr. Ustinov agreeing that he was likely to blame for the whole ordeal in that his fear of cats propelled him to try to throw Buck E. in the shower and turn on the water.

It's a good thing he is such a good storyteller and that he is needed in costume for the Spartacus Invitational otherwise, I'd say we kick him to the curb. But I digress.

The ambulance arrived and Dr. Kildare ordered that Mr. Ustinov be taken to the hospital for overnight observation considering that he had a giant goose egg the size of Rhode Island starting to form on his scalp. Nurse Lamont, holding his hand but with her eye on Dr. McDreamy the whole time, agreed to accompany Peter in the ambulance.

Fortunately, none of the young turks from the Law School were around to chase the ambulance.

About that time, Anne and I were wore out from all of Ustinov's hysteria, the sirens and that darn cat sitting on the banister like nothing had happened. Last we saw the little rascal he was headed towards Prof. Curtis' room. By the way, Prof. Curtis whenever in the presence of that dame named Sugar acts like he is Cary Grant. The rest of the time, he is his normal self. Well, as normal as he can be.

As the ambulance was pulling away, up the walk came Assistant Coach Ben Johnson and Lee, er Prof. Marvin.. Again he said "Evening, ma'am".

Well my knees got weak as soon Prof. Marvin began to talk and my heart started to race as soon as he began saying that he and Johnson, after finishing telling you and Klondike about their adventure with Richard Boone and the rescue attempt, thought they should come and make sure that MrsL and I were okay given all the hoopla and sirens.

Have I told you how much I love his voice? I think MrsL likes Assistant Coach Johnson's voice almost as much (and his southern accent probably helps).

Anyways, we assured them we were just fine but they insisted we sit and relax in the cool night air. They poured us both some Bailey's on the Rocks and all four of us are sitting on the porch now swapping stories and getting to know one another.

I hope your evening has ended on as a fine a note as ours.


Posted: April 19th, 2007, 10:50 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate

Posted: April 19th, 2007, 11:46 pm
by mrsl
Geez SueSue:

At first I thought we had been found by the person who shall remain nameless, until I realized that was a quasi newspaper headline! :oops:
