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Classic Christmas Wishes

Posted: December 18th, 2007, 12:41 am
by mrsl
Anyone care to try this one?

Dear Santa:

Please bring me a set of piano key wires. Those dumb letters of transit broke two of mine while they were hidden.

Thank you,

Sam ( from the city of Casablanca)

- - - - - OR - - - - -

Dear Santa:

Please bring me a pair of warm gloves. I left mine on the roof after lunch with Richard Sumner last month just before Thanksgiving.

Thank you,

Bunny Watson ( Head historian in the Desk Set)

This is also stolen from TCM, but I thought it might be fun for a day or two.


Posted: December 21st, 2007, 10:36 am
by vallo
Dear Santa,

Please bring Rizzo's mother a new Wheelchair. the last one, somehow broke going down the stairs.


Tommy Udo

Posted: December 21st, 2007, 10:57 am
by movieman1957
Dear Santa:

I lost my eating teeth to an Indian in a poker game. (Yeah, I know...)

Looking to have a good meal again. Would you please help me?

"Noot" Gradine.
(Walter Brennan - Red River.)