"A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon" (1988)

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Re: "A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon" (1988)

Post by HoldenIsHere »

I recently purchased a digital copy of William Richert's director's cut of the movie from Amazon under the title AREN'T YOU EVEN GONNA KISS ME TONIGHT?, which was the title of Richert's novel that his screenplay was adapted from.

The director's cut restores the narration by William Richert, which was replaced by a narration by River Phoenix in the theatrical release at the insistence of 20th Century Fox. The studio decided to market the movie to a teen audience and thought that Richert's narration sounded "too grandfather like." River Phoenix was brought back a year after filming had wrapped to record his narration for the released cut.

The director's cut also fully restores Ann Magnuson's line to River Phoenix's Jimmy: "I want to f**k you."
River Phoenix's parents asked William Richert to remove the line because they thought it would hurt sixteen-year-old River's relationship with his young fan base. Richert refused to the cut the line completely, but agreed to mute the sound when Ann Magnuson says the f-word.
In the director's cut, there is no sound drop when she says the line.

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