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Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 12:44 pm
by klondike
movieman1957 wrote: I only saw Melissa Leo's appearance later but at least she looked mortified at what she said.
Well, best I can offer is that most adult Vermonters have a better sense of "Sunday Manners", which one's expected to exercise at formal social functions on any day of the week.
'Course, Ms. Leo is from Putney, former hometown of Robert Lincoln, and of our current governor, Peter Shumlin, also the poli mater of Landmark College, & of Basketville, and the birthplace of the Victorian polygamy cult known as the Perfection Communalists, the last social descendent of which is the Oneida Cutlery Company.
To say Putney is a liberal/progressive haven of Bohemian counter-culture, is like saying there are a few wealthy folks living in the Hamptons.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 1:06 pm
by knitwit45
There's a lot of 'chatter' on Facebook, that Franco was stoned...didn't watch it, so not sure about that, but Lynn said he was detached. Also heard (yahoo news) that Billy Crystal got a standing ovation, as if the audience was willing him to take over.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 1:34 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I just saw a couple of clips on the news, I thought Colin Firth's acceptance speech was fun. Oh course, that's all that the general news showed. From what I saw of the audience it all looked very packed in. Have they changed the venue, the seating layout or does it always look that cramped?

Casting a look at your predictions Lynn your were pretty spot on. Did Toy Story 3 win it's award?

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 10:28 pm
by Lzcutter
I still contend that both hosts, Franco and Hathaway, were ill-served by the writers of this show. The writers are the ones that wrote the awful banter not only between Franco and Hathaway but all the presenters' banter as well.

Everything from the bad banter between Josh Brolin and Javier Bardhem to Jude Law and Robert Downey, Jr (why is it okay for Law to rib Downey about his addiction past but Ricky G gets all but crucified by the media for doing the same thing?) to Hathaway's introduction of Gwyneth Paltrow and everything in between was scripted by a group of writers who had no idea how to write for the Oscar's award show.

I cannot remember the last time Bruce Vilanch oversaw the writing of an Oscar telecast that was well-received and was fun to watch from beginning to end. Heck, I can't even remember the last time Vilanch oversaw the writing of the telecast that didn't make me want to win the lottery so I could pay the Academy to just say no to the idea of hiring this hack back year after year.

Years ago, Vilanch could write for this show but then he was well-served by comic legends like Robin Williams, Steve Martin and Billy Crystal.

But that was then and this is the 21st century.

It's time Vilanch and his writers stopped thinking that just anyone can deliver the script and then some the way Williams, Whoopi and Billy Crystal can.

For way too many years, we've been subjected too many not-that-great Oscar telecasts because the Academy refuses to retire Vilanch from the Oscar writing room.

Please Academy, for the love of God, next year, just say NO to the idea that Vilanch should get one more shot to deliver a telecast that people from coast to coast spend the next day ripping apart.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: March 1st, 2011, 4:56 am
by charliechaplinfan
Perhaps it was Jude Law's delivery and perhaps it was seen that he had Downey Jnrs permission that was different from Ricky G. Ricky G does have a reputation for being quite cruel. I haven't seen the comments, I'm just surmising.

Re: Who's Going to Win the Oscars

Posted: March 1st, 2011, 3:08 pm
by MikeBSG
I tuned into the Oscar show about an hour into it and saw a woman pick up an Oscar for "Alice in Wonderland." (Costumes perhaps.) She read a nice little speech, praising the book (very rare) and Tim Burton and then the damn music started playing and she rushed through the names of her team.

I switched away after that, then came back and saw Hathaway talking about how she could make the beads on her dress shimmy as she moved, and I felt embarrassed for her and shut the TV off.