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Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 19th, 2013, 3:51 pm
by RedRiver
I am way behind on the news. I'm hearing murmurs of this and that. But I really don't know what's going on.

Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 19th, 2013, 4:19 pm
by JackFavell
This has got to be the saddest story I've ever heard. I've been watching the dragnet close around Dzhokar Tsarnaev since this morning. The young man seems to have had everything ahead of him. He had friends, was a mentor, and seemed like a great kid up until a year ago. Somewhere along the way he either got what they call "radicalized" or was influenced by his older brother and ended up killing a child and 4 adults, injuring hundreds. Now his life is over. I can only pray that he turns himself in, so that nothing else happens. Could he have been a victim too? Though it seems unlikely at this point. He seemed so well adjusted, from the reports of his friends who said he was always smiling, always willing to help out a younger student in their sports.

One thing that bothers me in the mostly stellar news coverage...The reporters are 'shocked' by the 'bizarre' behavior of the aunt and uncle who lived through horrific things in Chechnya, who both talk of conspiracies. Of course they do! If I'd lived in that area of the world, where some very real conspiracies have been reported, I'd be wondering about this too. Not to mention they are probably in denial in the first place.

Does anyone else think that Jake Tapper at CNN looks like John Dall? Sorry for interjecting something so light into the conversation, it just struck me and he's been on TV since this morning.

Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 20th, 2013, 7:54 am
by JackFavell
I hope what I wrote doesn't come off as me being sorry for the perpetrator of the man who hurt so many people, changed so many people's lives forever in Boston, I just think it's been such a waste on so many levels. Please understand that I was simply taken aback at this kid being the one who did it. That a kid who was said to be so well adjusted could do such a thing, who seemed to like people so much....well, I just can't get my mind around it.

It was amazing to watch the coverage and see the people of the Boston area and those who knew the boy pull together to help police, well, there was love in those acts of bravery and justice. It has been frightening, but also made me very proud of our country and citizens. I cried many a time yesterday watching the news coverage, to think of the kindness of our people, and the way law enforcement and our gov't. did everything right. There was no talk of hatred or racial tension, simply a wish to find the suspect with no vigilante justice in the air. Just an attitude of helping and trust. I'll never forget it.

Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 20th, 2013, 9:34 am
by charliechaplinfan
I was watching events unfold yesterday on our news, I know what you mean Wendy, he wasn't what I had in mind when I was wondering what kind of person or persons were responsible for the Boston bomb. Does anyone know why? What reason could they have had for something like this?

Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 20th, 2013, 10:07 am
by moira finnie
Thankfully this tragic week is almost over.

JF, I know what you mean about the youth who has been captured as a suspect, though he is lucky he was found or most likely he would be dead by now if alone. His violent actions indicate that he is an extremely dangerous individual and needs to be removed from society. Still, it may be that his life might have been different if only he had not been physically and psychologically separated from his parents and apparently under the influence of his disaffected and fanatical elder brother. I do think that conspiracy thinking may seem logical to the shocked mother and father due to their background. However, I believe it is a human instinct, not an entirely conscious choice, and easy to comprehend why the parents of both these young men cannot believe their children could be involved in such vicious heartlessness. I reserve my judgment on the full culpability of the younger Tsarnaev until more is known and the legal system presents the case for both sides. On a civil level, questions regarding where and how to find an untainted jury pool, the understandable but controversial suspension of the Miranda rights being read to Dzhokar Tsarnaev due to public safety concerns, and the ultimate impact of a city-wide lockdown are just a few of the issues that come to mind for future analysis as we try to gain perspective on this series of incidents.

In the next few days and weeks, I suspect that I will be thinking more of the dead and wounded as their families plan unexpected funerals and the living struggle to survive physically, spiritually and financially. Below is a link to Charity Navigator's assessment of various funds set up to help all those hurt: ... funds.html

Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 20th, 2013, 10:54 am
by JackFavell
Thanks for understanding my posts, Moira and Alison.

Moira, yes, you've said it exactly how I thought it, thanks for clarifying it all for me, in my mind and for everyone else. I am reserving judgement until the younger brother is questioned. Then I guess his true colors will show. His only possible redemption is to tell everything. He can still help people to understand and to never let anything like it happen again. When I think of how messed up this boy of nineteen was, I just keep thinking of that other little boy, Martin Richards who was killed. There is a photo on Reddit that shows the little boy standing excitedly on the barrier, his murderer walking right by. That puts it all into perspective for me. How Dzhokhar could see these people and be so disconnected I just don't know.

Thank you for the links to charities to help the victims. This gives us all something to contribute to, to feel we can help. It's been a scary time here in New England, but if we can keep our compassion and understanding, like people did last night, then it's going to be OK.

Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 20th, 2013, 2:15 pm
by RedRiver
It's OK to have empathy for the perpetrators as well as the victims. We're all human beings. I may be way off on this. But I bet the two men, boys ten years ago, came to America with terrorism in mind. Far-fetched? Maybe. But it's hard to believe conditions here would inspire this.

Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 20th, 2013, 2:37 pm
by JackFavell
I don't know, red, that seems far fetched to me, though I'm sure stranger things have happened. It doesn't seem to have been thought out very well, or planned from abroad. I can't imagine that they would wait ten years before making a move, especially as kids. However, the indoctrination thoughts might have been implanted at a young age. I just don't know. I also don't think it's related at all to Chechnya... unless it's in retaliation for the U.S. NOT stepping in to help over there. I think it was more likely to be Al Queda inspired, but not planned.

Interesting that the father and uncle, also two brothers, don't speak. The rift in the family certainly seems a big side could have been pro-America, the other terrorist related. But it's all conjecture. I've seen families torn apart because one sibling inherited a piece of furniture that the other wanted. Or families like mine, who simply lost touch. There's always something that can drive a wedge, so before I go jumping at conclusions, I'll just wait it out and see if this is ever explained.

Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 20th, 2013, 2:52 pm
by RedRiver
You're probably right, now that I reconsider. My theory is quite a reach.

I've seen families torn apart because one sibling inherited a piece of furniture that the other wanted

I inherited a dog. But nobody else really wanted her!

Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 20th, 2013, 3:48 pm
by mrsl
Except for my therapy, I've barely been away from my TV, and this coverage, but somehow, I missed info on the older brother. How fanatic was he? I don't believe the two boys planed this together, especially now that they've found lots more bombs ready to be used. Someone had to be a leader and giving instructions to both of them. As for Dzhokar, JF said: "How Dzhokhar could see these people and be so disconnected I just don't know." I agree, but a sad part of this is that none of us know how he feels, he may have been totally torn up by what he saw he did, and ran from fear of the retaliation he knew would be forthcoming. Trust me, I would not want to be the one to question him, but I do hope that whoever does will be intelligent enough to get information out of him so we can learn what protection we need, and where (city, state, public events, etc.). A lot of baseball openings are coming up, as well as Memorial Day and July 4th activities where thousands of people will be gathering. It's almost fearful to go grocery shopping. This kid has to be treated with kid gloves so he opens up to the authorities - We need him alive and well. I realize I'm being completely selfish about this, but I think we have to be.

Re: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Posted: April 20th, 2013, 5:28 pm
by JackFavell
Could Shug break up a family? pull one together more likely. :D