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Posted: March 19th, 2008, 2:27 pm
by Avalon
charliechaplinfan wrote:a fellow fan told me if you look close enough he is indeedwithout costume
Is it wrong that I now want this on DVD, to check? :lol:

Posted: May 19th, 2008, 3:59 am
by myrnaloyisdope
Any movie that involves a Triad gang war gets a thumbs up from me. But when that Triad gang war is in a Buster Keaton film from 1928 that makes the film an instant classic.

It's not my favorite Keaton, I like Steamboat Bill Jr. and The General more, but it's definitely one of his best, and most consistent films.

Posted: May 19th, 2008, 5:18 am
by drednm
One of my favorite Buster Keaton films....

Re: Buster Keaton in The Cameraman (1928)

Posted: March 26th, 2011, 9:17 pm
by Rita Hayworth
charliechaplinfan wrote:Hi I've just joined. Despite the name I'm a huge fan of Buster too. The Cameraman is one of my favorite Keaton films. He plays the slightly eccentric person who you're never sure if you should befriend. The sweetness of this comedy and the lightness of touch in showing Buster's love for Marcelline and her growing love for him, how expressive is the scene were he sniffs her hair when he first meets her.

Couple that with the riotous scenes in the public baths and his ride on a fire engine. This is one of the most perfect comedies ever made.
movieman1957 wrote:Another Keaton gem. Sometimes I like the most subtle bits. One of my favorites, and it caught me by surprise when I first saw it, was the ride on the fire truck.

That he jumps on in the hopes of a big story only to wind up back at the station is funny. His reaction is priceless. That he mounted the camera on the side of the truck was ahead of its time (I think.)

I paid a lot for the VHS tape some years back. I'm glad I did. It was one of the few times I talked myself into something because I thought I may never get another chance.

Wonderful movie.
Damfino wrote: I love The Cameraman, it is a perfect film in the real sense. I do find the scene in the changing room very painful to watch though.
Earlier today, I went to a friend's house to watch this Buster Keaton's movie "The Camerman" made back in 1928 and its on DVD and got a laugh watching it. I finally figured out how people here do multiple quotes ... I wholeheartedly agree with charliechaplinfan, movieman1957, and Damfino comments about this wonderful movie.

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