Discussion of the actors, directors and film-makers who 'made it all happen'
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Post by mongoII »

Thanks Fernando. You have a good eye since that is indeed Katy Jurado. Perhaps I need new glasses.

Carole Lombard & Robert Montgomery raising hell on the set

Frank Sinatra actually out at a club with his first wife Nancy

Gorgeous Sheree North preparing to go on a show

Child actress Beverly Washburn at Warner Bros. studio and at an autograph convention

James Stewart with Karolyn Grimes as 'Zuzu" in "It's a Wonderful Life" and all grown up

6 yr. old darling Shirley Temple in a chair on the set and in 2005. She is now 80

Make-up artist Jack Pierce (left) creating the Frankenstein Monster (Karloff)

Jack Pierce applying the top of Karloff's head as the Frankenstein monster

Lon Chaney Jr. becoming the Wolf Man at the hands of Jack Pierce
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Post by Vecchiolarry »

Hi Everyone,

Thanks Joe, for the pleasant pictures of Marie Windsor and Nancy Sinatra, Sr. (the only decent Sinatra).

I had to laugh at the picture of George Sanders and then seeing Zsa Zsa and her prince. It's as if Georgie is having the last laugh - - go back and have a look at ZZ and then GS and you'll see what I mean!!!
George Sanders was more of a prince than Freddie ever will be....

Roxanne Arlen was a singer, dancer, entertainer around town and in NYC and London. She travelled with some big shows in the 50's.
In the 60's she was a headliner in Las Vegas, in the smaller lounges, a sort of mini Hildegard or Dagmar.
She was a great friend of Ann Warner and you can see her in "Gypsy" as one of the strippers who advise Natalie Wood. She's the one with the light bulbs!!!
She was said to be in love with Cesar Romero.
I don't know if she's still alive but she would be in her 70's now...

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Post by rudyfan »

mongoII wrote: Image
Gina Lollobrigida & Burt Lancaster on the set of "Trapeze"
I think this is Katy Jurado

More awesome pics, I love this thread and can't thank you enough!
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Post by charliechaplinfan »

mongoII wrote:
Hollywood's Tarzan Johnny Weissmuller cooling off

I never knew that Johnny Weismuller had a resemblance to Cary Grant, maybe it's just me who sees it, I could have sworn it was Cary until I scrolled down to reveal the name.
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Post by mongoII »

Larry, thanks for the additional info regarding Roxanne Arlen.
Sorry to report that she died in London at age 58 in 1989.

Thanks Donna, however Fernando's keen eye already alerted me to the error as posted above.

Thanks CCfan, but I will stick to Johnny Weissmuller on this one.
Joanne Woodward soothing Paul Newman on the set of "Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys!"

Catcher Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and wife Joan Crawford hoping for a home run.

Lucille Ball and mom Desiree tickling the ivories

Shirley MacLaine and daughter Sachi clowning around.

Mermaid Esther Williams in the company of actor Kenneth Branagh.

Jackie Cooper going wild on drums impressing Janis Page.

Director William Wellman with J. Carrol Naish on the set of "Acoss the Wide Missouri"

Geraldine Page & James Dean during a break from stage work

It's Katharine Hepburn exposing some skin.

Rita Hayworth as "The Strawberry Blonde", James Cagney & Olivia de Havilland

Brando visits director Fred Zinnemann & Montgomery Clift on the set of "From Here to Eternity"

Director George Stevens cues Rock Hudson in "Giant"
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Post by charliechaplinfan »

More great pics Mongo.

I wasn't doubting you about Johnny Weissmuller, I was surprised that I could see a resemblance to Cary. In fact I showed the picture to hubby without telling him who it was, he said Victor Mature :roll: so I prompted him with Cary Grant, it couldn't possibly be in his mind as Cary Grant is scrawny :? not in my mind 8)
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Post by knitwit45 »

Hi Joe.
Love the picture of Katherine Hepburn. She looks totally relaxed and actually happy. So many of her photos seem to show a pinched look, like she wasn't quite comfortable in her own skin.

Thanks for all the work you put into this thread, it's my morning starter!

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The way we cope with it, is what makes the difference." ~ Virginia Satir
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Post by klondike »

Hey, Mongo, as ever, great pix!
Speaking once again of uncanny resemblences, I was blown away by how much starlet Susan Peters' reminds one of modern-day starlet Christina Applegate!
I mean, adjusting for haircolor & lifetime dates, they could almost be sisters!

Post by jdb1 »

You know, watching the seemingly 24/7 cable broadcasts of House lately, I've been thinking that Hugh Laurie, now out of the Upperclass Twit persona we are accustomed to seeing him in from various films and Britcoms, reminds me of someone.

Now I know who Laurie, as the snarling Dr. House, brings to mind: Boris Karloff. Take a look at the photo above of Karloff in the makeup chair, sans shirt.
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Post by mongoII »

Thanks Nancy. I too thought that Katharine Hepburn looked unusually at ease in thet image.

Klondike, it's amazing how we notice the resemblances of stars to other stars as with Susan Peters to Christina Applegate,
CCfan's Cary Grant to Johnny Weissmuller and Judith's Hugh Laurie to Boris Karloff.
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Post by charliechaplinfan »

Judith, you're right. I know I've said it before but wheneve I put a Fred Astaire movie on when my husband's in the vicinity he always comments on the resemblance to Stan Laurel. Runis the magic of the dancing, therefore I view in private :lol:

Is that a Santa Claus I spy up there Klondike :roll: how many days, my daughter is the expert :wink:
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Post by mongoII »

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Joe aka Mongo


Una Merkel & Lana Turner taking a break beween takes on "The Merry Widow"

Movie star Lew Ayres in a 1930s pose.

Pamela Tiffin & Marcello Mastroianni rehearsing a scene (1965)

Sterling character actor Henry Travers (Clarence in "It's a Wonderful Life")

Grand portly actor Laird Cregar (died from extreme diet at age 28)

Delightful comedic character actor Franklin Pangborn

Actor Richard Arlen snoozing on his deck

Gorgeous Ava Gardner curled up with a good book

Movie legend Richard Widmark on the set

Silent screen star Rudolph Valentino with boxing champ Jack Dempsey

Ann Blyth, Jack Benny, Paul Douglas, Irene Dunne, William Holden & Loretta Young in the obscure anti-communist featurette "You Can Change the World" (1951)

It's delightful Mae Questal the voice of Betty Boop, Olive Oyl, Little Audrey & Little Lulu

Happy Thanksgiving from Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy

MM: 'The glory of the turkey is the drumstick, and the glory of the pumpkin is the pie'

A blonde Barbara Bates talking turkey

Adorable child star Sybil Jason and as she appeared recently.

Sybil Jason & Shirley Temple in "The Little Princess"

This handsome little guy danced his way to success as Fred Astaire

Cammie King as Bonnie Blue Butler in GWTW and as she is today

Kirk Douglas reunited with "Spartacus" co-star Jean Simmons

Liza Minnelli embraces her dad, director Vincente Minnelli

Shirley Temple cuddles up to first husband John Agar

It's lusty Diana Dors, Britians answer to Marilyn Monroe

Sex goddess Mae West during her muscle man club act

Brassy blonde actress Barbara Nichols

A jubilant Audrey Hepburn after she won her Oscar in 1955

Beautiful couple Lana Turner & Tyrone Power playing in Mexico

The Creature from the Black Lagoon hitting on Julie Adams

Henry Fonda in tights? Emmett Kelly out of clown make-up!

Beautiful model/actress Suzy Parker with great dogs

It's lover Errol Flynn on the set of "Don Juan"...what else?
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Post by moira finnie »

mongoII wrote:Image
Ann Blyth, Jack Benny, Paul Douglas, Irene Dunne, William Holden & Loretta Young in the obscure anti-communist featurette "You Can Change the World" (1951)
Wow :shock:
Joe, have you actually seen this brief movie directed by Leo McCarey, (in what I regard as the dark, later years of his career)?? From the descriptions on IMDb, it sounds like a doozie! I like this part of one reviewer's comments about the apolitical Jack Benny's odd presence here:
"Benny seems annoyed that he has to host and listen to the 20 minute anti-communist sermon given by a rather nervous and witless Catholic Priest. The guest stars, like Loretta Young and William Holden remind one of Prisoners of War who are forced to recite confessions."
The poster's description of "a rather nervous and witless Catholic Priest" is referring to Father James Keller, a Maryknoll priest & founder of The Christophers, a group that made inspirational programming for tv for several decades. He was big among the Hollywood types such as Young, Dunne, Crosby, etc., who attended "Our Lady of the Cadillacs" aka The Church of the Blessed Sacrament, in LA. I saw Fr. Keller speak as a child. He was not entirely witless, but his voice quavered so much I thought he was about to burst into tears.

Gee, someone should issue this along with My Son John on a dvd together. I LOVE the Laurel and Hardy as pilgrims picture! Thank you so much for finding that one.
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Post by myrnaloyisdope »

Here's You Can Change The World on youtube:

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Post by mongoII »

Thanks Moira.

I've never heard of the featurette until I came acoss the image that I posted.

Many thanks to MyrnaLoy for supplying us with a copy of the short from YouTube.
Although it was nice seeing all those stars gathered together the film is quite dated although the message was clear.
Last edited by mongoII on November 29th, 2008, 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joseph Goodheart