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Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 12:07 am
by Birdy
TOOOOOOO funny. You just made my whiny a** day much brighter.

And you notice what a truly smart dog he was - he ate the porkchop and not the cat!


(Fur is so hard to floss out.)

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 12:09 am
by Mr. Arkadin
Hey now, as a wise man once said:Can't we all get along?


Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 12:13 am
by Birdy
That's a great shot of a truly annoyed (but not the least bit frightened) cat.

By the way, from my needy description of dogs, I just made a huge leap of self analysis and discovered that I've married one. Maybe that's why dogs get on my nerves so much.

(In case you've forgotten I do love my dogs and cry at all scenes of Lassie.) B

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 7:11 am
by silentscreen
Birdy wrote:That's a great shot of a truly annoyed (but not the least bit frightened) cat.

By the way, from my needy description of dogs, I just made a huge leap of self analysis and discovered that I've married one. Maybe that's why dogs get on my nerves so much.

(In case you've forgotten I do love my dogs and cry at all scenes of Lassie.) B
Well dogs are more needy, and that can be a hassle at times, but cats don't need anyone. From my perspective only, I want a pet who shows me that they appreciate what I do for them. Once you establish with the dog that you're the "Alpha", you usually don't have a lot of problems with obiedience. (Well, food is a different story and a powerful temptation for them.) With cats being such independent little cusses, it's harder to make that kind of connection.

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 8:31 am
by klondike
silentscreen wrote: Once you establish with the dog that you're the "Alpha", you usually don't have a lot of problems with obiedience. (Well, food is a different story and a powerful temptation for them.)
Very true, and blessedly so!
Unfortunately, among the very few exceptions to that steadfast rule, are the handful of "primitive northern breeds" (cynologically speaking, the Arctic varieties of the Spitz type) which, wouldn't ya know (cue bugles), includes that King of the Working Breeds, that Clown Prince of the Show Ring, that Workhorse of the Yukon Territory: the Alaskan Malamute.
Which means, about once every 5 weeks or so my personal companion, Cascade's Flint Harpoon [a.k.a. Cpl. Herbert Lickett, RCMP, or simply "Flint"], challenges my dominance in any number of delightfully ambitious, little ways . . mind you, he doesn't necessarily want to take over, he just wants to make absolutely sure that the toughest male is running the household (i.e., pack).
It was easier when I had a kennel full of these guys; out of an average of 17 dogs, there were always about 6 or 7 males big enough to challenge the pack chief, which kept him busy enough so that he only challenged my authority a couple times per year!

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 1:28 pm
by jdb1
Just to clarify, Klonny, I'm sure you are aware that this Alpha thing is not restricted to males of any species.

Out Late Beautiful Maggie was most definitely an Alpha Female, was the Queen of the Hill (a/k/a/ Sheepshead Bay Road), and took no guff from any other dog, male or female. There wasn't a canine of any size in the neighborhood who did not defer to Queen Margaret.

Although we had a dog trainer work with us when we first got the wild girl, who was about 18 months when we adopted her from a shelter, on many days it was contest to see who was going to get her way, Maggie or me. She challenged my Pack Leader status constantly, but generally in a civil way. Sometimes I had to be firmer than firm with her, and she indulged me, even though I knew, big girl that she was, she didn't give a darn if she got smacked. Don't tell me dogs aren't capable of a mocking stare. She was not so civil to any neighborhood dogs unwise enough to challenge her.

Maggie's good nature and innate strength of character kept her from getting too physical with us, even when she felt she was in the right. The lady was a sweet as pie to us, but she was nobody's fool. That's why we loved her, and that's why we miss her.

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 2:41 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Ah, what a lovely story about Maggie, she sounds such a sweetheart and such a big hole to fill. Are you looking for another dog to fill the gap she left or is it unfillable?

I feel I have to stand up for the felines of this world. I do really like dogs but when we moved here it was impossible to keep one as we worked too long hours and had nobody to walk him/her if we worked away which was always a possibility. So we have our two lovely cats who are pampered and just like children, they aren't independent at all, they're soft, mushy balls of fur who have definite personalities and character traits. I think when a cat is neutered as a kitten they never get out of being softies.

As for getting a dog these days I just couldn't disrupt Fred and Claude any further, they've looked in dismay as I've brought home 2 babies, a dog at this stage of their lives wouldn't be appreciated.

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 3:20 pm
by melwalton
This past year, i've had two hip replacement operations each with a month or so in rehab. been in the hospital with pneumonia. am fighting a virus that causes coughing spells, have been forcing myself to eat,

Jean's had an operation, pneumonia is now awaiting results of exrays. we each take a handful of pills daily. she's taking pain pills with the others.

I thank the Lord, Jesus, we're still alive.

Of, course, I knock wood. also. ...

Count your blessings you'll feel better. ..mel

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 3:43 pm
by moira finnie
I'm so glad that you have the strength to post here. Your sense of humor, observational appreciations and warmth are what usually come through in all your posts. Now I see that there was a certain ragged bravery as well. Please take care of yourself and your Jean. I'll be thinking of you as you climb that mountain every dang day. Thanks--more than ever--for sharing your thoughts with us.
Moira :wink:

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 3:47 pm
by Birdy
Mel - KEEP FORCING YOURSELF TO's hard to enjoy classic movies when you keep nodding off due to lack of nutrition.

Seriously, I hope you get your appetite back soon. After my recent deal, all I want to eat is ice cream and that's making me sick.

The best to you and Jean and I hope spring brings renewed health.

PS If anyone wants to send me ice cream, I'll force it down.

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 3:49 pm
by klondike
melwalton wrote:
Count your blessings you'll feel better. ..mel
Thanks for those words, Mel, and bless you!
My Gram used to say that character was the hardest thing to build, and was the only thing guaranteed to last you forever.

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 3:51 pm
by Birdy
A bright note about our spunky young cats - we've yet to feed them any people food so they could care less when we eat. This is great, because to eat around our old cats required ammunition (spray bottle) and a guard if you needed to get up from the table. I'm tempted to give the new gals a morsel or two, but will resist now that I've learned!

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 3:57 pm
by knitwit45
Hi Mel. I think about you often, and hope this Spring will bring blessings to us all. Klonnie needs to remember how to breathe, Birdy, you and your dear Jean need health to return, and all of us need each other!

Best to you


p.s. If anyone wants to send Klonnie a kitten for comfort, I'll pay the postage!!!!! :P :P :P :P

Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 4:08 pm
by jdb1
knitwit45 wrote:Hi Mel. I think about you often, and hope this Spring will bring blessings to us all. Klonnie needs to remember how to breathe, Birdy, you and your dear Jean need health to return, and all of us need each other!

Best to you


p.s. If anyone wants to send Klonnie a kitten for comfort, I'll pay the postage!!!!! :P :P :P :P
I second your kind thoughts to our friends, Knitty.

And I've also thought more than once that Klonny and Evil Monty (the Feline-American) might hit it off, both being men's men and all. Monty would probably enjoy a night at the tavern -- heaven knows he seems pretty exasperated at being cooped up with us women all the time. He's not much of a beer drinker, though -- he looks more like one of those men who've suddenly switched to vodka. :wink:


Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 4:10 pm
by melwalton

Thank you so very much. Your very nice thoughts are deeply appreciated. You are so very nice, .... mel