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Re: The whiny thread

Posted: April 29th, 2011, 9:24 am
by charliechaplinfan
Larry, I'm sorry you've been ill, I've been away or would have noticed sooner. All the best from me in sunny old England.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: April 29th, 2011, 11:23 am
by moira finnie
Larry, thanks for checking in with your good news. It sounds as though you only need to be gentle to your body for awhile and let it heal with time now. Take care, please.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: April 29th, 2011, 5:56 pm
by charliechaplinfan
My husband is a teacher who teaches IT (information technology) in schools and despite him putting all the parental controls on our children's shared computer an image has come through via a pop up of a very compromising act between a woman and a man, that hasn't caused distress but bemusement to our children, who can't believe what they've seen. I don't want to say what on our forum but it makes me realise how protective we have to be.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: April 29th, 2011, 10:34 pm
by Vecchiolarry
Hi Alison,

I sometimes cannot believe what comes over my computer. I am not a porno seeker, viewer, afficianado, but several times in the past 3 years, I've been sent filth that I cannot get out of.
I press the 'X' but only get dozens more sites (I think they come from Russia or Belarus). Once I ended up with some 800 porno sites on my file listing and prayed none of them was "kiddie porn"...
If the police had raided my place, I would be in jail today as a pedophile.
I couldn't delete them for the love of Mike....

Thank God I have an eighteen year old nephew who's a computer genius and he remedied my file situation.
And also, I have a good friend who's a police officer and who's 7 year old twins I sometimes babysit, so I have that as backup!! They know I'm not a pedophile....

I hope you can remedy your "dirty viewing" site from the kids. They don't need to see filth at their age.


Re: The whiny thread

Posted: April 29th, 2011, 10:41 pm
by movieman1957
My niece when she was a young teen was on my dad's computer and doing some research on the government. Well, using a .com rather than a .gov makes a huge difference. She came out of the room white as she could be. We had a good laugh trying to ease her embarrassment and it worked but she sure was afraid she was in trouble.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: April 30th, 2011, 1:06 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Your poor niece, it's very frightening when you think about it, I think my kids thought that it was a joke, too young to know anything of male/female relations and certainly nothing of this ilk. Poor Libby has been gagging thinking about it which gives you a good idea about what she saw.

Larry, my husband always said that if sites like that pop up, hit the off button, it's the only way to get rid of them, they are worrying, especially when they get through the filters.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 10:25 am
by JackFavell
Why would people even send this stuff out to people they know don't want it? I once had to ask my husband about some pictures that popped up when I pulled up a history and got tons of dirty pictures, which were already on our computer. He had never seen any of it before and I totally believe him, he was quite shocked at them.They were on the family computer. That's when he started installing pop-up protection devices on the computer. We have at least three types of protection now and have no trouble at all since.

Once, my hubby borrowed a USB from a guy at work to bring home a kids movie for Alice and the guy had all these porn things on it as well...geez, if you are going to lend out something like that, wouldn't you be embarrassed to leave that stuff on there, especially if it's to be near a kid? My husband gave him a very stern talking to, as it would have been available for my daughter to see had she been standing there when dad opened up what he thought was an innocuous kids movie to download! To me that is an "accident" pretty unforgivable.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 1:12 pm
by charliechaplinfan
That's awful Wendy, any responsible person would have made absolutely sure nothing like that was on something they'd lent out.

A couple of weeks ago I was looking for something on ebay, Chris and I share an account and under recently searched for items it said big boobs, it was laughable really and I saw the funny side of it,as it was he hadn't used the account for ages but it made me wary that perhaps someone else had.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: May 1st, 2011, 4:41 pm
by JackFavell
I't's all a learning process for us. I had no idea that hidden things might be uploaded onto your computer without you knowimg about it. This year seems to be the one for us to get attacked... maybe because our computer is a couple years old now.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: May 27th, 2011, 3:56 pm
by Vecchiolarry

As some of you know:
Instead of going to the TCM Film Festival and having everything ready for "GO"; I had a spinal-tap to test for possible meningitis as a result of E-Coli bacteria, which could have been caused by infected walnuts....

Had the procedure, which was uncomfortable but not too painful. One day in hospital and then a week at home. Everything came out fine and I'm OK.

2 weeks ago, I tripped and fell down an escalator in a major department store here in Calgary.
I very badly cut my left elbow open and bruised my left hip and leg (talk about black & blue & painful)... The whole place came to a stop and paramedics came and away I went once again to the same hospital!!! Some of the same nurses - it was just like 'old home week'...
Another overnight stay and now I'm home again, very sore and limping and my left arm just now starting to come back to normal.
My hip and leg are now a gastly greenish yellow and some mauve - it looks like a very bad Van Gogh.....

I have already told Lynn and Nancy about this in answer to their E-Mails to me; but wasn't going to bother the rest of you with it, until Christy posted on her thread about my not being able to attend the Festival.
So, I thought I'd let it all out....

All I can say is to repeat my favourite Joan Davis line from one of her movies: "Thank God I landed on my head; I could have broken my legs!!"....


Re: The whiny thread

Posted: May 27th, 2011, 4:08 pm
by JackFavell
Larry, I am so sorry to hear of another fall and injury - your good humor about it is wonderful. :D

I fell twice a couple of years ago, and ended up with some more long term balance problems. Maybe I should say that balance issues might have been the problem from the beginning, it's hard to tell. Make sure they check your ears, eyes and head for balance related issues, and concussion. I am sure you are getting the best treatment, but it never hurts to have your inner ear looked at, or eyes.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: May 27th, 2011, 4:33 pm
by moira finnie
Larry, I'm so glad that you are not in the hospital but are home instead. Please give yourself some time to heal. Bruises fade, but we really need you to take care of yourself. Maybe you could treat yourself to that TCM Cruise in December as well as attending the festival next April. I hear it's going to be fun and you definitely deserve some fun.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: May 27th, 2011, 5:34 pm
by mongoII

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: May 27th, 2011, 9:37 pm
by Vecchiolarry

Thanks for the good wishes.

I don't think I'll go on that cruise, Moira. 4 days is too short a cruise for all the travelling and expense to get there and back.
I am thinking about a 35 day cruise from Capetown to Singapore, leaving on December 22nd.
Also, some friends in NYC want me to come there in September. So, I might do that...


Re: The whiny thread

Posted: May 28th, 2011, 1:00 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Larry, I'm sorry you've been suffering. That fall sounded very nasty. Please take care and eat no more walnuts.