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A Christmas Carol

Posted: October 21st, 2007, 11:05 pm
by markfp
This week, VCI Entertainment is releasing it's new 2-disc "restored" version of the Alistair Sim classic. It's suppose to be restored from the original negs. It's a strange mixture though. It includes the new version twice. Once in the original 1.33 ratio and again in 1.77. Also included is the colorized version (GAG!!!) and the the PD film "Scrooge" starring Seymour Hicks.

I'm hoping that the new version will really be great. It's certainly a favorite film of mine. If it's not great, but still better than what's been out there, I'll still be happy. I was going to wait until I read reviews of the DVD, but couldn't resist when I saw selling it for only $12.44 (list $19.95). I got a notice it's been shipped so I should have it in a few days. Will keep you all posted.

Posted: October 22nd, 2007, 6:37 pm
by markfp
Although the Alistair Sim version is my favorite, I do like the George C. Scott one too. Usually somebody will have it on sale at Christmas time, so I may just pick it up myself this year.

Posted: October 22nd, 2007, 8:02 pm
by CharlieT
Although no version is perfect, I do prefer the Alistair Sim version. It was the version that "turned me on" to this wonderful classic. I try my best to catch any offering of A Christmas Carol that is being aired regardless of who is playing the role of crusty old Ebenezer. (With the possible exception of Kelsey Grammer.)

I do have one animated version on VHS that my daughter always thought was a real hoot. Scrooge has a uni-brow, much of the furniture is fifties plastic and chrome, and Tiny Tim's biggest line to Bob Cratchit comes at the Christmas dinner table when he says, "Cut that sucker, Dad!" - referring to the turkey provided by the reformed Scrooge.

I don't really mind the colorized version of the Alistair Sim Carol, but I really prefer and enjoy more the original B&W copy.

Posted: October 22nd, 2007, 9:07 pm
by knitwit45
When I was a child, (dinosaurs were just going over the hill) my elementary school showed Heidi, Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, and the Alistair Sim version of A Christmas Carol each year just before Christmas Vacation...NOT "Winter Break".

The Sim version has always been my favorite, but has anyone else ever watched the Reginald Owen version? I think it was made around 1938??
It is very faithful to the book, and Mr. Owen is fantastic as "The Scrooge".

Posted: October 22nd, 2007, 9:24 pm
by CharlieT
The '38 version is a lot of fun. Gene Lockhart and his wife Kathleen bring a different life to the Crachits. I do have a little trouble believing that Scrooge would spend more for a hat than he pays Bob Cratchit for a week's salary. Doesn't sound very parsimonious. In this version, Scrooge shows up at the Cratchit house on Christmas day, which doesn't happen in the book. But this version also has one of the best presentations of nephew Fred's speech about his feelings about Christmas - and that is my favorite speech from the book. Also, the Cratchit home seems to represent a little more affluence than it should.

That being said, it is still in my top 5 for favorite versions of the Dickens classic. It is my wife's favorite version, so we don't argue over watching this every year.

Posted: October 24th, 2007, 12:53 am
by markfp
It arrived and it's BEAUTIFUL!!! I've seen the film on the big screen in 35mm and it never looked as good as this version. Well done, VCI.

Can't say I like the alternate "widescreen" version, but I suppose those folks who have big tv's and want to fill every inch, will be happy with it.

The colorized version is the same one VCI released in the past and shows up on tv every year. Enough said about that.

The Seymour Hicks film is about what you'd expect from a PD version and VCI hasn't done anything to improve it. There are other extras but I haven't watched them yet.

At deepdiscount's $12.44 price, I think it's a bargain. You can't go wrong with this one.

Posted: October 24th, 2007, 12:54 pm
by sandykaypax
Oooh, now I can't wait to run out and get it! The Sim version is my favorite of the traditional versions. I hope that the picture quality is better than my old VHS tape.

My favorite non-traditional versions are Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol and The Muppet Christmas Carol (strangely enough, VERY faithful to the book!).

Sandy K

Posted: November 19th, 2007, 11:05 pm
by CharlieT
I just bought the Ultimate Collector's Edition of A Christmas Carol (1951), although I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. It's the same one offered by TCM in its shopping newsletter - and the same one that started this thread. It was $13.72 at Wal-Mart, but I got 10% off because my wife works there.

I will probably start my viewing of all my versions of the Dickens favorite on Friday, continuing until I've seen all of my copies at least twice each. Throw in A Christmas Story, The Bishop's Wife and Miracle on 34th Street, and I'll be happy as a pig in mud. :lol: