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Posted: October 29th, 2007, 5:23 pm
by melwalton
to all:
saw this on another site. ...'What in your opinion is the best and worst horror movies?' ... I typed this:
best: 'the Uninvited'. 'The Haunting' ( the one with Julie Harris ) ...
worst: 'The Omen', 'The Haunting' ( the one with Vincent Price )...I've seen only a few horror movies, I'm sure there are worse ones than these. ...Always glad to hear others opinions. mel

Posted: October 29th, 2007, 5:48 pm
by mrsl
Hi Mel:

Now this is where the finite line comes into play between horror and scary in a movie.

To me The Uninvited, The Haunting, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and Ghost Breakers are all solid scary ghost stories. They keep you scared until the end.

As for horror - The Thing (original w/James Arness), Them, and Jaws are all horror movies. They have an inhuman element that wrecks havoc and the humans have to figure out a way to overcome them.

Then around the mid-70's the horror movie turned more into bloodthirsty carnage. Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Poltergeist, etc. are all ghost stories that turn into horror then finally into bloodthirsty.

They suddenly changed from scary movies into thermometers of how much your nerves could take, or your eyes could see. I guess the Exorcist started it. As I've said before, all the originals of the ones I mentioned are good solid scary movies, but when they started making Parts 2 and 3 , they became a race to who could spread the most blood and guts. We're still in that stage, I shudder to think what this new remade Halloween will be.

Trust me, rent the movies I mentioned in the beginning (paragraphs 2 and 3), make some popcorn, turn off the lights, light some candles and run them, except for Mrs. Muir, the other(pre-1970's) will definitely make your skin crawl, and have your wife or girlfriend reaching out for your hand at least.



Posted: October 29th, 2007, 8:02 pm
by melwalton
Hi Anne,...Nice to hear from you. ....I get your meaning, I was taking a rather broad view which could make things a little confusing. I did see the ones you mentioned except for 'Nightmare' and 'Halloween'. I know I'm weird but I wasn't scared by any of them. Only movie that ever scared me was 'The Others', Some scenes made me jump, in 'Psycho' and 'The Uninvited' but I wasn't really scared, I would put 'The Uninvited' and 'The Haunting' on a best picture list. I thought that one about exorcism nauseous. You mentioned 'The Ghost Breakers'. Was that the one with Bob Hope and Anthony Quinn where Paulette Goddard had to go to an island inhabited by zombies? I liked the opening scene with Willie Best and Jack Norton and the bit about ventriloquism. Another one I liked, I've forgotten the title was about a father's obsession with his dead daughter who appeared to him. Ray Milland , Gene Tierney and Don Murray were in it. cheers, ..mel


Posted: October 29th, 2007, 8:48 pm
by melwalton
Hi, John.
Daughter of the Mind, from 1969. Yes, thank you. I liked it ... It didn't exactly fit in the category, I thought it interesting....mel