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John Adams Miniseries

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 11:34 pm
by Lzcutter
I can't believe that Mr Cutter and I are the only folks watching and enjoying this wonderful miniseries.

The score is awesome. They must have temped the series to Last of the Mohicians by Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman.

The sets are incredible and watching the Continental Congress in action on Sunday night I kept expecting to hear the delegates yell "Sit Down, John!" and "The Great State of New York abstains!".

But "1776" aside, this is quite a good series.

Oh, and did I mention Danny Huston as Sam Adams? :)

Posted: March 19th, 2008, 7:01 am
by klondike
Your surprise is well-founded, Lynn; in particular, I have no excuse to be missing it either, especially as that giant poster down at the B.F. post office has been advertising it for nearly 2 months now!
Oh, wait . . son's wedding on Sunday, drank like a wild celt all day St. Paddy's, on road all day yesterday . . I guess I do have some excuses, after all . . but I still wish I'd at least remembered to record it, as I am a journeymen founding-fatherite, and a BIG fan of 1776.
Now I'll have to catch it somewhere else! Curses! :x

Posted: March 19th, 2008, 8:07 am
by movieman1957
Most of these series wind up on "On Demand" if you have it. That's where I plan to catch it. I've heard a lot of good things.

Posted: March 19th, 2008, 9:20 am
by jdb1
I watched a bit of it last night. I like the fact that things and people look natural and unglamorized, which helps to give the proceedings a more immediate and realistic feel.

I'm not so sure about Giammati as Adams, though . . . . . . I frankly think he would be better suited to playing Franklin. Part of the problem, of course, is that William Daniels as Adams is imprinted upon most of us (with a side order of Anthony Hopkins). What I saw of Giammati's rhetoric wouldn't have convinced me to vote "Yea" on independency.

Posted: March 19th, 2008, 6:26 pm
by Ollie
As much as I want to watch it, my wife Cruella won't allow it. She is quite firm about restricting my viewing habits - always spouting something about my historic tendency with other costume dramas, especially those involving tri-cornered hats, britches with leggings and any show with powdered wigs. It's not like photos with the BoPeep costume or the French Upstairs Maid outfit ever made it to print, after all...

Posted: March 19th, 2008, 9:46 pm
by klondike
Ollie wrote:As much as I want to watch it, my wife Cruella won't allow it. She is quite firm about restricting my viewing habits - always spouting something about my historic tendency with other costume dramas, especially those involving tri-cornered hats, britches with leggings and any show with powdered wigs. It's not like photos with the BoPeep costume or the French Upstairs Maid outfit ever made it to print, after all...

Lucius & Fabian just called from their basement apartment to tell me they bought those photos from Norm McDonald, but they "are not worrrrrthy!"

Posted: March 20th, 2008, 3:55 pm
by mrsl
Hey Lynn:

I haven't mentioned it because I seem to be spouting a lot about TV specials lately and don't want to bore anyone.

The one who is really doing a great job IMO is Laura Linney. She doesn't give a hoot what she looks like, the role seems to be the thing for her. When she's on screen, I'm only watching her.

I also feel Giamatti would be better as Ben Franklin, but if he carries the same strength through to the end, then I'll bite my tongue. :cry:


Posted: March 22nd, 2008, 1:30 am
by Lzcutter

I agree that Laura Linney is great. I've liked her from the early days of her career in "Tales of the City" and I have enjoyed watching her evolve as an actress.

I think she is doing some great work in this miniseries.

Am looking forward to Sunday night.

Posted: March 22nd, 2008, 2:10 pm
by mrsl
Part II was good but a little long in the tooth for me. I admit I dozed sitting up in my chair for a few minutes. There was a short volley back and forth where voices were neutral with little inflection.

One thing that irritates me to no end is the way they list the names of the cast. I have no idea who most of these people are, and who is playing what. I was shocked to learn that one of my favorite 'supporting players', David Morse is playing George Washington - I did not recognize him at all. I looked up the cast on the HBO site, but they only show the main 8 players, and I still don't know half of them. IN fact, Laura Linney is the reason I tuned in at all, because I like her immensely, I still couldn't tell you who Paul Giamatti is or what he's done in the past, apparently I need a score card. It's truly a shame how few actors under 30 have made any impact on me recently to the extent that I recognize them by name. I would say only about 10 actually stand out and away from the rest of the pack in my estimation.

Just about 20 years ago, I noticed the fellow who played Gordon Cooper in The Right Stuff, I got his name and I've been watching for him ever since. It is Dennis Quaid, and I am waiting for that one part that sets him off. He may never get it, but I rarely miss a performance by him, because he has been improving ever since that first time I noticed him. That's what I mean when I say nobody stands out from the rest.


Posted: March 22nd, 2008, 8:08 pm
by jdb1
I agree, Anne, that David Morse is virtually unrecognizable with the false nose and chin. He is even using a somewhat different speaking voice. I imagine this is because his natural voice is rather hoarse (sexily hoarse, I'd say), and he wants to sound older and more authoritative. If it weren't for his height, I might not have known it was the Boomer.

I don't really know most of the other actors, and it is hard to tell one from the other with them all adopting English-American hybrid accents, and wearing similar wigs.

However, I am enjoying the series, and Giammati is growing on me.


Posted: March 30th, 2008, 11:39 pm
by mrsl
Very good episode tonight. I liked the reunion between John and Abigail, it was done as two married people still loving each other would be done, after months of being separated. During the bowing exercises, I kept saying "Get a cane", it would have helped, I think. I wondered if that was really the King because of the way he was just standing there at the beginning. How did all those newpaper critiques get written when nobody else was in the room except that one man standing off by the throne? Also, I've heard how Jefferson was a ball of fire when he was in Paris, and kind of a Pecks Bad Boy around the ladies, but by that time, he was a widower and had lost his son, so he had every right to be as wild as he wanted to be - He had nobody to answer to.

Giamatti is doing a great job and my hat is off to him, and it is also off to David Morse for this particular George W. He creates quite a spectacle when he enters the scene and just walks away with it, don't you think?


Posted: April 3rd, 2008, 1:57 pm
by movieman1957
I've acught up on the four shown. These shows succeed in two ways. They are very well done. The cast is first-rate. I'm impressed with Giamatti. The second is they succeed in making me feel dumb.

The dialogue is so smart. Could we survive if we all spoke that way?

One thing that did bother me is that whole time Adams was sick in Holland and we don't know anything about it or his recovery. The sex scene in the Paris palace, though completely understandable and expected, is something you don't expect to see.

I knew it would be good because McCullough wrote the book but pleasantly surprised at how good it has been based on what little I knew of the leads.

Posted: April 5th, 2008, 12:04 am
by mrsl
Hi Chris:

The only thing I couldn't take, and had to turn away from was the tar and feathering in the first episode. That almost turned me off, but I thought I would see what happened and so far, it's been good.

I believe the reunion in the Paris palace was what used to be termed "done with good taste". They were a married couple, obviously a loving couple, and there was no flipping of skirts, and petticoats, or hanging off of the bed, so it was perfectly expected and acceptable.

Yes, isn't it amazing how we've all formed our own various ways of speech depending on what section of the country we live in? Yet we all speak a form of the King's English.

Actually his recuperation in Holland was not necessary to the plot, so it was left to imagination, which seem sensible to me. Why bother showing somebody constantly replacing a cold compress, or bleeding him?


Posted: April 5th, 2008, 1:04 am
by Lzcutter
The reviewer for the LATimes upon only watching the first two eppys wrote in her review about the lack fo chemistry between Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney.

I wonder what show she watched as I think they have a great chemistry together. Perhaps it is a reflection of just how far down my beloved Times has fallen since Otis gave up the wheel.

I am so enjoying this mini-series and will be sad to see it end in a few weeks.

Until then, I plan to enjoy every minute of it though it creates a TIVO moment for Mr Cutter and me on Sunday evenings as we have to Tivo "Mad Men".

Yes, I know it's the dreaded AMC but it is a great series and they capture that early 1960s motif so well.

Is there a thread here for "Mad Men" as I don't want to hijack this thread.

Am really looking forward to Sunday's "Unite or Die" eppy of "John Adams".

Posted: September 22nd, 2008, 6:51 pm
by mrsl
In case nobody saw it, our faith in Paul Giamatti was rewarded and he took home the Emmy last night for his portrayal of John Adams - I am therefore biting my tongue as promised.


Your AMC MadMen took quite a few awards home also.

I was surprised Damages didn't garner a few more than it got. I missed the first hour so something might have happened then, but our gal Glenn Close walked away with Best Actress in a series, or mini-series.
