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Meg Ryan or Jamie Lee Curtis

Posted: July 26th, 2008, 12:13 pm
I hope I don't cause any offense by this thread. It's just I've found myself comparing Meg Ryan faking her orgasim in When Harry Met Sally to Jamie Lee Curtis' real one in A Fish Called Wanda.

In WHMS Meg's Sally while sitting beside Billy Crystal for a giggle fakes an orgasim in a cafe full of people. In AFCW Jamie's Wanda has a weakness for men who speak Russian and Italian ect. So while upstairs she gets aroused when John Cleese talks Russian downstairs. She falls to then rolls about the floor in extasy.

I know Meg's is the most famous of the two and more than likely will be the more popuar choice as the funniest, but speaking personally I prefer Jamie's

Posted: July 26th, 2008, 1:57 pm
by movieman1957
I'll take Jamie Lee. "A Fish Called Wanda" is one of my favorites. I don't think Meg could have played it.