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Posted: September 12th, 2008, 6:40 pm
by Metry_Road
Welcome to THE MENS ROOM, a tasteful celebration of the female form.

First up is Marie McDonald, an obscure actress who's acting abilities were minimal to non-existent, but she was cute as a button and thereby earns her place in THE MENS ROOM hall of fame.


Gene Kelly and Marie McDonald from ‘Living In a Big Way’ 1947

It Had To Be You -

Any gentlemen wishing to post here are quite welcome. All I ask is that you exercise a little restraint and decorum.

Or in the famous words of Don Lockwood –

"I've had one motto I've always lived by: Dignity. Always dignity."

Posted: September 12th, 2008, 10:26 pm
by Vecchiolarry

Wow, I remember Marie McDonald quite well.
She made lots of headlines in the 50's and married & divorced several times. She was once married to Harry Karl, one of Debbie Reynolds husbands...

She was known as "The Body" because of her perfect measurements and was found wandering in the Nevada desert in her pajamas claiming to have been kidnapped....

I've only seen her in "Geisha" a Jerry Lewis movie, where she played a version of herself; I thought she was quite good.

I think she committed suicide or was killed by one of her ex-husbands - - can't remember what the circumstances are about that though...


Posted: September 13th, 2008, 4:03 am
by Metry_Road
Hello Vecchiolarry, nice to hear from you again. Hope you’re doing well.

You’re right, I may be being a little unfair to her as far as her talent goes. Her tragic demise reads like a Hollywood cliché. Booze, drugs, suicide and dead at 42.


Women of substance. – Actresses of Beauty and Depth

Posted: January 14th, 2009, 2:35 pm
by Metry_Road
My daughter and I were having a discussion (as we often do) on the subject of personal beauty. Over the years she has become wary but tolerant of my Cut-rate philosophizing, and has become skilled and adept at keeping my musings within the bounds of rationality with responses such as “Oh Dad, you’re so right”, or “Oh Dad, You’re so full of it”. God bless her.

Anyway, we reached agreement on this particular subject.

"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." – God

“Beauty is more than just a fine body” – Albert Einstein

"Einstein ! - Stop telling God what to do" - Niels Bohr

“ZOWEE” – Osgood Fielding III

The incredible Bette Davis

Fantasy Versus reality
The erotic scene in Raymond Chandler’s book …(mmmmm? …I’ve forgotten which book, but I remember the scene), where Philip Marlow is watching – through a window - a beautiful young woman in a bathing suit climb from a swimming pool, and join her companions at a poolside table. He listens for a few seconds to their screeching, bitchy, moronic conversation. The spell is broken, the magic is gone, the moment is over. Disillusioned and Disappointed, Marlow returns to the job at hand.

The wonderfully sexy Katherine Hepburn (Disagree huh?, well it’s my fantasy.)
Thanks to Doctor Macro for the images.

A song for my baby.
Elsie Carlisle - Exactly Like You (1930)

Best wishes

gorgeous women

Posted: January 15th, 2009, 1:06 am
by melwalton
Nice start, Metry but you're going to have a LONG list.

How'd Bette Davis get in there? She must not have given her rfght name. ... mel

Posted: January 15th, 2009, 1:17 am
by Garbomaniac
MOST interesting, Davis and Hepburn???
Two opposites to say the least! Yet, both extremely powerful. As I said, interesting.

Ok, here comes an obvious one (for my introduction - I will get more detached later), Hedy Lamarr! What a BEAUTY!




Posted: January 15th, 2009, 8:47 am
by coopsgirl
Clara Bow in her skivvies :lol:


Beautiful Barbara Stanwyck from Ball of Fire (1941). I colorized this one :) .


Carole Lombard - playful and cute!


Posted: January 15th, 2009, 9:11 am
by Dewey1960
I've always liked Ava Gardner...

Posted: January 15th, 2009, 12:27 pm
by ChiO
(Sigh) The Goddess.


Posted: January 15th, 2009, 1:07 pm
by moira finnie
Could we PLEASE keep the photos at a maximum 500 x 500 pixels as requested for this site? You can read more about posting photos here. Thanks.

These images are great and keeping them within those parameters makes it easier for everyone to see them too. PM me if you need more help, I'll be glad to assist, if possible.

Posted: January 15th, 2009, 9:55 pm
by Garbomaniac
How 'bout that Jayne Mansfield?


What a face!



What a body!


This is one of my all time favorite pics of Mansfield! She looks like a cake!

Posted: January 15th, 2009, 10:32 pm
by Metry_Road
Uh-oh! carefull fellas, Moira is Moderating. Watch your mouths, and no dirty pictures.

"Dignity, always dignity"

You can trust us Moira......... Honest!

Thanks melwalton. Yes it is a long list. If there are are any silver screen lovleies that press your buttons, and ring your bell, please share it with us.

Thanks Garbomaniac. Hedy Lamarr, a classic beauty without a doubt. I would have gotten to her eventually. But I'm only one man for Goodness sake, I can only handle a few women at a time, but I'm trying, I'm trying.

Thanks Coopsgirl. Clara Bow, Barbara Stanwyck, Carole Lombard. So many beautiful women. I hope my strength holds out.

Thank you Dewey1960, that video of Ava was lovely.

ChiO! what can I say? Is it any wonder that men are so easily manipulated by women. Hormones are a terrible burden to a man.

My favorite TCM promo. A great video in it's own right. It's now the official promo for this thread.

TCM Leading Ladies (2006)

men's room

Posted: January 17th, 2009, 1:06 am
by melwalton

I'd like to help but I have no pictures and don't know how to send them anyway.

For sheer beauty, how about Dorothy Lee, Cecelia Parker, Odile Versois? there must be hundeds.

For pulchritude, you couldn't beat Jane Wyman... Jesssie Matthews .. like I said, hundreds.

I can't see Davis nor either of the Hepburns Yes, I know I'm fussy;


Good to see a ladies room as well I'd like to help but Crabbe, McQueen Cooper etc just don't turn me on. I've admitted, I'm fussy. Lamarr is much better. You wouldn't happen to have some scenes from ECTASY, would you? just kidding, of course. JUST KIDDING? of course??? .....mel

Hedy Lamarr

Posted: January 17th, 2009, 12:02 pm
by moira finnie
You can see Hedy Lamarr in her entirety in Ecstasy (1933) beginning here, but here are a few stills of her. The first two are from that notorious, but, relatively innocent film.


As Tondelayo in White Cargo (1940)



Posted: January 17th, 2009, 4:02 pm
by ChiO

Whatza "pixel"? Isn't that what Sheldon Leonard called Jimmy Stewart and Henry Travers?

My favorite Chicago actress in my favorite Douglas Sirk movie.
Eat your heart out, Marilyn.

Dorothy Malone in TARNISHED ANGELS