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Indiscretion of an American Wife 90 minute version

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 2:11 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Does anyone know if this film has ever been shown or is available in the 90 minute run time that is advertised on the imdb. I love the movie but it has been edited, I love De Sica's work I'd love to see his original vision. Here's a review I posted on the What Have You Watched Lately Thread.

I rewatched Indiscretion of an American Wife. I can't help it, I really like the movie, I get completely involved and on second viewing I picked up on different things. Early on Giovanni tells Mary about life in Pisa, just like his parents and teases her about beating her. If this role were played by an Italian I might have sat up and took notice earlier on but I only caught on it because I knew that he would slap her quite hard and fist time around it's quite a shock. Now was he trying to tell her of his passionate nature. The other thing I picked up more on this time was that when they were caught in the carriage that was the death knell of their relationship, she had to go and he had to let her for if she stayed the shame would be on both of them, he had to let her go and see if she'd come back. Then when she leaves, oh I must be getting soft but it's very reminiscient of Brief Encounter because it's the end. It's emotionally and physically painful, Giovanni falls from the train hurting himself, as Mary breaks down inside the carriage. It's a satisfying movie.

I've loved many of De Sica's movies and many Italian movies of this time, I wish it had more of an Italian feel about it. The one thing that doesn't bother me that some reviewers have complained about on the imdb is that Giovanni didn't have an accent. The accent has never been necessary for me to enjoy a characterisation, if the actor and direction is good enough I'll enjoy it.

I don't think I'm falling into the category of a Jennifer Jones fan, in fairness I've only seen her in this and Duel in the Sun and I didn't take to her in either. I haven't seen her best films. Part of me thinks Mary could have been better cast but then I don't know anyone who can suffer like Jennifer. I know with her Mary that she will never get over him, always wonder where he is and what he is doing and she will remain the Philadelphia housewife.

Re: Indiscretion of an American Wife 90 minute version

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 3:15 pm
by MichiganJ
Criterion has both versions in one collection.

Re: Indiscretion of an American Wife 90 minute version

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 5:03 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Thank you I trawled through this afternoon and the run time is listed as 63 minutes on this version. De Sica is De Sica and I love the cameos given to the unknown, the people at the station.After rechecking reviews from customers it's still as confusing, I never thought of looking on Criterion's website. I found a British supplier, which should mean I'd get it for weekend but it won't because we have a postal strike but I promise I will review it for you once I've got it:wink:

Re: Indiscretion of an American Wife 90 minute version

Posted: February 10th, 2010, 1:26 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I had trouble tracking this one down, I ordered it off Amazon marketplace, listed under Criterion and when it arrived it was a Korean import, not the top notch disc I expected, so I dispatched it back to Marketplace and thank heavens for Ollie who managed to get hold of it. I loved Station Termini, it's a different film, far superior to Indiscretion, far more De Sica than Selznick. I left a full review on What Have You Watched Lately thread.

Re: Indiscretion of an American Wife 90 minute version

Posted: February 10th, 2010, 1:27 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I had trouble tracking this one down, I ordered it off Amazon marketplace, listed under Criterion and when it arrived it was a Korean import, not the top notch disc I expected, so I dispatched it back to Marketplace and thank heavens for Ollie who managed to get hold of it. I loved Station Termini, it's a different film, far superior to Indiscretion, far more De Sica than Selznick. I left a full review on What Have You Watched Lately thread.