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Greed & War

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 12:56 am
by ken123
Seem to be the #1 growth industries in the USA ! :( :x :cry:

Re: Greed & War

Posted: February 12th, 2010, 12:52 am
by mrsl
I don't know about the rest of you, but I think every Republican Senator should be forced by law to return to their state coffers every dime spent on babysitters, limousine fares, air fare, hotel charges, meals and any other charges connected to their trip to Hawaii to discuss the national health bill, they are fighting so much. Where do they get off finding that okay? I scrimp every cent and I still cannot afford insurance. I just go along with Medicare, so far I haven't needed any more than they pay for, and what my Part D (Thank you George Bush since my monthly premiums cost more than the meds) covers. Sure I buy a DVD occasionally, and a new cotton top, but if I spend more than $10.00 on a clothing item, it's a miracle, yet I have to see these idiots swimming, sunning, and having a good old time, while they continuously swear that government health care will cause major problems for us, even though Hawaii has had it for over forty years and people love it. I don't know how anyone here in the U.S. can possibly go and cast a vote for any Republican for office other than dogcatcher. Now I know the Democrats are not much better right now, but I hope they wake up long enough to get a decent health care bill passed before the fade completely into the woodwork.


Re: Greed & War

Posted: February 12th, 2010, 4:51 am
by Sue Sue Applegate
Me, too, Anne. It's a tragedy waiting to happen to millions of people's lives.

Re: Greed & War

Posted: February 12th, 2010, 9:48 am
by movieman1957
The trip to Hawaii was for the Republican National Committee. Since Michael Steele is not an elected official he had to pay his own way. (Read GOP funds.) I would guess that was the way the whole thing was funded.

Re: Greed & War

Posted: February 13th, 2010, 1:36 am
by mrsl
I heard it was paid for by the party, and as far as I'm concerned, with so many Americans out of work, and counting pennies just to feed their family, or pay their mortgage, the Republican party has a lot of nerve to flaunt their wealth. It's just a case of shoving something in your face.


Re: Greed & War

Posted: February 13th, 2010, 8:14 am
by Ollie
MrsL, you're far more gentle with those politicians (and their electorate supporters) than I am. I keep wondering why we can't find some mad Russian general to nuke WashDC when the politicians, expensive bureaucrats and all their lobbyists are in town - force us to start over from scratch. Honestly, I can't see this infection getting better - the '60s bomb-throwing radicals seem to be right - it can't be fixed 'from within'. The ability of a minority party to stall and vote constantly in-bloc (as they have for every contrary president) always makes me wonder, "Why do we have ANY more than just 1 person voting always against the majority in a proxy battle? Fire all those support personnel, too, and that'd free up about a half-million salaries for 1 proxy voter to just vote No No No. That'd balance the budget easily and they could still stall and refuse to solve any problems that their corporate paymasters create." The joys of monopolists!

Of course, I don't believe we have a Two Party System. I believe we have TV Wrestling, where everything is scripted out and everyone follows the script. At least those dirty rotten Commies had the guts to identify themselves as a single party system. Heck, they even were ice-picking each other's heads!

Re: Greed & War

Posted: February 14th, 2010, 8:39 am
by moira finnie
Ollie wrote: I keep wondering why we can't find some mad Russian general to nuke WashDC when the politicians, expensive bureaucrats and all their lobbyists are in town - force us to start over from scratch. Honestly, I can't see this infection getting better - the '60s bomb-throwing radicals seem to be right - it can't be fixed 'from within'. !
I realize the passion that people feel about this topic, but please, no one here should advocate violence, in jest or as an indication of the depth of your feeling and frustration. I know that you are better than that and capable of articulating your point of view in a well reasoned and judicious manner. I really appreciate the participation of all members and hope that we can keep it civil here, even if the world does not seem to value these qualities. Please note the quoted portions of our Code of Conduct that apply to this below:
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Re: Greed & War

Posted: February 14th, 2010, 9:54 am
by knitwit45
Thank YOU, Moira.

Re: Greed & War

Posted: February 14th, 2010, 12:38 pm
by Dewey1960
Amen to that!

Re: Greed & War

Posted: February 14th, 2010, 10:38 pm
by mrsl
Living alone as I do, sometimes I write things here that I would love to say in person, but there is nobody to say it to, so I emote in writing. I don't talk on the phone because I got into the habit of being very careful what I say over the phone with the last administration. It was a blurb I saw on the 4:30 news that just made me see red. There they were all dressed to the nines, drinking their cocktails, and milling around while the orchestra played soft music, then a quick shot of the beaches, and golf course. To me it was like walking in the house and finding your spouse with someone else. I seethed for a couple of hours, but finally had to vent. I guess I take things too seriously, and most of what happens now is not really going to affect me because I'll be gone. I hate to think what my kids and grandkids will have to contend with though. My generation basically got them into this mess, and they will have to get out of it. I still think Obama is trying his best, but with so little backup we can't seem to get on the black road and away from the red one. Everyone is cheering Vrees for winning the game last week, but he couldn't have done it alone . . . he had a whole team behind him, and nobody seems to get that.
