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New Nita Naldi Website

Posted: December 6th, 2010, 2:19 pm
by rudyfan
After a year of work, a revamp to Gloria Bowman’s old Nita Naldi site has been done. Gloria’s site went AWOL after Yahoo killed off Geocities (also the first webhost for the RV website back in the old days). It took a little longer than I imagined, but I have to say, what a journey of discovery this has been. With the help of my fellow Nita aficionados and Daughters of Naldi Frederica and Harlett O’Dowd (and a cast of thousands), we’re proud to announce that the “official” Nita Naldi website is now live for your edification and amusement.

This website is still a work in progress as we’ve got a lot more material (and photos!) to add, but as you can see, there is plenty of meat.

One of the biggest thrills in working on this project is that we learned Nita has living relatives. They are thrilled with the site and have given us their approval. This is now the official family - sanctioned site.

Without further ado, here is, where you will find just everything you want to know about Our Beloved Preceptress, Nita Naldi.

Re: New Nita Naldi Website

Posted: December 6th, 2010, 3:45 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Thanks, Rudyfan, I'll pop by.