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Love At Last

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 3:46 am
by Fossy
Love At Last

We have seen that, against the odds some Film Stars do actually get it right the first time, and marry for life. Is it possible that some will eventually get it right and stay married for a long time. Here are some who did get it right eventually.

Jane Powell
Five times married. Her fifth marriage has lasted 22 years and counting.

June Allyson
1st marriage—widowed after 17 years.
2nd and 3rd (to the same man) both ended in divorce.
4th marriage Lasted till her death almost 30 years later.

June Haver
Her first marriage ended in divorce. Her second marriage lasted over 37 years when she was widowed.

[b]Luise Rainer[/b]
Her first marriage ended in divorce. Her second marriage lasted 44 years when she was widowed. This year Luise celebrated her 100th birthday.

Margaret O`Brien
Her First marriage ended in divorce. Her second marriage has lasted over 36 years and counting.

Cyd Charisse
Her first marriage ended in divorce. Her second marriage lasted sixty years and ended with her death. Her second husband will celebrate his 98th birthday on Christmas Day.

Zasu Pitts
Her first marriage ended in divorce. Her second marriage lasted over 29 years till her death.

[b]Ann Rutherford[/b]
Her first marriage ended in divorce. Her second marriage lasted 38 years when she was widowed.

Betty Grable
Twice married, Her second marriage lasted 22 years, but ended in divorce.

Deanna Durbin
Her first two marriages ended in divorce. Her third marriage lasted over 48 years when she was widowed.

Esther Williams
Twice divorced and once widowed. Esther married for the fourth time at age 73. This marriage has lasted 16 years and counting.

[b]Ilona Massey[/b]
Three times divorced. Her fourth marriage lasted till her death 19 years later.

Martha Tilton
Her first two marriages ended in divorce. Her third marriage lasted till her death over 53 years later.

Lena Horne
Her first marriage ended in divorce. Her second marriage over 23 years when she was widowed.

Frances Langford
Her first marriage lasted 21 years and ended in divorce. Her second marriage lasted over 30 years when she was widowed. She was age 81 years when she wed for the third time. This marriage lasted till her death ten years later.

Ethel Waters
Her first marriage ended in divorce. She waited 18 years before marrying again. This marriage also ended in divorce. Her third marriage lasted 39 years till her death.

Janet Gaynor
Her first marriage ended in divorce. Her second marriage lasted 20 years when she was widowed. Her third marriage lasted almost 20 years and ended with her death.

Colleen Moore
Her first two marriages ended in divorce. Her third marriage lasted 27 years when she was widowed. Her fourth marriage 19 years later at age 83 years lasted till her death five years later.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 9:14 am
by Uncle Stevie
I can't help thinking that most, or all, of these marriages over age 40 were out of desperation and most of these people were looking more for companionship. Being alone is not fun. The good marriages were those that lasted without a divorce and the couple worked out the problems along the way. No marriage, that I know of, has bliss their entire married life. Even my wife and I had rocky times but now we are married almost 49 years and no divorces. Some of the Hollywood people had too much money in their pockets and were able to spend it on divorce. Commoners, like me, could not afford divorce so we stuck it out and worked it out. The only excused pairings I could accept are the ones that happened before age 25. Men and women under 25 are mostly immature and not considering long term commitments. All Hollywood with their beautiful face and body temptations should be prohibited from marriage. Just play around until you are older and also save having kids until over 28. It makes more sense.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 3:00 pm
by charliechaplinfan
So from your reckoning any person from Hollywood who married once and for keeps has a very cherished union.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 3:48 pm
by Uncle Stevie
I certainly hope so. But I don't get to call the shots. Recent Historians blame Boomers for the flood of divorce. But I would rather think that Hollywood instigated it and promoted it. It was too easy for movie people.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 3:59 pm
by Lzcutter
I can't help thinking that most, or all, of these marriages over age 40 were out of desperation and most of these people were looking more for companionship.

Not always. I got married at 40 and MrCutter and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary in October. I waited until I found the right man. I could have married earlier to at least two of the men I dated but I guarantee that they would have ended in divorce because we weren't compatible for the long haul.

At the time I met MrC I had decided that it was better to be alone than be in another relationship that was filled more with arguing and sadness than love and happiness.

MrCutter and I have been together for 16 years. It hasn't always been easy but we're in it for the long haul.

He was well worth the wait and I'm glad I was smart enough to realize that.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 4:13 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Wish words, I too had been in a relationship with a very nice man but it wasn't for the long haul. 1 year later I met my hubby and we've been together for 15 years.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 4:51 pm
by klondike
33 years last May for Mrs. K & me . . . she's lovelier now than she was as a newly-wed . . and she nearly stopped my heart then!
I knew she was the one the first time I saw her . . when she spoke to me the first time, I could hear only the blood pumping in my ears, and had to ask her to repeat herself while I stared obsessively at her lips, giving her a delightfully moronic first impression of myself.
I heard through mutual acquaintances that she was not at all impressed, and found me annoying, off-putting, a bit abrasive & entirely too "rough looking". Her roommate informed me that she'd been dating several different guys, and was already getting more than enough social attention, so not to bother.
But I couldn't stop thinking about her, and the longer I did, the harder it got to remember the faces, and the voices, of the other women I'd been involved with.
So I hounded, harassed, pursued, flattered, followed, and drifted lambently in the starshine of her orbit, til I just plain wore her out; like Frank Buck, I brought the finest quarry back alive! Of course, she also told me, on our wedding day, 2 years later: "Forget what my father told you - if you ever let me down, I'll kill you myself!"

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 5:00 pm
by Uncle Stevie
Congratulations to both of you. Keep at it. It takes two to make a marriage and in my experience give and take applies always. My wife and I do a lot of compromising. In the past 10 years I think I do most of the compromising. Love takes turns in different directions as you get older and passion slows down but loyalty and dedication steps up. If you have kids and eventually Grandkids then all of your passion can be spent there. Married life is a total package and not just a role in the hay.

I apologize for my dissertation. I travel in a crowd of about eight couples all of whom are married over 45 years and no divorces. They all have kids and when we get together we talk about our satisfied but aging life. It can be good and I wish all people the happy existence we live.

Uncle Stevie

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 5:17 pm
by JackFavell
In the past 10 years I think I do most of the compromising.
This sentence makes me laugh. If you asked both me and my husband, we would BOTH say the same thing....

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 9:52 pm
by Uncle Stevie
Norah Ephron said you can always get out of a marriage but you can never get out of a divorce.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 19th, 2010, 11:05 am
by charliechaplinfan
JackFavell wrote:
In the past 10 years I think I do most of the compromising.
This sentence makes me laugh. If you asked both me and my husband, we would BOTH say the same thing....
Us too.

I didn't like my hubby on first acquaintance, he grew on me.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 19th, 2010, 11:12 am
by JackFavell
I was smitten the first time I saw my husband - I KNEW he was THE ONE. That doesn't mean happily ever after exactly. We clash a lot, but luckily on the stupid small stuff. Without the love, though, those little tiffs would be unbearable.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 19th, 2010, 11:24 am
by charliechaplinfan
I didn't like my husband on first acquaintance because it was Christmas Eve and he was drunk, meeting him a week later on New Year's Eve when he was sober and we clicked immediately. We clash on the small stuff, I'm the one who takes a deep breathe and takes a step back. Our main problem is that there are two chiefs and no indians in our marriage.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 19th, 2010, 11:39 am
by JackFavell
Ha ha! The same here! I'm glad we're not the only ones.

Re: Love At Last

Posted: December 20th, 2010, 1:30 am
by Uncle Stevie
A very big LOL! Love is all about getting what you want only some of the time. A lasting love is one that gives as well as gets. As we get older we love the routine of loving a steady someone you can rely on to be there for you. Our three kids, three spouses, and six Grandkids became the catalyst for love at home.

BTW - we got to see them all yesterday at a celebration and our hearts were warm again. (except for my Daughter's damn puppy who hates me.)