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Huckleberry Finn (1920)-Newly Restored by GEH!

Posted: March 5th, 2011, 6:38 pm
by Gagman 66
:) I had never even heard of this movie before until just a few weeks ago. And now here it is already fully restored! This long unseen film, the first motion picture adaption of the famous Mark Twain Novel, apparently marked the movie debut of the lovely "American Venus" Esther Ralston. One of the most beautiful actresses of the Silent Era, and Classic Hollywood in general for that matter.Not sure if this was once considered lost, but I do know that it hasn't been publicly screened since it's original release some 91 years ago!

Anytime a new restoration is completed of a big budget Silent film it is noteworthy. And here you have the vision of legendary director William Desmond Taylor showcased. Certainly much better known for his Murder, than his movies are today. Great to see some of his work actually surface and see the light of day again.

The newly restored and scored version of this film will have it's re-premiere on June 24, 2011 at the George Eastman House. Paolo Cherchi Usai will head a panel discussion on the music and restoration of the picture.

Here is a link to the brand new restoration trailer!
