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A Classic that will Never Die

Posted: May 30th, 2011, 9:36 pm
by klondike
OK, there I was @ the Big Family Reunion today, contemplating all that Memorial Day symbolizes . . the parade this morning in BF, saluting the veterans marching in formation past my front porch, my grandsons by my side, with eyes that still wonder why Poppy doesn't march with the other old soldiers, but remembering not to ask out loud anymore . . placing petunias & phlox on my parents' graves, and arranging fresh roses around my girl Cait's urn on the mantel over the fireplace . . buying barbecued chickens in foil bags from the American Legionnaires downtown . . . watching my hometown flags snapping in the breeze at the library & the Masonic temple & the post office . .
And now in this big old park in Southern NH, hanging-out with just about every single living member of my family, my big, proud Chevy Silverado pickup shining away in the parking lot, everybody hauling coolers over to picnic tables, most of 'em wearing Patriots jersies (hey, they're my family & neighbors, I never claimed they were smart) . . and then it hit me . . central to all those complex, heart-thumping feelings . . the American Hot Dog . .
No wait, something I'm qualified to rant about: the Great North-Central New England Hot Dog . .
OK - if you live west of Billerica, Mass, east of Albany, NY, south of Mt. Washington & north of the Taconic State Parkway this is the Hot Dog you'll dream about while hitchhiking home from Texas:

First, start out with a real New England brand Hot Dog, nothing overly fancy, but one with an authentic natural casing, 'cause if ya ain't got that snap, ya might as well take a nap! Schonland or Essem are fine, I'm partial to Kayem Redskins; if ya got the coin, McKenzies can be fun, especially with their logo of a pig playing bagpipes.
Pair that up with a real hotdog bun made of All-Amercian cheap white flour - rule of thumb: if it tastes good enough to eat by itself, forget it - and no ethnic character for crying out loud! Basic, basic, basic! They come eight to a bag, and cost 45 - 70% of the price of the dogs. Don't spend anymore!!!
Bring 3 - 4 cups cold tap water, with a tablespoon of vinegar added, to a rolling boil, plunge 3 - 5 dogs in, reduce to half-heat, boil for 2 - 3 minutes (if they split open, that was too long, feed 'em to the dog & start over).
Fish 'em out, let the water evaporate off their tender pink hides, pack a forkful of medium-sweet pickle relish into the bottom of the bun crease (this is New England, so if the label doesn't read Cain's, you really screwed up), cozy the dog down on top of the relish, top with a thin stripe of real, vintage, national-brand American mustard (I'm a Gulden's man, but there are those who'll defend choosing French's with a sidearm), a shake or two of celery salt {that part's critical, being the truest raison d'etre of Yankee frankdom}, and consume heartily, either with a sparkling cool Orange Crush, if you're groovin' with the fam, or with a tall, frosty can of Pabst Blue Ribbon, bejewelled with condensation, if you just finished mowing and have tuned-in the Sox game on the garage radio.

Re: A Classic that will Never Die

Posted: May 30th, 2011, 11:08 pm
by movieman1957
Sounds like a great day. I should have been with you.

Re: A Classic that will Never Die

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 8:08 am
by klondike
Yep, ya should've, Chris; that woulda made the day perfect. :wink: