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The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 27th, 2013, 9:01 pm
by moira finnie
The schedule for September includes some interesting highlights.

Kim Novak is the Star of the Month, with 16 of her movies being aired on Thursday nights along with her interview from the TCM Classic Film Festival. You can see more about her month in the spotlight here on TCM's site. The interstitial that TCM is airing for this event has been posted here.

Sundays with wall-to-wall Alfred Hitchcock films begins on Sept. 1st and continues throughout the month. (Pretty soon we'll all be eligible for a degree in Hitchology if we watch all of these films, huh?). I believe that many of the films being shown are recently restored/remastered rare films by Hitch that were touring in live theaters earlier this year. The complete list of films can be seen here.

The Story of Film: An Odyssey begins airing on September 2. This is the U.S. television premiere of Mark Cousins' 15-part exploration of cinema history, which Lynn posted about here.


Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 28th, 2013, 8:54 am
by Rita Hayworth
Pretty Darn good Schedule and a very nice lineup of Kim Novak's films and all ... and Pal Joey is on that month - and its one of my favorites too. I like September better than August.

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 28th, 2013, 4:28 pm
by Rita Hayworth
Cinerama Adventure (2002)

After the Charles Boyer's film ... watch this amazing nostalgic and compelling look into the legendary three camera, three projector process that revolutionized motion pictures. I just loved this so much - I'm definitely recommending anyone who is very interested in this process of making films.

It's from 9:45 to 11:30 - and it's closed captioned for all those who can't hear - but anyway - I'm watching with the sounds on and I rarely do. Times are EASTERN.

This is truly amazing short film and its also on September 2nd. ... I will be staying home that day and make it a Turner Classic Movie Morning ...

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 29th, 2013, 8:53 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Ha! They are playing Million Dollar Mermaid on my birthday! :D

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 7:19 am
by Rita Hayworth
Sue Sue Applegate wrote:Ha! They are playing Million Dollar Mermaid on my birthday! :D
One of my favorite Esther Williams Movies ... good for you Sue Sue! :)

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 9:27 am
by JackFavell
Masha, the folks here at the SSO are pretty big foreign film fans. Everyone here except me seems to have a degree in the subject except for me! CharlieChaplinFan, ChiO, Mr. Arkadin, Ann Harding, CineMaven, Kingrat, Dewey, Mike BSG, and Moira are very knowledgeable, and I'm sure I've forgotten many as I list here. I am slowly catching up on my foreign film watching, so I would love any suggestions you might have from the September listings.

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 11:57 am
by CineMaven
Don't sell yourself short Favell. You have one of the most eclectic tastes on this board! You can keep up with the best of 'em.

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 12:05 pm
by CineMaven
I see a couple of things to watch for this month. Kim Novak, of course. Hitchcock, naturally. And these folks:

To the spoiled, goes the Victor.

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 5:59 pm
by JackFavell
Oh great! Can't wait to get my own copy of Port of Shadows, which was one of the best movies I've seen this year.

Not to mention the Hitch movies, esp. Lifeboat, which I love. My daughter has been asking to see Hitch's films, so this is great. She asked me yesterday if she could watch Psycho. I could tell she was gearing up for a battle over it, even though I didn't say no. She's not quite thirteen, and I don't know what to do. I didn't see Psycho until I was 30! She's kind of a weenie, like me, but once she did watch one of the newer horror movies. She BEGGED me to let her go to see The Woman in Black with her best friend last year, who was going anyway and is not a weenie. I said no, explained WHY I said no, but she totally gave me a hard time about it anyway, bugged me endlessly, got mad, treated me with that stony cold stare they get for days on end, so I broke down and told her that she could go... and told her it was against my better judgment.

When she couldn't sleep at night, and wouldn't even walk in a theatre for months afterwards during the trailers, in case they MIGHT show one of those quick cut, Evil Dead type previews, and then she hid her eyes just talking about it, I really felt bad that I let her go to prove a point. So do you think she can take Psycho, now that she's seen something that's probably far worse? I just don't know. I don't know if I can take that stony 'thirteen' stare THAT"s scary. :D

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 7:02 pm
by Bronxgirl48
I'm going to enjoy Saturday, Sept. 28th, seeing how it starts out with LA PARISIENNE and CREATURE WITH THE ATOM BRAIN. Oooh la la!

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 8:21 pm
by MissGoddess
CineMaven wrote:I see a couple of things to watch for this month. Kim Novak, of course. Hitchcock, naturally. And these folks:

To the spoiled, goes the Victor.
N-I-C-E!! :D

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 8:25 pm
by MissGoddess
Bronxgirl48 wrote:I'm going to enjoy Saturday, Sept. 28th, seeing how it starts out with LA PARISIENNE and CREATURE WITH THE ATOM BRAIN. Oooh la la!
Hola, Bronxarita! So good to see you posting!

I saw LA PARISIENNE for the first time a few weeks ago and I loved it! A wonderful frou-frou comedy, witty and funny and a perfect showcase of Mlle. Bardot. M. Boyer's Royal Highness seems to be cheekily referring to his urbane General from Earrings of Madame de... BB's wardrobe is one of the loveliest I've seen---many things can still be worn now, so classique! And of course, tres beaux French settings from Paris to the Riviera. It would be a major faux-pas to miss!

Re: The September 2013 TCM Schedule

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 9:17 pm
by Bronxgirl48
Merci cher Avril! :D :D Ah, you've seen LA PARISIENNE, brilliant! Can't wait!