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New Feature - On TCM Web Page

Posted: February 14th, 2014, 8:35 pm
by Rita Hayworth

I'm getting more and more frustrated over the many changes of TCM Web Page that I faithfully click on 2-3 times a day for all my FULL TCM SCHEDULE needs - now having said that I'm protesting the GENRE portion of the Schedule itself to an all Green/White with the words "TCM PRESENTS" in it. In the past, they use multi-colored boxes indicating Drama, Musical, Adventure, Horror, and etc to tell you what kind of the movie will be showing at that timeframe.

Having said that, I'm venting my irritations that this is a poor decision on the part of TCM and they should be ashamed of themselves for making its web site too GREEN and hard for me to read everything on their website and I'm might have to start using their MONTH SCHEDULE instead. But, I rather use the FULL TCM SCHEDULE if that hadn't made that horrible change in the past few days.

I have an eyesight that's partially colorblind and this alone makes all the green blur together and makes it somewhat impossible for me to read. I need multiple colors to help me to pinpoint exactly where to read if I wanted to watch a HORROR movie or not. I'm getting more displeased over the many changes at TCM and I may go there just for MONTH SCHEDULE alone and forget the rest of the stuff that they wants us to read.

I also having a hard time reading the stuff at the bottom of the web page that housed the FULL TCM SCHEDULE too and that's painfully difficult for older people that has vision problems like me. We all getting older and older ... and with all the stupid changes that TCM is doing is not creating a wonderful experience for a die hard fan like me that watches 2-4 hours of TCM programming a day at any given time. I'm retired and one of my life greatest pleasure is watching TCM. Now, TCM and its web page is making my pleasure more and more difficult and that is why I'm not happy with all the changes that are currently in place.

If I were to grade that website - I would give it a 1 star out of 5 ... just barely.


Posted: February 18th, 2014, 5:38 pm
by Rita Hayworth
They returned the COLOR for the Genre of each film listed

Dark Green for HORROR
Light Green for WESTERNS
Red for DRAMA
Dark Blue for COMEDY
Grey for EPIC
Brown for CRIME
Green for WAR

Someone on the TCM FORUM/BOARD probably complained about it and/or someone here communicated this frustration in TCM - Whatever the culprit was - I am very happy that the color-coding of films returned to the FULL TCM SCHEDULE today.

Re: New Feature - On TCM Web Page!

Posted: March 21st, 2014, 1:46 am
by Rita Hayworth
You can switch from DAILY and WEEKLY on the fly and I like this new FEATURE that TCM has done just recently. Check it out!