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by DanVanNeste
August 28th, 2017, 7:58 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

I'm sorry to have missed your online Q&A, but wanted to tell you how much I want to buy and read your book. I've always liked Cortez as an actor and thanks to TCM have been able to watch many of his films. He's best know playing cads, but he was so good playing good guys too. He has such powerf...
by DanVanNeste
August 27th, 2017, 9:35 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

Dan, if you had the opportunity to sit down with Ricardo and ask him just ONE question, with the guarantee you would get a complete and honest answer, what would you ask him? That’s a hard question, but a superb one. Ric Cortez took many secrets to his grave. It’s a tragedy he was interviewed only ...
by DanVanNeste
August 27th, 2017, 8:29 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

In your view, which of the studios where Cortez worked do you think gave him the best roles? Was his desire to be a compliant employee, accepting most scripts, helpful to his career? You mentioned that Ricardo was a very astute businessman and he appeared to be friendly with several moguls. Was he ...
by DanVanNeste
August 27th, 2017, 7:22 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

For many of us interested in Cortez, I think his masterful, long forgotten portrayal of Sam Spade in the first version of Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon (1931) was a revelation when seen in the last few years. Not only is he very tough, he is also playful, stylish, not above making a (suppos...
by DanVanNeste
August 27th, 2017, 5:05 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

Thank you guys for posting comments and questions. Keep 'em coming, please! Anyone who wonders about purchasing this book--I would recommend it as a wonderfully detailed account of Ricardo Cortez's life in the first half, but also for the second part of the book, which details each of the actor's f...
by DanVanNeste
August 27th, 2017, 4:34 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

Hi Dan, Thanks for being here and giving us insights into the life and career of Ricardo Cortez. You already addressed the question of Ricardo and Stanley working together but my my main question is: why did Stanley take on the Cortez name? We already know that Ricardo Cortez was a studio-given nam...
by DanVanNeste
August 27th, 2017, 3:49 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

Thank you for your appearance here given all else going on. Not so much a question here as I'd need to know a bit more before being able to ask one. I do look forward to reading your book as I've wondered just how circumspect Mr. Cortez was about it all. I've often pointed to his career as an examp...
by DanVanNeste
August 27th, 2017, 2:30 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

Thanks for returning today, Dan! Could you please discuss Cortez's relationship with some of the directors that the actor worked with during his career, such as James Cruze, D.W. Griffith, William Wellman, Michael Curtiz & John Ford, among others? What do you think inspired Ricardo to try to be...
by DanVanNeste
August 27th, 2017, 12:16 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

Good morning, Dan!! It's great to have you with us this Sunday and I thank you again for spending the weekend with us talking about the great Ricardo Cortez!! You mentioned earlier that he was rude to Greta Garbo off-screen. Conversely, did any of Ricardo's co-stars find him to be a pleasant person...
by DanVanNeste
August 26th, 2017, 8:08 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27 Above: Alma Rubens (1897-1931). Ricardo Cortez was later quoted as saying that when first seen on a city street: "I saw her pale face and dark luminous eyes. I’ll admit I was overcome. I walked back and forth watching her—trying not to be too apparent in my admir...
by DanVanNeste
August 26th, 2017, 4:11 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

Dan, as a Texan in the midst of Harvey's outer bands, I'm grateful you thought about us down here. I'm about 22 miles outside of Houston, and roads are passable, rain has let up a bit, and there is no wind right now. Already, there have been so many wonderful questions, and insightful responses. ht...
by DanVanNeste
August 26th, 2017, 3:20 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

Great questions, Marco! I am also hoping that Dan might tell us about Garbo and his pairing in The Torrent (1926)--the only time Greta played second fiddle to her leading man in billing! I thought they had quite a lot of chemistry, as seen in this clip. [youtube]
by DanVanNeste
August 26th, 2017, 2:10 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

Hi Dan!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions this weekend!! While you were researching Ricardo's life and films, were there any "EUREKA!" moments of discovery that were rewarding for you personally as his biographer? And alternately, were there any pieces of the...
by DanVanNeste
August 26th, 2017, 1:33 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

Hi Dan, Thank you for joining us this weekend, and thank you for bringing Ricardo Cortez into a brighter light. Did he refer to himself as "Ricardo Cortez", or did he remain as "Jacob" in his family and social circles? Did he wish to have a longer career as a leading man, or was...
by DanVanNeste
August 26th, 2017, 12:58 pm
Forum: Archived Guest Stars
Topic: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27
Replies: 35
Views: 75320

Re: Ricardo Cortez Q & A with Dan Van Neste on 8-26 & 8-27

This carefully composed picture of Ricardo Cortez as a cherished little boy underlines the poignancy of a young Jacob Krantz so concerned about his family's tenuous finances that he almost refused to have a needed operation, as detailed in Dan's book. One aspect of Co...