Excellent episodes of madcap series airing this weekend.

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Excellent episodes of madcap series airing this weekend.

Post by Masha »

BBCAmerica is airing many episodes of wonderful, madcap and thought-provoking series which I wish all would allow into their life. I know there is much prejudice and many preconceptions of such series but there is much to enjoy.

The series is: Doctor Who.

I recommend highly that those who have never watched it begin with episode: The Eleventh Hour. It is scheduled to air at: 9 A.M. (ET) on: Saturday, December 26th. It is excellent introduction to the series because it is nearly reboot of series in that it is a new Doctor and a new companion and so no pre-knowledge is needed for enjoyment. All things are revealed as necessary. It is quite charming and madcap episode in which The Doctor helps a little girl who is frightened of a crack in the wall of her bedroom. She later has occasion to hit him with a cricket bat.

I recommend highly also episodes: The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang which are scheduled to air at: 8 P.M. (ET) and 9 P.M. (ET) respectively. They are two-episode finale of: Season Five. It has been called by many the greatest episode ever. It is wild in many ways and showcases wry humor which has made the series beloved for decades.

I wish they were airing also: The Silence in the Library because I feel that is quite touching and mind-bending episode.
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Re: Excellent episodes of madcap series airing this weekend.

Post by movieman1957 »

I have never been a big science fiction fan and the one time I tried to watch the sets and acting looked so cheap I never went back. I know that failing has been corrected but I've never thought to revisit it.

Is it still a science fiction type show or is more of a "Twilight Zone" without the moral?

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Re: Excellent episodes of madcap series airing this weekend.

Post by Lomm »

I wish I could get into Dr Who. It seems like such a huge history to try to get started though. If you start with the David Tennant era is that enough, or do you have to go all in?
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Re: Excellent episodes of madcap series airing this weekend.

Post by Masha »

movieman1957 wrote: Is it still a science fiction type show or is more of a "Twilight Zone" without the moral?
It is: "a madman with a box" finding trouble. It is science fiction in that problems are not what might be found in the accounting office of a toilet paper manufacturer on typical Tuesday afternoon. It presents these in a very human way. That is the purpose of the companion: things are put into perspective so that she understands what is happening and can help. It is in some ways a mystery in that some solution to the problem can be found and viewers have been shown all elements from which the solution is derived.

It is very much also wry comedy with many unexpected moments.

My favorite story arc which spans several seasons is that of: Dr. River Song. This is very science-fictiony in that she has known him all of her life but he does not meet her until she is middle-aged. This is because they are both time travelers and they do not meet in the same order. A sample of this in one episode is that he knows her as a professor before she knows that she will become one and she knows that he found/will find the Pandorica which he still believes that it is a myth.

I feel that if you can wrap your mind comfortably around that concept then you will have no problem understanding the other science fiction aspects of the storylines.
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Re: Excellent episodes of madcap series airing this weekend.

Post by Masha »

Lomm wrote:I wish I could get into Dr Who. It seems like such a huge history to try to get started though. If you start with the David Tennant era is that enough, or do you have to go all in?
Most people feel that: David Tennant is the best: The Doctor of the restart of the series but I feel that his first few episodes are some of the weakest of the series.

It is reasonable to me that it would be better to start with: Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor because it is one season only and so would not be greater problem than starting with: David Tennant. I believe that this would be best also because: Rose is continuing character when: David Tennant became The Doctor.

I heartily recommend beginning with: Matt Smith as the episode: The Eleventh Hour introduces him as the new: The Doctor and introduces a new companion so that there is no carry-over of any kind from previous seasons. It is complete fresh start. It is also one of the zaniest and most madcap episodes. It is simply great good fun!

I recommend against beginning with: Peter Capaldi as: The Doctor because series became very much: The Clara Show rather than: Doctor Who. Storylines were muddled and became inane soap opera. I hope very much the program returns to what it does best now that: Clara has been sent on her way.
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