Ben Johnson

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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by JackFavell »

Ben was definitely a conservative! He was very much of his time, and I can live with that. I think Ben probably was like a lot of people, when it came down to individuals, he was as kind as can be, but the idea of gay rights in general was not something he could have gotten his mind around. I am quite sure, growing up the way he did, with his father and those cowboys, that his idea of a gay person was a terrible stereotype - someone who was out to "get" some straight guy unawares. :D It's odd, because I think most gay people's idea of hell is to accidentally hit on some straight guy unawares.

I remember Oklahoma being particularly uptight when I was growing up there. Our entire town (which was Norman, a University town!) going dead on Sundays.... of course, it was and may still be a dry state, so that made it worse. Just imagine a simple but thriving, busy community suddenly turning into Last Picture Show every Sunday...unless of course there was a football game, in which case it was the opposite....but anyway, even with the college folk, it was a remarkably straight-laced place. So I imagine Ponca City and environs was probably even more so.
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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by pvitari »

Amen to all you said, Wendy. ;) I keep forgetting you grew up in the Sooner State. ;) Some day you need to explain to me what a Sooner State is. :)

The 60s and 70s must have been a truly head-spinning experience for people who had grown up in the 20s and 30s and reached adulthood during the war years and the post-war era. So much change, and so fast, and their own dang kids were in on it. My parents didn't have too many problems as they have have always been socially liberal and we kids were too young to run off to the Height-Asbury anyway (though I may see that area this weekend!) but I can really see people from Ben's milieu not knowing what hit them. Actually he coped really well in that he took roles in a number of risky and daring films in the 60s and 70s that are classics today, and gave brilliant performances -- even if he never really quite approved of the material. :) On Doug O'Neal's page, he says that Ben never could get over the continuing popularity of The Wild Bunch. Hee!

OK, now I'm really outta here... I have a hot date with Hugh Jackman in San Francisco and I know he's waiting impatiently for me to get there. ;-) See you all Monday!

(P.S. The part about San Francisco and Hugh Jackman is true, the part about the hot date and him waiting impatiently for me is, regrettably, not.) ;)
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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by JackFavell »

Have fun!
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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by pvitari »

Hey kids! I'm using the hotel's computer as I have some free time before I have to leave for the airport. ;)

Hugh Jackman was PHEEEEE-nomenal and I'm so glad I made this mad dash across the continent to see his one man (plus two girl singers and a band and Sven the trainer) ;) at the Curran Theater. ;)

San Francisco is such a beautiful city.

But back to Ben very shortly... I have a stack of photos and magazine articles to scan in plus more screencaps of course! ;)
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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by pvitari »

Well, that was fun! ;)

I couldn't resist putting on my website a couple of pics of Hugh Jackman in cowboy mode. ;)

But then I got back to business with this pic of Ben doubling for Tex Ritter in Arizona Trail. It's in Neil Summers' book The Unsung Heroes, which is a great photobook of stuntmen and stuntwomen and the stars themselves doing stunts. Interesting that he's doubling in a fight scene that doesn't involve horses!


P.S. Hugh as a jackaroo (or stockman) in Australia (that's what they call cowboys Down Under).

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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by JackFavell »

Ha! Looks like that musician is ready to whack someone over the head with his guitar....
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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by JackFavell »

It's Dobe's 90th birthday today, so I thought I'd post a few pics:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DOBE!!!! and many more.

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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by pvitari »

Yay Dobe! I posted that pic of Ben and Dobe at the dinner table to my webpage. And while I was working on the page, I managed to erase the greeting at the top of the page and half my posts. *sigh* Well, I managed to reconstruct the top of the page (more or less) and changed the quote while I was at it, and redid some of the posts. Man, I hate it when that happens!

One of these days I am going to screencap Rio Grande. The whole thing. :)

Thanks for the caps, JackFavell! YO!
Last edited by pvitari on May 16th, 2011, 11:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by JackFavell »



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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by JackFavell »


I'm sorry to hear that you lost some posts! Aghh. That's the kind of thing that drives me wild.

I had to use the fuzzy caps from my first copies of Wagon Master and Rio Grande, because I haven't made any copies yet from the pristine dvd's.

Hope you all enjoy them. Dobe is so expressive, kept adding more!
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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by pvitari »

Feel free any time to use any screencaps or scans I've posted to my webpage. They're there for the taking! ;)

I want some black-eyed peas
I want some mustard greens
I want some cornpone on the side.
I want my chicken fried with a golden hide.
Aha, San Antone!

When I was a kid I had a locket
And inside was a picture o' Davy Crockett

I know a gal named Ann that lives in TexArkan
Who loves a boy in Arkansas
But when they take a ride it's on the Texas side
Aha, San Antone!

Dale Evans (who wrote the song) and Roy Rogers singing "Aha San Antone": ... Antone1949

Roy yodels! ;)
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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by pvitari »

Here's another cute pic of Ben & Dobe, from the 1987 Golden Boot Awards:


Just added this to the webpage. This is the exact size of the original hardcopy paper with photo. It's another one of the pictures they were selling off from the photo morgue of the Morning Call (Allentown, PA).

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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by JackFavell »

Can you imagine getting to meet all three of them??? Wow.

Re: Ben Johnson

Post by maricatrin »

For starters, I want to say that I love all the pictures, warm fan memories, and information collected on this thread. Thank you all for sharing your time and enthusiasm. There is so much here, it’s going to take a while to look it all over.

Having a love of horses that dates back to as early as I can remember, over time I also developed a fascination with the old west and cowboys. Combine that with a love of old movies, and one of my favourite people is Ben Johnson – an actor who was also a 100% cowboy from the crown of his hat to the soles of his boots.


I love the screen image Ben often conveyed – a quiet, friendly man who was brave, honest, and as good a friend as any person could hope for. I derive added enjoyment from seeing him portray this man, because I know that, yes, the real Ben was like this too.

You may have guessed this by now: I would gladly quit my two jobs and be a housewife the rest of my life if I could find a husband like the one Carol Elaine Jones had.


Now, hang on to your hats and get prepared to be shocked. Normally I don’t post the following sort of discourse on message boards (“There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin”), but I think that someone like myself, with moorings similar to Ben’s, shouldn’t be afraid to speak up for both of us on this occasion.

First, I do appreciate how this board’s members don’t seem eager to condemn more conservative actors, as opposed to certain film sites I have visited... I find it highly ironic when people claiming to be tolerant and broadminded (I never claim to match them in broadmindedness and liberality) post really venomous comments about someone (generally long dead) for having held views divergent from theirs.

Conversely, if an actor was far-left (so many are) it doesn’t have to diminish my enjoyment of their screen work, and I don’t feel compelled to post a long rant against them. If someone enjoys watching a particular actor or actress, it’s always nice to hear good things about them, or things that you find good, but enjoyment of their performances shouldn’t be dictated by their off-screen lives.

As a Christian (albeit unchurched) and an obsolete conservative (politically, I’m in the same boat as Linus Van Pelt when asked whether he’d be a Rep. or Dem. – “Are there any openings in the lunatic fringe?”) I disagree that Ben Johnson’s disapproval of homosexuality constitutes a dark side to his character. It’s only a dark side if one believes that an acceptance of homosexuals as being perfectly “normal” is mandatory for all “normal” people. Needless to say, I don’t believe this.

My grandfather, a Christian who has never considered himself a conservative, was both outraged and horrified when his church began accepting modern views on the whole gay issue. His feelings: if gays want to go to church, they should found a new church of their own in which homosexuality isn’t regarded as a sin; not try to remake Christianity to suit them. Ben seems to have had a view similar to this – “gay rights” was not something he or the folks he loved believed in, and by the island remark he was saying gays should have their own separate world, and not try to change the world he knew.

Homosexuality has always been considered a terrible sin in traditional Christianity and Christian societies … which is where old fashioned morality like Ben Johnson’s is rooted.


That all said and the load off my mind, here are my usual light ramblings, even more rambley than usual.

I think the first movie in which I recall seeing (and appreciating) Ben Johnson was Mighty Joe Young. He was such a contrast to the fast talking Max O’Hara and company; he really stood out (besides being better looking and taller than all the other actors.) The scene where Jill proposes to him is so sweet.

Listen Jill, you can’t go around askin’ guys to go to Africa with you.

I don’t! I’m asking you.

I know that the title character was an excellent stop motion Gorilla named Joe, but to the little girl experiencing her first crush, [Gregg] Johnson was the actual star.

A favourite later role is Pepper in Chisum (“What are you mumbling about?!”). Did Pepper have a first name? The IMDB lists it as James, but I don’t recall anyone calling him that in the movie.

I see that Ben Johnson did the stunts for Smoky, starring Fred MacMurray. That’s funny, because whenever I read Smoky, I like to picture Ben as Clint. I love the book (in fact, I’m on a mission to collect all of James’s books, fourteen so far) and I think that it would have been a perfect story for one of Walt Disney’s true-life nature adventures, with Rex Allen narrating (and Ben Johnson as Clint, of course.)

One of Ben’s actual appearances that I’m curious to see is in a two-parter from Disney’s Wonderful World of Color called Ride a Northbound Horse (1969) I think it must have been an adaption of the Richard Wormser book Ride a Northbound Horse set in 1870's Texas, and winner of the 1964 Western Spur Award for juvenal fiction. I can’t find any plot descriptions of the TV episodes. Has anyone here seen them?

I understand that Ben Johnson did quite a bit of stunt doubling for fist-fights. He makes a great double for Monte Hale, with things going fast, it’s hard to tell them apart. I have an Under Western Skies magazine somewhere that mentions Ben and stuntman Fred Graham were something of a “team” when it came to the fights. I guess it helped to have someone who’s style you were familiar with, fewer actual bruises that way. (Ouch.)

I used to subscribe to the Western Horseman magazine, and I’m 90% certain that in one of the issues an Oklahoma singer was profiled who’s latest CD included a tribute song to Ben Johnson. There has been much hair-pulling on my part in trying to find the issue again so I can order the CD (I would have at the time, but I didn’t have the money.) If the song is right, I can use it for a video tribute to Ben. In case I can’t find and/or use the song, what songs do you all think would be appropriate for Ben? I’ve found a few possibilities, but no sure bets (Unfortunately, I’m very particular when it comes to choosing songs.)

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Re: Ben Johnson

Post by JackFavell »

Wow! Welcome to the Ben thread, Maricatrin!

I'm going to sidestep the issues of gay rights completely, just saying to each their own viewpoint, and skip right to song choices. I have thought about making another Ben tribute, but have come across the same stumbling block in my choice of music. Ben's character seems to call for being choosy when it comes to finding a song that might show his personality to the best advantage. I have often thought that Tumbling Tumbleweeds might make a nice video, but like you say, it's not quite a perfect fit. I'd like to find that song that just says "Ben" all over it.

And I never thought James Pepper sat on that character from Chisum quite right. just Pepper is much better. :D
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