Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

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Rita Hayworth
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Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

Post by Rita Hayworth »

Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals
From Seattle Times Article

By Bob Pool
Los Angeles Times


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Tourists photograph each other on a hill with a view of the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles. A flier calling for the Hollywood sign to be torn down is a joke, but residents in the hillside neighborhoods below the landmark say the frustration they feel over growing crowds of tourists is very real.

LOS ANGELES — To understand how ugly the battle over the Hollywood sign has become, just look at the fliers that have been popping up recently in the hillside neighborhoods below the landmark.

In a call to arms, the fliers warn of the tourists who swarm in “like locusts from all across the world” and suggest the city establish “armed checkpoints.”

The anonymous author then makes a radical proposal: Dismantle the Hollywood sign.

It’s a joke, of course. But for both residents and city officials, it’s evidence that the long-running debate about sightseer traffic around the Hollywood sign is reaching a tipping point.

Those who live in the upscale hillside homes of Beachwood Canyon and Hollywoodland have long grumbled about tourists making the pilgrimage up the hill hoping for that perfect shot. But in recent years, they say, the flow of visitors has grown intolerable.

The once-sleepy Hollywood tour bus business has become increasingly competitive. Just a few years ago there were only a few operators offering Hollywood sign viewing tours. Now, there are more than 40 tour companies running buses and vans in and out of the canyon.

Then, there are the technological advances.

Many tourists now use GPS devices on their cars and phones to map out the best views. And the directions send them not just down the main roads but into narrow residential canyons. Tourist websites also offer tips on prime locations.

One even directed visitors to Deronda Drive, where “residents will have lemonade stands set up, offering the perfect thirst quencher after an exhilarating hike to the sign. They’re wonderful folks!”

Residents say they are bothered by the traffic but are most concerned about safety issues because the curving hillside roads were not designed for so many cars and pedestrians.

“We live in the middle of an area that is very attractive to people all over the globe,” said Fran Reichenbach, president of the Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association. “We knew that when we moved here, but in the last few years it’s really gotten out of hand.”

In an effort to deal with the crowds over the summer, the city tested the use of road checkpoints where tourists were warned of parking restrictions in the area and directed to a vista point above the Hollywood Reservoir where they could see the fabled sign.

It’s the latest of several tactics the city has tried, with decidedly mixed results.

In 2011, the city began weighing tour buses as they entered Hollywoodland to strictly enforce the 6,000-pound vehicle limit on the small streets.

Residents have even taken matters into their own hands, posting signs in the neighborhood stating “Warning — Tourist-Free Zone — All Tourists Leave the Area” and “Tourists Go Away.”

At a forum two years ago, residents offered a number of ideas for easing the traffic, including erecting gates across some streets and even building an aerial tram connecting the nearby Travel Town Museum in Griffith Park to a ridge next to the Hollywood sign. Neither of those ideas went far.

Now, residents are demanding that the city keep roads clear for emergency vehicles and that park rangers beef up patrols along the hiking trails leading up to the sign. Another suggestion involves new permit parking restrictions to prevent tourists from stopping on residential streets. Residents say many of the canyon roads dead-end, and there have been accidents as tourists try to turn around.

“It’s hard for us to manage our daily lives now,” Reichenbach said.
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Re: Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

Post by Rita Hayworth »

Any Members from LA Area knows anything about this? ... I'm very curious about this problem and I hoping that one of you can shed some light into this problem that residents around that sign are having.

Care to share? ... Thanks for your participation in this matter!
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Re: Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

Post by Lzcutter »


The problem has grown with the tech age we live in. Twenty years ago, you had to buy a guide book or know someone who knew the streets of Hollywoodland and could direct you to the best place to get a picture with the sign.

Because of that, the neighborhood was able to deal with the occasional tourist.

But, in the age of GPS and the internet, directions and/or GPS coordinates are now available to anyone with a smart phone. Plus, the influx of tour buses hasn't helped.

Hollywoodland was built back in the 1920s and the streets still retain a great deal of that charm. They are also narrow and require some navigation.

With the influx of tourists, the neighborhood is filled with cars often double parking or illegally parking (hey, I won't be gone that long, just want to get a picture!), increased traffic both by tour buses and those on foot.

So, to the people who live there, it often feels like they are under siege.

Hopefully, they can work something out with the city about this.
Lynn in Lake Balboa

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Re: Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

Post by Rita Hayworth »

Thanks for information Lzcutter! ... Makes sense to me. :)
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Re: Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

Post by Lomm »

Lzcutter wrote:With the influx of tourists, the neighborhood is filled with cars often double parking or illegally parking (hey, I won't be gone that long, just want to get a picture!)
This would infuriate me as a resident, far more than buses. I wouldn't care at all about people on foot, unless they were going into my yard or something. But blocking the road? I get mad if I have to wait for the UPS truck to get out of the way, let alone if I had to sit there while someone walked off, framed the "perfect shot" and took several photographs! :lol:
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Re: Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

Post by Lucky Vassall »

Here, the Lombard Street residents have the same problem. I can't imagine why anyone would want to buy a house there.

A little off topic, but:

Last week I watched "The Artist," and couldn't help wondering if one shot which featured the "Hollywoodland" sign in the background was a case of finding a rare clip that would fit, using the old faithful painted glass "background", or using today's "better(?)" CGI. I've seen old photos of the sign reading that way, but never any film.
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Re: Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

Post by Rita Hayworth »

Lucky Vassall wrote:Here, the Lombard Street residents have the same problem. I can't imagine why anyone would want to buy a house there.

Lombard Street


My Uncle and his family lived three blocks from that street and I remember this street very well Lucky and I just can't believe how people live on that street and the craziness it's brings. Murder on your car brakes and all ... :)

My Uncle lived there for 7 years until a promotion came along and moved his family to Cleveland.
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Re: Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

Post by Lucky Vassall »

Thanks for the neat pic.

Must have been taken at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, judging by the lack of cars.

[size=85]AVATAR: Billy DeWolfe as Mrs. Murgatroid, “Blue Skies” (1946)

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Re: Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

Post by Rita Hayworth »

Lucky Vassall wrote:Thanks for the neat pic.

Must have been taken at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, judging by the lack of cars.


You might be right on the money!
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Re: Iconic Hollywood sign draws swarms of tourists, irks locals

Post by mrsl »

Is that Lombard Street built into a hill as well as all the curves? Hard on brakes is probably an understatement - seems more like it would be death on brakes. I can't believe the houses are so close together. I didn't think there was any part of California that was so tightly populated.

I understand about the ire aroused regarding the Hollywood sign and tourists stopping traffic. There's nothing worse after a hard day's work than having to sit in your car while some ding-dong stands there thinking he's the first person who ever thought of the pose he's taking, especially on a hot day. But, on the other hand, that sign has been there for a whole long time, so instead of getting angry with the tourists the populace should band together and bug City Hall, to either widen the street or lay out a different one.

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