Who killed the electric car?

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Who killed the electric car?

Post by mrsl »

I happened onto this documentary today by accident and immediately became mesmerized. I can't believe the overt lies that are told by the oil companies and the large car manufacturers, it's Tucker all over again!!!

I never heard of the EV-1 (Electric Vehicle 1), yet they say they advertised it nationwide at millions of dollars expense to all states - Mullarkey!!!

They said there was no interest shown in the EV1 - what Bull!!!

They said people preferred pumping gas over plugging the car into a regular outlet in the garage at night. Don't you just dream of the charms of pumping gas, especially you ladies when you're all dressed up in business clothes and high heels???!!!

Apparently in 2002, 78 EV1's were leased by GM to people in California as an experiment. (Just for the record - all 78 people loved them). Suddenly in 2003 tow trucks showed up at these peoples homes and reclaimed the cars with the excuse that there had been some mistake - just very vague. After investigation, the cars were found in AZ waiting to be crushed and pulverized. When the people wanted to PURCHASE the cars, instead of lease, they were told they couldn't! It seems there were two sizes of batteries available - one that would go 60 miles before needing a charge, and the second that would go 300 miles before charge. By the time the last batch of cars (of the 78 were leased), the 300 mile battery was being installed, and replacing the original 60 mile when brought in for servicing. In some cases, the battery was given as the excuse for retrieval, yet nobody had had any problems with them. BTW servicing meant checking the battery, then sending it on its way.

It's a 90 minute doc, and I don't know if it's an old Michael Moore or what, but boy was it interesting.

Has anyone else seen it?


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Post by Bogie »

I haven't seen it but I wouldn't be surprised if the Electric Car was suppressed by Big Oil. Events in the last 5 years tho has changed things to quite a degree. At least now the car companies and oil companies are seeing the light and going with hybrid cars.

I will say this, I think North America should follow the example of Brazil where almost 100% of their cars run on ethanol mixed fuels and by 2012 they will be self sufficient that they will no longer have to buy oil for their automotive industry.
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Post by mrsl »


Without a doubt, Big Oil and American Motors of all kinds, were the ones who suppressed the EV!, mainly because the cars were not built with hundreds of parts that needed oil, and other fluids running through them to continue to run. In most cases, a service call could be done wearing white gloves. The cars simply didn't break down and need care all the time, so a lot of jobs would be cut down - New car sales, mechanical positions, oil change places, think of it. Actually, I have no idea how I'm going to be able to get a different car in 5 years, I certainly can't afford car payments, and I want to be sure I get a car at the right time. After all the kinks have been worked out, and the prices are at a reasonable rate. Imagine, less than 10 years ago, we were paying over $300 for a VCR, now you can get them for $39.99 because they're basically outmoded. The same applies to DVD recorders. Right now they're in the hundreds, but within a certain time, they'll be much less with competition.


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Post by traceyk »

Back over the summer, there was a series on, I believe Discovery Channel, called Future Cars or something like that. I skipped the [arts about "What will they look like? but watched the sections on future fuels. I was shocked to find out that we are sadly behind in this area, that one of the Scandanavian countries (Sweden?) has been running it's electricity on hydrogen fuel since the 30's (!!) and has plans in the works for highways featuring re-fueling stations for Hydrogen powered cars. Even the French are ahead of us. It's sad that Congress and Big Business (especially the oil business) have put profit ahead of progress. Think how much global warming could have been avoided if they'd thrown more energy into developing alternate fuel sources instead of raking in bucks. Of course, imagine how far, say the space program could have advaned if there had been less attention given to the Cold War and developing bigger and better WMD's...we Americans really are barbarians, when you get right down to it.
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Post by mrsl »

Hi Tracey:

Actually, we're ignorant barbarians. Yes SPTO, the auto companies are making more hybrids, but they're still 50-50 on petroleum and electric or whatever. The reasoning being to make the transition easier. That's just BS and we all know it. As for the government, whether it be federal, state, or county, I can state this for fact. Back in October, 2006, the newspaper printed announcements for weeks that as of 01/01/07, all of my county would become smoke free, because my cigarette smoke was harming non-smokers, again I say BS. I raised 4 kids while both Mr. L and I smoked, and 2 of the 4 will have nothing to do with cigs, but 2 smoke. It's a personal choice, yet the government was able to make me stop smoking in public. For financial reasons I've quit altogether, but don't tell me the government can't issue an ultimatum to the auto manufacturers they MUST convert to 100% non-petroleum cars within 10 years, and follow up with notices to the public that they have a time limit to convert. In addition, a ceiling can be instituted on prices, so people are able to convert.

Like Tracey said, maybe if the next Pres. tried to assist his/her people, instead of using his/her dictatorial-like scare tactics, we can get beyond the past 6 years and get back to becoming a world power again. I get so angry seeing those ads for Save the Children when thousands of kids right here in the U.S. are dying from their parents inability to insure them, that I usually turn off the volume or change the channel.


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