Marxist RKO

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Marxist RKO

Post by ken123 »

Tonight TCM is showing films that were acted, written, directed, or produced by individuals that were later victims of the Hollywood anti - Communist blacklist. I have just finished watching Deadline at Dawn that was produced by Adrian Scott, one of the Hollywood Ten, who refused to co - operative with HUAC in the 1947 hearings.

From the 1960's until the 80's local ABC TV Channel 7 showed RKO films late at night seven days a week, including many noirs that were made by people with a " leftist " background who were later blacklisted. So I now know what made me pre - order the 3 vol. hardback, gold edged Deluxe edition of Marx's " Das Kapital " from International Publishers circa 1969. It was those damn Reds at RKO ! Too bad that HUAC could not destroy all of the prints of those stinking, lousy brainwashing films that were aimed straight at America's heart ! American would be a better place if they (HUAC ) had gotten rid of all of those films.

The time frame in which I order the Marxists works I also ordered, from the Conservative Book Club, " HUMAN ACTION ", a nearly thousand page tome by von Mises, which is in a way a Capitalist "Das Kapital ". Which set of essays has more gobbledegook I can't say, but I am not a conservative and am, if anything, very left.

Does anyone have any comments any Deadline or that other Marxist propaganda film " Tender Comrade ". :roll:
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Post by mrsl »


I didn't see Deadline, but except for the name using the word 'comrade' in it, I wondered what the heck I missed while watching Tender Comrade. The entire movie was about democracy from all of them chipping in to make better living conditions for themselves, to how they agreed on major decisions. The speech at the end to the baby was 100% American patriotism - how dense am I? What did I miss? Was it supposed to represent a communist commune living style? The choice of living in a big airy house rather than a scrunched up apartment seems only logical if you can do it. BTW, can you imagine renting a house like that for less than $93.50 a month? Boy has the dollar changed. Or was it the fact that they all ate the same meal each night? Someone, please educate this dim witted person - Me!!! :oops:


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Post by ken123 »

mrsl - The fact that anyone saw the spreading of Communist propaganda in Tender Comrade just shows how idiotic were the HUAC hearings.

I am not kidding when I report the folllowing. Lela Rogers, Gingers' mother in her testimony before HUAC quoting a line from the film " share and share alike ". Lela said that line was communistic. Americans are such an ignorant people. :cry:
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