JFK - Not the Movie

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JFK - Not the Movie

Post by ken123 »

It anyone wants to continue the discussion here about the murder and not the movie, its fine with me. Thank you Klondike !
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Post by ken123 »

The Zaprauder film clearly show JFK getting hit in the front. Why would anyone believe the corporate run media ? And Watergate only involved a break - in. WMD's in Iraq, moved to Syria, no it was Jordan, according to Huckabee who apparently is not up on his GOP talking points.This country has been sliding toward fascism since WW2 and the Bush family have been in the forefront of this movement.

Post by jdb1 »

I really don't like these things - paranoia and conspiracy and such - but over the years I have begun to wonder. I hesitate even to mention it, but --

The more years I live, and the more I read about the Kennedy family and Joseph, Sr.'s inexorable march to the White House on the backs of his two sons (Joe, Jr. first, and then Jack); and specifically, the more I read about Sr.'s ties to the Mob; how instrumental the Mob was in getting JFK elected; and what very likely undeliverable promised were made to organized crime by the Kennedys; the more I think maybe it could have been a mob hit. I think this because (a) there are still unanswered questions, and most big Mob actions go unsolved; (b) the Bosses, though cruel and crude, are much smarter than they are generally given credit for, and most have even more ego than any Kennedy could evince; and (c) the CIA isn't smart enough to pull such things off on its own and get away with it (the 'get away with it' part being what the CIA is particularly bad at).

I grew up in the midst of such people (not the CIA -- the other ones). To my mind it's not at all beyond the range of possibility. But it makes me cry to think of it.
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Post by ken123 »

IMHO opinion the mob had a role, but the various intelligent agencies, acting on behave of corporate interests, had a very big role. The OSS hired Meyer Lansky and his " associates " to help out in WW2, why would anyone think that these ties were still not in place ? Mickey Cohen, Moe Dalitz, and Lansky were all money men for Nixon since his first campaign for Congress in 1946.
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Post by vallo »

I watched Ruby, live shoot Oswald "Point Blank" on Tv, the day after the shooting. But I got to believe it was a Conspiracy. Johnson (LBJ) was the only one to benefit from the asassination. JohnM, No one came forward because all are dead or passed right after the shooting. And all I remember in my mind, was Jackie Kennedy standing in a bloodly dress while LBJ was sworn in.

Bill (vallo)
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Post by ken123 »

Have you ever seen the wink photo of LBJ giving a wink to Democrtic Congressmen Albert Thomas ( Tex ) aboard Air Force 1 at the time he he ( LBJ ) is being sworn in.

But Johnson was just a hired hand. IMHO, Nixon, Hoover, Lansdale, Golwater ( ? )and others had at the very least beforehand knowledge.My belief that Goldwater and LeMay knew what was coming has grown in recent years. Nixon and Johnson since 1967.
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Post by vallo »

Yes I saw the wink, smurk or what ever you call it picture. It was a sad day for All Americans and for this Country. Some "Baby-Boomers" never got over it, myself included.

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Post by mrsl »

It's late and I'm tired but Sabruder himself while taping the entire autocade, including the shooting, had to dodge a bullet which just missed him as it hit the colonade he was standing next to. Also, one of the films clearly shows gun smoke emitting from the grassy knoll. That alone shows two bullets. One bullet that missed Sabruder and may have come from the grassy knoll, and the other being the 'miraculous' one that entered JFK's head, traveled through his body, exited, and broke Connelly's wrist and later his kneecap, and eventually landing on the floor of the car. Right!!!!!

Sorry johnm, can't go with you on this one.


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Post by ken123 »

IMHO a lot less fictional than WMD's in Iraq! :wink:
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Post by mrsl »


I saw something on either the History or Discovery Channel where they had it set up with a jelly-like substance and went up in a lift to where the book store window was. I'm pretty sure it's the same thing you have on the U-Tube link, which I said earlier I don't click on because they screw up my computer so that it is useless for up to an hour. In any case, I'm not basing my discussion on the movie alone, that program also mentioned Connelly's wrist and knee. They didn't call it the 'magic' bullet, but the seven point bullet or some such thing, and I still say bull.

Somebody killed JFK, I don't know who it was, but I am sure it was more than one guy, up on the fourth floor window across the square, and if his bullets are the ones that killed JFK, he had help in getting the situation set up. Too many other people were assassinated in following months and years to believe it was a fluke. Oswald himself, being shot is questionable. Shortly afterward RFK, then MLK, Oswald, Ruby, etc. I may not be the brightest bulb on the line, but I'm not the dimmest either. Or just call it womans' intuition.


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Post by mrsl »

Since I'm about ready to pack it in for the night, I took a chance and watched the link. I guess I got lucky, it didn't screw up. Anyway, the only question I have is, if it wasn't a conspiracy, where are the Secret Service agents who are supposed to be standing on the running boards? I told you I knew a guy and he's the one who told me most of the films you see are baloney because after all this time, they've been doctored up. Any car the Pres. rode in had to have running boards for the SS to stand on when the car went faster than 10mph. at that time. There were no SS around that car at all!!!


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