Were studios right to stop Carol playing roles.

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Were studios right to stop Carol playing roles.

Post by stuart.uk »

Usually i like to see stage performers take their roles on to film. for example if Don't Cry For Me Argentina had been made 20 yrs before Madonna, i would have liked the original Eva Peron Elaine Paige, who never had a film career, to have played the role

you could argue Rosalind Russell gave an understated performance, suitable for the screen in Gypsy, whereas Ethel Mermen might have been over the top with her huge stage persona.

Carol Channing hat two big stage hits Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Hello Dolly. i always found Carol a bit to girlie for my taste and besides it would be hard to top Marilyn Monroe in the movie. While Barbra Striesand was to young for the role of Dolly Levi in Hello Dolly, i still think she's have been better than Carol, besides i think BS got away with it playing it tomboyishly. if Dolly had to be played by a woman of the right age, i'd pick another stage Mrs. Levi, Ginger Rogers. it would have been good, because Ginger's film career was already over and HD might have put her back on the map again

Post by jdb1 »

Stuart, perhaps you are not familiar with the premise of Hello, Dolly, or with the play it's based on, The Matchmaker. The idea is that Dolly Levi is a middle-aged woman, who is still able to use her "feminine wiles" to snag a rich husband.

Streisand was so wrong for that role that it makes me gag. In fact, most things about Streisand make me gag. That is one Brooklynite I never point to proudly. Please, please, please - I don't want to get started on why BS is full of bs and is the most overrated actress in the history of the universe. (Not talking about her singing which, before she herself decided she was The Best of All Time, was good and and sometimes actually pleasant.)

Many people on this message board and elsewhere might think that someone like, for instance, Anthony Perkins, is a mannered actor. I invite you to look, I mean really look, at any of Streisand's performances, and count the tics, head bobs, lip twitches, eyelid blinks, eye crossings, hip swivels, chin juts, pouts, extraneous verbalizations, hair tosses, finger wiggles, etc. I assure you, you won't have time to do anything else as the movie goes on. Those things are not acting, they are posing, vogueing, and attention-calling devices, and I don't see much depth of interpretation to back them up or excuse them. I tried not to respond to your individual Streisand thread, but I can't help myself. I abhor and loathe this ego-sodden, self-adoring woman.

Phew, there: I let it out. I feel better. Thank you.
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Post by stuart.uk »

i said i thought Striesand got away with it becuse she played the role tomboyishly, but i respect your opinion to think otherwise.

what about my other suggestion as an alternative, Ginger Rogers. it's sad that the still very attractive Ginger's film career was over by the mid 60s when she still had so much still to offer. when HD was made Ginger would be only 57, the right age for the part and still young enough to attract Walter Matthou
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Post by stuart.uk »

Dora Bryan from A Taste Of Honey was a British Dolly
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Post by charliechaplinfan »

I've only got it on my to watch list because it was directed by Gene Kelly. I have no particular liking for Barbra Streisand.
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