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Post by mrsl »


Thank you for the explanation, it helped a lot. One thing though, isn't $5,000 the limit for a theft before it becomes a felony? It seems to me those fellows at AIG should have been arrested by one of the government agencies by now like the CIA, FBI, JERK, whatever. I'm quite sure that if I, as Jane Q. Public should walk off with $400,000. given me to offset a bank crash, they would be waiting for me outside my hotel room, with hand cuffs in hand, and Miranda on their lips.


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Post by srowley75 »

Lzcutter wrote:CCfan,

I don't think there are posts that we can't see. It looks like JohnM has gone in and deleted all his posts in this thread which may have caused the hic-cup in this thread.
Forgive me for hijacking, but it looks to me as though JohnM is totally gone from the system. Was he banned or is this just some kind of site hiccup (I seem to recall that it happened with at least one other member)? If he was banned, I'm very sorry to hear that. I found it most interesting to read his opinions about everything from films to politics. Usually his viewpoint deviated from the norm.

In any event, I wasn't aware that you could delete your entire account of your own accord. I know you can delete posts a couple minutes after you make them, but once they're in for about 30 minutes, all you can do is modify them.

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Post by movieman1957 »

JohnM was not banned. He seems to have deleted his posts. I'm not sure about deleting the account but he is not on the Member's List.

This did happen when Bryce changed his account name. It wound up deleting all his posts under his old name. I believe that was not planned.

If anyone had been banned there would have been an announcement of it. In the 18 months we've been up we have only had one banned member. At that time there was an announcement and an explanation for it.

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Post by Metry_Road »

Corporate interpretation of phrases like ‘Free Market’ and ‘Global Economy’ is entirely different from the way you or I, or most economists understand them. The corporate view can be summed up simply as ‘Profits. By any means necessary.’

The Bush administrations part in all this seems to be their policy of doing absolutely nothing until the whole thing collapses (I doubt seriously that a Democratic administration would have acted differently considering the influence that large corporations have in congress).

We have been on the road to disaster for many years, over many administrations. Either political party blaming the other for this current mess is just hypocrisy (and politics).

Economists and some politicians (the few uncorrupted ones) have been predicting this current disaster for years - And have no doubt about it, it is a disaster – but have been slapped down or accused of being ‘Prophets of doom’ or ‘anti free market’ (a sure fire way to shut somebody up. How many of us really know how the global economy works or is being manipulated by a greedy few?).

A typical example of warnings of coming disaster ignored or not taken seriously.

Article from USA Today August 2005.

http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/2 ... debt_x.htm

Accusing the administration and congress of ignorance or lack of understanding may be letting them off lightly. The really scary thing is that the government (and their corporate controllers) may have been aware for a long time that this current crisis was imminent and wanted it played out just this way (on the backs of US citizen tax payers of course)..

They may be insane, but they are not stupid.

Am I just a pawn in this game with no rules?

For God’s sake, even the Mafia has sounder economic principals than this!

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Post by charliechaplinfan »

Lzcutter wrote:CCfan,

I don't think there are posts that we can't see. It looks like JohnM has gone in and deleted all his posts in this thread which may have caused the hic-cup in this thread.

If that's the case, I don't think pages 23 and 24 actually have anything posted on them but for some reason the software of this board believes otherwise.
JohnM didn't stand for John McCain did it? :wink:

Sorry, I couldn't resist it :roll:
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Post by mrsl »

Much of this evening, while sewing, I've been watching several news magazines. It's so hard to believe in this day and age that people can still instigate racial hatred as McCain and Pallin have done this week. How can they look in the mirror at night? Then later, after thinking about it - this may sound dumb coming from a retired store manager, but could something be slowly happening to McCain, to make him say such things? He is not a young man, but his actions have been so contradictory that I wonder. One day he's spouting that Obama is a liar and not good for the U.S., then the next day, he's apologizing and trying to erase the words out of the air, as if they were written on a blackboard. I hope he doesn't fall apart at the debate tomorrow night, but what Keith Olbermann said today was the truth. First he's going to drop his campaign and fly to D.C. to help with the economics problem, but he doesn't get there until 3 days later. He accuses Obama of having connections with underhanded groups like ACORN, 13 years ago, yet he, himself spoke for them at a conference less than 2 years ago.

The man is just too old, he's losing it. Maybe some others go on into their 80's and 90's, but I don't think he's going to make the next 4 years mentally if the past couple of weeks are any kind of barometer.

Just spouting off again, hope you don't mind.


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Post by Synnove »

To me he has never given the impression of being that confused, but then again I haven't followed the campaign as closely as some of you. Maybe he has been given incoherent advice on what to say. However, he is getting on in years and it's perfectly possible that it's affecting his judgement. He seems so much more with it than Bush, though.
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Post by charliechaplinfan »

I watched som footage his morning, the impression I got from the BBC is that McCain has all but given up and doesnt really believe he can win. Is this true or is it a biased view from our left wing broadcaster?
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Post by Lzcutter »

Neither McCain or his campaign are giving up. From all indications, they are Robocalling (with some questionable tactics) in many of the so-called battleground states and continuing to campaign. Palin was talking about the "pro-American" places she has been to lately. Which then implies there are "anti-American" places here in the US. Many are wondering what cities she considers to be "anti-American".

On the other hand, Obama spoke before 100,000 (yeah, you read that right) in St. Louis, Missouri today where he continued to talk about the economy health care and the need to vote. A few months ago in Missouri, Obama was behind by ten points or more.

Today, it is a dead-heat in Missouri.

It's going to be a roller coaster ride the next two and a half weeks.
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Post by MichiganJ »

I received one of McCain’s Robocalls, and it is downright despicable. The entire call is about Obama’s “palling around with terrorists” and his “working closely with domestic terrorists”. We all (should) know the Bill Ayres story by now, but the good ol’ Conservatives can’t talk issues, so they have to drag out the old scare tactic play book. I mean, c’mon, if Bill Ayres is so bad, and he’s currently a professor at the University of Chicago, College of Education, does that mean all of his students are terrorists, too? And the faculty? Perhaps all of Chicago?

Good ol’ Sarah Palin (remember her?) uses the terrorists lines in her stump speech, and boy does it work (source: Sarah spoke here, just yesterday), and she brings up the ACORN “controversy”, too. Isn’t it just like the Conservatives to want to disenfranchise new voters. At least our “right” leaning newspaper had the dignity to add a story on today’s front page, under the “GOP’s New Star Rocks Verizon” story (about Sarah and her minions), which refuted Palin’s allegations with the headline (under the fold), "ACORN followed law on suspect registrations" (source: Indianapolis Star).

By the way, here’s another story on Sarah, and her “alleged” ethics, by the “liberal” media.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081014/ap_ ... ate_ethics

Say it ain’t so, Sarah. Say it ain’t so.
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Post by ChiO »

A slightly different, cautious and fearful (it goes with being a Cubs fan) perspective from this Obama supporter:
On the other hand, Obama spoke before 100,000 (yeah, you read that right) in St. Louis, Missouri today where he continued to talk about the economy health care and the need to vote. A few months ago in Missouri, Obama was behind by ten points or more.

Today, it is a dead-heat in Missouri.
Given St. Louis' location, I wonder how many of the throng were from Illinois. The most Democratic area of Illinois outside of Chicago is just on the other side of the Mississippi from St. Louis.

My gut still tells me that this race is much closer than the polling shows -- even though McCain's great performance at the Alfred E. Smith dinner in NYC did, at times, sound like a concession speech.
Palin was talking about the "pro-American" places she has been to lately. Which then implies there are "anti-American" places here in the US. Many are wondering what cities she considers to be "anti-American".

I believe that was answered on SNL last night: New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware...., and any state that is not a McCain state or a swing state. I wish I could remember whether it was Palin or Fey that gave the explanation.
I mean, c’mon, if Bill Ayres is so bad, and he’s currently a professor at the University of Chicago, College of Education, does that mean all of his students are terrorists, too? And the faculty? Perhaps all of Chicago?
This is a persistent error that needs correcting. Obama taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago (I assume in the College of Law). William Ayers is a professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Huge difference...just ask any UofC grad. And since MrsChiO received her MA from the University of Illinois-Chicago, College of Education, and stays in contact with and donates money to that den of radicalism, yes, J'accuse her of palling around with terrorists (though, as David Letterman asked McCain, if we concede William Ayers as a terrorist, who are the others Obama is palling around with to justify use of the plural "terrorists"?). The College of Education alumni group even wrote a letter to the editor published in the noted left-wingnut Chicago Tribune in support of Ayers, alleging that he is an inspiring instructor and a supporter of, and catalyst for, improving education in Chicago.

Chicago is not "terrorist"; it is "resurrectionist," as in: wait and see how many dead people we'll get to the polling places.

I like to think that such silliness from a campaign is an act of desperation and that acts of desperation are a sign of impeding defeat. But that, unfortunately, has not always panned out.
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Post by Lzcutter »

More news:

Another 75,000 people showed up for an Obama rally in Kansas City last night. (WaPo)

Colin Powell has officially endorsed Obama. (Sunday morning talk shows, Huff Post)
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Post by mrsl »

I'm so glad I fulfill the pre-requisites for being a "real" American as dictated by Gov. Sara Palin, and interpreted by Jon Stewart. I lived my childhood in Chicago, obviously a den of terrorists, thieves, and liars, but moved to the pure, clean and untouched suburbian small towns as a young wife and mother, but then lured by the den of iniquity I moved to the actual Sin City in Nevada, but cured myself by returning to the Chicago suburbs again in my later widowed life - Gee, I never knew I was so smart :!: :!: :!:

I swear, I have a hard time walking, and getting into my daughter's Jeep is a real hassle, but if I ever came face to face with that boob from Alaska, I'm sure a shock of adrenalin would coarse through me like a shot and give me the strength to kick her right in her well formed little buttox.

As for McCain, you cannot convince me that he has not had some kind of mental lapse. Four years ago he may have been a strong contender, whom even I admired, but now he's nothing but a grouchy, beaten old man who is bitter over the fact that he is in a good fight, and just like a child, wants someone to punish the younger man who is making him look bad.

God Help America if McCain/Palin win. What's even more amazing is how people are still going to see and hear him and cheer him on. Over the past week alone he has proven he is a liar, and can't handle a dispute, imagine him in the war room :!: THAT is a scary scenario :!:

I realize I may be making some of you angry, but I've been sick all week and haven't seen anyone who I could spout off with so I'm kind of using this board to vent a little. Just ignore me, and I'll cool down soon, but that Palin really makes me angry.


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Post by Marta »

mrsl wrote: I realize I may be making some of you angry, but I've been sick all week and haven't seen anyone who I could spout off with so I'm kind of using this board to vent a little. Just ignore me, and I'll cool down soon, but that Palin really makes me angry.


I'm glad it's not just me. I can't stand to even see her on television. I've never known anyone to put me in such a foul mood by just seeing them on television. I have no time for her whatsoever!!!!!

Hope you are feeling better soon by the way.

Post by jdb1 »

We had a discussion a few weeks ago about the inconvenience of Election Day on a Tuesday in November. For those of you who find this not to be a problem, I say - lucky you. But for the rest of us, it's a drag.

Apparently, I'm not the only one who feels this way, and yet another bill is before Congress to change our voting day to a weekend. This appears in today's Op-Ed page of the NY Times (which has endorsed Sen. Obama today in an unusually long editorial. For those of you who may not know, I would point out that The Times is traditionally a Republican newspaper, albeit a very liberal one):

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/24/opini ... ef=opinion
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