How Many States Have You Visited?

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Re: How Many States Have You Visited?

Post by rohanaka »

charliechaplinfan wrote:My husband's first degree is in geology and he has collected rocks that have moved with me twice now.
HA!!! I am getting visions of Lucielle Ball and the Long Long Trailer..ha. Maybe if you get enough of them you could have him build a shelf and make one entire wall a "rock wall" and use that room for his he man "macho" hangout. ha.
charliechaplinfan wrote:New York I fear I'll never get to, it's the one place my husband says no to. I think that's some where Mummy and grown up daughter can go to in time.
Now that would be a really special memory for you, for sure. I hope you can work that one out. (and PS: I really admire how WELL travelled you are here in the states. It is fun hearing your thoughts on things that so many of us here take for granted.

PS: Klondike... thanks for the CD tip.. that sounds like it would be a GREAT selection. I once met Bela Fleck in person (MANY years ago)at a concert when he was with New Grass Revival. They really put on a great show and were really nice to the fans (standing outside and signing autographs and chatting about Bluegrass. They seemed like a nice bunch of guys.. and ALL of them are just so very talented. It was a lot of fun. I think Beck is one of the most innovative musicians I have ever seen, using the Banjo in some really nontraditional ways. Pretty cool.
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Re: How Many States Have You Visited?

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Believe me, I love America and Americans, you're all so friendly and welcoming and we seem to acclimatize and fit in straightaway. I've probably said before but we came over about 10 days after 9/11/01, we were scared our holiday was going to be cancelled because all the flights were grounded for so long but thankfully the flights started again and that is when we travelled the South East, New Orleans was deserted of international travellers and not many American tourists either, we had a great welcome everywhere we went many surprised to find that we'd still come.
Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself - Charlie Chaplin
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