Shooting at Fort Hood

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Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by ken123 »

I just turned on the TV_ MSNBC reports a shooting at Fort Hood Texas, 7 dead ! :(

Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by jdb1 »

Ah, yes, another successful invocation of the Second Amendment. I'm certain that's exactly what our Founding Fathers had in mind.

[Do I have to spell it out for the literal-minded? Maybe so: I was being sarcastic.]
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Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by ken123 »

Chris Mathews on MSNBC is moderating a horrible speculation program about this tragedy. The warmongers are having a field day on this show & I find it disguisting.
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Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by Ollie »

In the late '90s, there was a mass-shooting at a Temple, Texas Luby's (Temple's a few miles from Ft Hood), and the gun-nuts voted in GW Bush as Guv so he could pass a new Texas Concealed Weapons Law, claiming, "If we all had guns, this wouldn't happen."

Hello, Ft. Hood. Home of gun-nuts extraordinaire.

I can't wait to hear the NRA come out and talk about this senseless violence. Oops - that's right - they never show up until they can bribe politicians and enrich themselves.
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Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by ChiO »

I believe that the latest reports are that the shooters were soldiers based at Ft. Hood.

Now, if I were (Benevolent) Tyrant of the Week, I would require that guns throughout the world be immediately destroyed, but...since I'm not (at the moment) and assuming the reports are correct...making guns unavailable to military personnel may be one step too far.
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Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by mrsl »

Years of admiring Charleton Heston, then losing all interest in him in his last few years, because of his misbegotten beliefs makes me wonder how I've mis-judged other people in my life.

I still wonder what would have happened if anyone with guns, out in the open, had attended a political town meeting with an all white president, other than mc bush.


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Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by ken123 »

The alleged gunman is still alive, contrary to all previous reports.
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Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by mrsl »

I understand most of the personnel at Fort Hood are just waiting time to be deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, and I believe the good doctor just decided, why send them over there to be killed in a foreign country, I may as well do it here to avoid all that paperwork.

That may sound like I'm making light of the matter, but I seriously think he heard so many horror stories, his mind couldn't contain the tragedies. Have you ever sat at the coffin of a loved one and listened to all the kind words of each person as they come in and pass you? During my husband's and daughter's wakes, there were times I wanted to jump up and run screaming from the room. It's not that you don't want to hear their kind words, but after hours of hearing it, it begins to sound phony, and puts you in a kind of daze.

In no way am I finding a way to excuse this doctor who is sworn to heal people, but I may see how he could 'lose it' and just escape. Maybe I'm wrong, I hope this guy isn't a cell who has been dormant for most of his life thus far, and finally been called back to service. If that's the case, I hope he is sentenced to life in a very small prison. I say life because it's not that I disagree with the death sentence, but in minutes it's over, whereas with life, he spends years knowing what he's done, especially in this case to comrades in arms.


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Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by jdb1 »

ChiO wrote:I believe that the latest reports are that the shooters were soldiers based at Ft. Hood.

Now, if I were (Benevolent) Tyrant of the Week, I would require that guns throughout the world be immediately destroyed, but...since I'm not (at the moment) and assuming the reports are correct...making guns unavailable to military personnel may be one step too far.
What I've read so far (a lot of it is contradictory) tells me that this nutter is a major, a psychiatrist and a Muslim who felt he was subject to prejudice and harassment from his fellows because of his faith. He was recently under treatment for an unspecified psychological problem.

I believe the sainted Second Amendment refers to a "well regulated militia." Remember that I was married to a military man, and I spent lots of time among people with access to, or carrying, various degrees of armaments. I don't have a problem with military personnel being around guns -- it's part of their job. However, allowing a troubled man with a grudge to remain armed among the very people he has a grudge against does not strike me as well regulated. There are a whole heap of crazies in the military, who are kept on short leashes until they get to combat situations, where they are then allowed to do their thing. Somebody at Ft. Hood let go of the leash.
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Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I just wanted to say how sorry I was when I heard this on the radio this morning, I've only been able to get online now but I've wanted to post my condolences all day. It's a terrible loss of life, a waste and a tragedy.

Our own forces came under fire in Afghanistan this week. An Afghan policeman our military were training turned his gun on them, killing five and wounded many more.

God help their families and loved ones and may the fallen rest in peace.
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Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by ken123 »

Jerome Corsi rightwing pundit says Major Hasan was an advisor to the Obama transition team. Hasan was not an advior. See The Huffington Post's article in regard to rightwing falsehood & Mr Corsi. Media Matters has a very good article about Hasan's ( non ) role in in the transition team .
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Re: Shooting at Fort Hood

Post by ken123 »

Chris Mathews is beeing an ass**** on this subject again today IMHO.
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