Napoleon- the full restoration- is coming!

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Napoleon- the full restoration- is coming!

Post by Lzcutter »


For many of us in America who saw the Brownlow restoration of the early 1980s with the orchestral score by Francis Ford Coppola's father Carmine, for the last five years, we have only heard what those in Europe have been able to see theatrically, Kevin Brownlow's full restoration of Abel Gance's Napoleon with an orchestral score by Carl Davis, often conducted by Davis, himself.

After the 1980s restoration, Brownlow continued to track down footage for Napoleon and continued the restoration and a few years ago released a new version. But, here in America, due to Coppola, we could not see that new restored version with the Davis score or get it on DVD for a couple of reasons, one being Coppola's devotion to his father's score.

Those in Europe could see it but here in America, there was an impasse.

It was hoped that with Brownlow and Coppola both awarded honorary Oscars last November, that maybe, the frost might thaw and progress might be made to bring the Brownlow/Davis restoration to America.

Well, something caused Hades to freeze over (was it Brownlow's acceptance speech, some off the record meeting between Francis Ford and Kevin Brownlow, no is talking) because the full Brownlow restoration with the Carl Davis score conducted by Davis himself is coming to America next Spring.

At Oakland's premiere movie palace, the Paramount, Abel Gance's Napoleon will screen on March 24th, 25th, 31st and April 1st.

For tickets:

For the trailer: ... tival.html
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moira finnie
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Re: Napoleon- the full restoration- is coming!

Post by moira finnie »

This is great news for anyone who has seen Abel Gance's Napoleon on TCM only, but also for anyone who knows how much this means to Kevin Brownlow as a personal achievement. Now that this problem has been surmounted, perhaps Brownlow's heartfelt words at the Academy ceremony will finally reach others in control of films long unseen.

So, is the California branch of the SSO planning on attending en masse...or as "massed" as a select crew of about 5 or 6 hearty souls can be?

Thanks for posting this, Lynn.
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