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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 3rd, 2013, 6:28 pm
by CineMaven

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 3rd, 2013, 7:06 pm
by JackFavell
Oh my gosh, that crosseyed one is so cute! He's more flexible than an olympic gymnast!

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 6:59 am
by CineMaven


ABBY ( JAN. 2000 - APRIL 2013 )

Got one of the worst pieces of news I could hear from my friend, a man who was a boy when he asked me to the prom. His sweetie pie Abby, has passed away Wednesday morning. Her heart just gave out at Tufts Hospital of Veterinary Medicine up in Massachusetts when my friend took her there for another medical issue. She looks imposing ( can't bear to use the past tense right now ) but she is such a sweet sweet dog. She's smart and sooo noble and protective. When we three would go for a walk she'd run ahead sniffing & exploring & galloping after imaginary prey. If Dave or I lagged behind her, she'd turn around and either stop and wait, or run back over to us with her little "woof!" as if to say "Come on guys." I wish I could have got up there to see her one last time, to give her one of my big wrap around hugs or bury my face in her face so we could look eye-to-eye. But the next time I'm up there, it won't be the same. But I'll see her all around my friend's house in her toys, her leash, her rawhide. Her aura is there. Gosh, she was a sweet dog.

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 7:07 am
by JackFavell
I'm so very sorry, Tee. It's the worst thing in the world to lose a beloved friend. Your description of her was beautiful. I can see her in my minds eye, turning and waiting for you guys to catch up.

I know she's in a better world, one where the health issues she had are non-existent, where she can run without the leash to her heart's content. And she knows how much you love her. You gave her wonderful times, and lots of deep, unconditional love. She was a grand doggie.

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 10:00 am
by mongoII
So sorry, Theresa. It's like losing a member of the family. I know since I've been there many times.
I'll never forget Huntz the sweet boxer. My daughter Veronica and I took him to the vet which was to be his last time. He was sitting in back of us in the car and suddenly leaned over to kiss us both on the cheek, and it broke our hearts.
No doubt that Abby was a lovely pet.

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 10:42 am
by moira finnie
Theresa, I am so sorry for this sadness entering your life, but based on that great picture of you and Abby contentedly smiling together, it seems that there must be some deeply felt shared moments to remember fondly. Knowing that you would not wish Abby to be in any kind of pain, perhaps she has just trotted ahead a bit around the bend. I like to hope you'll turn the corner someday to find she is waiting patiently for you to catch up.

Please take care and thanks so much for sharing your feelings here.

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 11:30 am
by CineMaven
[u][color=#4040BF]JackFavell[/color][/u] wrote:I'm so very sorry, Tee. It's the worst thing in the world to lose a beloved friend. Your description of her was beautiful. I can see her in my minds eye, turning and waiting for you guys to catch up...
[u][color=#0040BF]mongoII[/color][/u] wrote:So sorry, Theresa. It's like losing a member of the family. I know since I've been there many times...
[u][color=#0000BF]moirafinnie[/color][/u] wrote:Theresa, I am so sorry for this sadness entering your life, but based on that great picture of you and Abby contentedly smiling together, it seems that there must be some deeply felt shared moments to remember fondly.
I met her as a floppy wiggly brown little puppy, with not a spot of gray on her. David would tell me that when I sent mail up to him in Massachusetts, Abby would always be able to sniff out my mail, pull it out, wagging her tail and running around like a loon over to the window to see if I was outside. What the hey....I'd ask Dave how could she tell my mail, when my mail was mixed in with all the mail of our U.S. Postal System. He said she did. My mail'd be all in the mix of his bills and cards and mine would be in her mouth. You know, even though she wasn't my dog, she felt like she was mine.

Or...and this'll sound wild, but Abby made me feel like I was hers.

:) I always try to go for the humor. I laugh and joke on this site. But I want to thank you so much for your wishes guys. I appreciate it. :(

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 1:21 pm
by RedRiver
I'm so very sorry to hear this. You may never have a better friend.

I like to hope you'll turn the corner someday to find she is waiting patiently for you to catch up.

Let's all think of the final scene of ON BORROWED TIME. Yip! Yip! Yip!

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 3:01 pm
by CineMaven
[u][color=#0040BF]RedRiver[/color][/u] wrote:I'm so very sorry to hear this. You may never have a better friend.
Thank you Red. Listen, do me a favor...a personal favor. Please give your little Shug an extra hug today. An extra doggie treat today. Give her a little extra extra today. Thanx!

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 4:54 pm
by sandykaypax
I'm sorry to hear about Abby. What a sweet doggie face. I love how older dogs get the white fur around the muzzle.

I love cats and dogs. They bring us so much joy and ask for so little in return.

Sandy K

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 12th, 2013, 9:51 am
by CineMaven
[u][color=#4000BF]sandykaypax[/color][/u] wrote:I'm sorry to hear about Abby. What a sweet doggie face. I love how older dogs get the white fur around the muzzle. I love cats and dogs. They bring us so much joy and ask for so little in return. Sandy K
Thanks so much Sandy. Her "daddy" ( my friend David ) is a photographer and he's taken some great shots of my little sweetie over the years. They're really more than just pets, aren't they? Thanks!

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 12th, 2013, 3:39 pm
by sandykaypax
They are definitely more than just pets. I have a very close relationship with my cat. I swear sometimes that he and I communicate telepathically! My husband thinks that's nuts. But we love our little furry dude.

Sandy K

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 12th, 2013, 4:13 pm
by JackFavell
I am pretty sure that Lily knows what I am saying... even when it's not simple commands like "No" or "Drop it". I know it sounds crazy but she has responded to very complex sentences before, as if she understands the underlying concept. I guess it could be body language or other non verbal cues that she is picking up on, but it always cracks us up when we ask a question to the general crowd and Lily barks a response at us. It's actually a pretty frequent occurrence.

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 12th, 2013, 4:22 pm
by RedRiver
give your little Shug an extra hug today

That's a promise.

Re: To Dream of Dogs

Posted: April 12th, 2013, 6:37 pm
by knitwit45
T, I'm so sorry to read about this loss. No matter how much we think we are prepared, we never are.
I am so glad you have all these great memories of your time spent together. The ache will dull a bit, but the memories will always shine brightly. RIP, Miss Abby.