I Just Watched...

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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by LawrenceA »

TikiSoo wrote: December 25th, 2022, 6:41 am
I don't know what you mean by that, Lawrence
I was just referring to that old online trope that no matter what the movie/show/song/book, some one online will hate it and describe in detail why it's horrible. Oftentimes they'll also expound that anyone who could possibly like such dreck must themselves be inferior, lying, and/or a failure as a human being at some level. Masha didn't go that far, thankfully, but there were a couple of people on the TCM boards who would.

The inverse is also true: no matter how awful you think a particular movie/show/song/book is, it will be someone else's favorite. Back when IMDb had comments enabled on each movie's page, it was always a laugh to see how long it took before some one posted how it was the worst movie they'd ever seen, or their all-time favorite.
Last edited by LawrenceA on December 25th, 2022, 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Watching until the end.
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by LostHorizons »

LawrenceA wrote: December 25th, 2022, 12:03 pm
TikiSoo wrote: December 25th, 2022, 6:41 am
I don't know what you mean by that, Lawrence
I was just referring to that old online trope that no matter what the movie/show/song/book, some one online will hate it and describe in detail why it's horrible. Oftentimes they'll also expound that anyone would could possibly like such dreck must themselves be inferior, lying, and/or a failure as a human being at some level. Masha didn't go that far, thankfully, but there were a couple of people on the TCM boards who would.

The inverse is also true: no matter how awful you think a particular movie/show/song/book is, it will be someone else's favorite. Back when IMDb had comments enabled on each movie's page, it was always a laugh to see how long it took before some one posted how it was the worst movie they'd ever seen, or their all-time favorite.
EricJ was the king of doing that. That guy hates everything. He must be bitter and hate filled 24/7.
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by Masha »

LawrenceA wrote: December 25th, 2022, 12:03 pm
I was just referring to that old online trope that no matter what the movie/show/song/book, some one online will hate it and describe in detail why it's horrible. Oftentimes they'll also expound that anyone would could possibly like such dreck must themselves be inferior, lying, and/or a failure as a human being at some level. Masha didn't go that far, thankfully, but there were a couple of people on the TCM boards who would.

The inverse is also true: no matter how awful you think a particular movie/show/song/book is, it will be someone else's favorite. Back when IMDb had comments enabled on each movie's page, it was always a laugh to see how long it took before some one posted how it was the worst movie they'd ever seen, or their all-time favorite.
I often use the phrase: "not to my taste" to indicate how subjective my opinion is. There are entire genres from westerns to melondramas which would never be filmed if the world lock-stepped to my tastes. This would be a pity because there are a few examples in each which I find quite wonderful.

I will add in the spirit of fairness that it is generally considered not wise to disagree with me. This is especially true when I have strong convictions on the matter and your throat is within my reach.

A person can fall afoul even with simple statements on the internet. Saying: "I like oranges" will often elicit a response of: "How dare you! Do you not know how many people have had orange-related traumas in their lives? What about Mangos or Kumquats? Why are you dissing those? Educate yourself!"
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by HoldenIsHere »

LostHorizons wrote: December 25th, 2022, 12:13 pm
LawrenceA wrote: December 25th, 2022, 12:03 pm
TikiSoo wrote: December 25th, 2022, 6:41 am
I don't know what you mean by that, Lawrence
I was just referring to that old online trope that no matter what the movie/show/song/book, some one online will hate it and describe in detail why it's horrible. Oftentimes they'll also expound that anyone would could possibly like such dreck must themselves be inferior, lying, and/or a failure as a human being at some level.
EricJ was the king of doing that. That guy hates everything. He must be bitter and hate filled 24/7.
Yes and EricJ was also the emperor of stating opinion as fact. And sometimes the actual facts he stated were not correct.
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by EP Millstone »

LawrenceA wrote: December 25th, 2022, 12:03 pm I was just referring to that old online trope that no matter what the movie/show/song/book, some one online will hate it and describe in detail why it's horrible . . .

The inverse is also true: no matter how awful you think a particular movie/show/song/book is, it will be someone else's favorite . . .
TikiSoo wrote: December 25th, 2022, 6:41 am I hate missing out on something everyone else loves & thinks is great.
And why is that a problem?

In all seriousness and without an ounce of malice intended, why do other peoples' opinions matter to you?

Personally, I don't give a rodent's derrière about everyone else's opinions and tastes. I'll admit that I sometimes get peeved when someone disses something that I like -- but only when the critic expresses his/her distaste in terms such as "How could anyone like this dreck? People who like this type of stuff are morons!" Folks who not only feel compelled to share their discontent but also pass judgment and cast aspersions on those whose tastes they don't share -- that's when I get "triggered."
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by Fedya »

EP Millstone wrote: December 25th, 2022, 3:50 pm
And why is that a problem?

In all seriousness and without an ounce of malice intended, why do other peoples' opinions matter to you?
You mean my opinion isn't important to you?

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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by drednm »

Re-watched WHAT'S UP, DOC? (1972) which remains a comedy fave. Hard to believe this film is now 50 years old! Great work by Barbra Streisand, Ryan O'Neal, and Madeline Kahn in her feature film debut. There's also a comic gem of a performance by Liam Dunn as the harried judge. He's hilarious. So are Austin Pendleton and Kenneth Mars.

Loosely based on BRINGING UP BABY (very loosely based). One source says this was the first American film to give on-screen credits to the stunt men and women.
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by TikiSoo »

drednm wrote: December 26th, 2022, 9:34 am Re-watched WHAT'S UP, DOC? (1972) which remains a comedy fave. Hard to believe this film is now 50 years old!
Thanks for bringing this up! I only saw this for the first time during Bogdanovich's spotlight on TCM....2 years ago? Sure beats what I tried watching last night, ZARDOZ '74. No amount of Sean Connery beefcake could save that one. When the giant stone head floated around in the sky I knew it was Abandon Time.

Maybe watching under the influence with a bunch of friends in a theater, the movie might be funny like a 3 Stooges comedy. But at home alone on DVD seemed really really stupid.
It obviously has a following:
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by CinemaInternational »

TikiSoo wrote: December 27th, 2022, 6:42 am
drednm wrote: December 26th, 2022, 9:34 am Re-watched WHAT'S UP, DOC? (1972) which remains a comedy fave. Hard to believe this film is now 50 years old!
Thanks for bringing this up! I only saw this for the first time during Bogdanovich's spotlight on TCM....2 years ago? Sure beats what I tried watching last night, ZARDOZ '74. No amount of Sean Connery beefcake could save that one. When the giant stone head floated around in the sky I knew it was Abandon Time.

Maybe watching under the influence with a bunch of friends in a theater, the movie might be funny like a 3 Stooges comedy. But at home alone on DVD seemed really really stupid.
It obviously has a following:
People laughed at it even in the 70s (Zardoz). Pauline Kael admitted that she giggled her way through it. I felt that the film was unusual enough that I gave it a pass, helped by that breathtaking photography, but it is a very unusual film where everyone involved deserved to have a little more fabric expended on their costumes. (the director's wife was the "designer")
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by CinemaInternational »

As for the whole opinions debate, when it comes to film, everyone comes to things with different tastes. You can inspect the ranking of lists i did in the decade threads. it wouldn't apply to anybody else be it with my not caring for some praised films, or giving praise to some film that wasn't received well at all (Like Mary Reilly). it is what it is. I do care about your opinions as I love to read the reviews that all of you put up,just to see the many differing perspecives.
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by Masha »

Flawless (2007)

A 1960s lady executive fighting to exist in a man's world has an opportunity to tweak the noses of the men in control.

I am very happy to have found this movie because the last Michael Caine movie which I watched was quite disappointing. This is a gentle little movie with no bloodshed, explosions or stunts. It is built on believable personalities in believable situations.

Demi Moore is not to my taste but this is mostly due to the type of movies in which she has appeared. I liked her very much in this.

I loved seeing Nathaniel Parker in a role which suited him perfectly. He is perhaps my favorite actor to play characters whom you are not quite sure you should trust.


I am sorry to say that I know of this movie's availability only on subscription sites.
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by Detective Jim McLeod »

Titicut Follies (1967) TCM 8/10

A documentary shot at a Massachusetts institution for the criminally insane.

I have seen this many times (even own it on DVD) and it still as shocking as it was 55 years ago. It was shown last night on TCM due to it being chosen for preservation by the National Film Registry. It was directed by Frederick Wiseman, who I think is the greatest doc filmmaker ever, bar none.

Once seen, it is hard to forget the raw, explicit moments shown in this film.

We see some guards taunting a naked disturbed patient.

A patient with a European accent (maybe Russian or Polish) telling doctors that the medication and treatment he is receiving is doing him more harm than good.

A doctor, while smoking a cigarette, force feeds a patient with a tube.

It begins with hospital staff doing a musical revue show, one guard seems to care more about being a musical comedy star than his day job.

Anyone else see this, what do you think?
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by CinemaInternational »

Tequila Sunrise (1988)

I have to open this mini-review with an aside. Last year, I read a book that was a history about the men behind the film Chinatown, all flawed individuals who had this one big shining moment. That wonderful script was written by Robert Towne, a top scriptwriter before troubles with addiction not only affected his personal life, but also the clarity of some of his writing. Tequila Sunrise happens to be written and directed by Towne and it certainly is lacking the clarity and precision of his earlier neo-noir; in fact its much more tepid and muddled than his slated script for the underrated The Two Jakes An over-reliance on sharp, foul language ends up undercutting the film's noir throwback intentions. The story is relatively simple: a romantic triangle on both sides of the law with a drug dealer wishing to get out of the business (Mel Gibson) and his former friend, a morally dubious cop (Kurt Russell) both vying for the hand of a restaurateur played by Michelle Pfeiffer. None of these characters are particularly well delineated (although they make more sense than Raul Julia's constantly changing role and at least they are not wasted like the sparky Ann Magnuson stuck with a one-scene blip), and with the two male leads being slightly stiff, its Pfeiffer who has to do the heavy lifting. To her credit, she almost makes this stodgy thing work when she is onscreen, but it is too heavy a load for one person to do. There is lovely, silky Oscar nominated photography by Conrad Hall to at least make it good to look at; Dave Grusin's score sounds like discarded saxophone cues from LA Law. I was expecting much more out of this than was actually delivered, but I am reminded that Pauline Kael considered it to be a major guilty pleasure, so I guess one's mileage will vary based on what they bring to it.
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by jamesjazzguitar »

I'm watching The Silver Horde, a pre-code with Evelyn Brent, Joel McCrea and Jean Arthur. While there are talented actors in this film it is only OK due to slack direction.
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Re: I Just Watched...

Post by speedracer5 »

TikiSoo wrote: December 25th, 2022, 6:41 am
LawrenceA wrote: December 25th, 2022, 1:27 am
Masha wrote: December 25th, 2022, 12:21 am Our tastes seem to be at odds lately.
It's fine. I learned long ago that the internet is the place you go to find out everything you like actually sucks.
I don't know what you mean by that, Lawrence.....but I couldn't get through the first BLADE RUNNER movie so I admire you BOTH!
I'm not into action films and found it lit rather dimly. I couldn't follow the story at all and was completely lost after the first 45 minutes & gave up.

I hate missing out on something everyone else loves & thinks is great.
I watched the original Blade Runner a year or two ago and didn't get it at all. To me, it seemed to be all visuals and no substance. However, science fiction and action films are definitely not my favorite genres. I watched the entire film, but had no idea what I'd just seen after it ended.
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