To Dream of Dogs

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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by charliechaplinfan »

You're allowed to take dogs into banks? I'm shocked, dogs aren't allowed to go into any public buildings here. I wish they could, I really don't like to leave Lara in her cage when we go out, usually one of us stays outside holding the lead.

Lara started her season this morning, I thought something was wrong last night, she wasn't settling and kept wanting to go out. So far, so good, only one bit of blood.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by RedRiver »

Shug was allowed in the hospital when my mom was sick. We had to get special permission, but we did it. I keep asking her, "Why do you like to go to the bank? You don't have any money!"

We went out in the rain today. Now I'm at the library. Of course, there's a wet dog on my couch. What am I going to do? Lock her in the bathroom? It's not her fault it's raining. I'll be home soon to watch The Kentucky Derby with her! I've never been to the race, but I always watch it on TV. I plan my day around a two minute event! Only in Kentucky!

I bet Allison's no stranger to the horse racing culture. I've never been to England, but I've read Dick Francis!
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I've been to the races a few times, always with work and it was always a corporate booze up, the ones you feel oblidged to join in, it's been a long time though. My favourite part is watching as they parade the horses.

I think it's great that dogs are allowed in public places. England is not good for dogs, we allow the nay sayers too much say. It's the same adage, one rotten apple spoils it for everyone else, there will always be someone not looking after their dog. Do you have problems in the States with dog mess? By law we have to clean it up, most people do but it's one or two that don't. If you're caught not doing it there is a large fine, of course there's hardly a choice you'll get catch so those who don't rarely get fined. Most people clear up because it's the right thing to do, they don't need the threat of a fine.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by JackFavell »

I am not sure if it's the law here to pick up after your dog. But yes, we have problem with messes here! And it's the same, the few who don't pick up make it bad for the ones that do pick up after. I get very irritated on my street when a little dog will go in someone's yard and the person doesn't pick up. I end up picking it up after a few days because I don't want people thinking it's Lily. It burns me up when they leave it, knowing full well there's another little dog on this block who will get the blame.

I've never been to the races, it seems like such fun! I'd love to go sometime, but not as an obligatory outing with work employees who just want the excuse to get ripped. When I woke up yesterday morning the weather channel was talking about the Derby and I got excited, but once again I forgot to watch in the afternoon and instead went out with a friend of mine. I seem to miss it every year, no matter how much I look forward to it.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by RedRiver »

Do you have problems in the States with dog mess?


By law we have to clean it up, most people do but it's one or two that don't

Most counties require clean up. But we also have laws against marijuana. Look how well that one works! Residents of large cities are a little more respectful. Small towns? Rural areas? "You can have my poop when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!"

Shug was all wet from the rain last night. I wouldn't let her get on the furniture till she dried a little. Then I went to bed. She sat on the floor next to me until I told her she could come up! I don't know how long she would have sat there. My little girl tries so hard. None of these human rules make any sense to her.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by moira finnie »

RedRiver wrote:Small towns? Rural areas? "You can have my poop when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!"
As a small town resident who likes to walk, I can tell you that the poo factor is something you have to take into consideration. We not only have doggie doo, but on several side roads road apples left by the occasional horse and rider may also be a pungent fact of life. I wouldn't trade this town for a lifetime in the big city--though I would no doubt feel differently if I had never lived among the millions for a time.

Red, you make Shug such a vivid character. Would it ever be possible for you to post a photo of him? I bet he's awfully cute.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by RedRiver »

I'll see what I can do, Moira. I don't have a digital camera. Not even on my cheap cell phone! I'm a little different when it comes to technology. We can all learn new things. I just don't have the interest. It doesn't intrigue me.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by JackFavell »

Forgive me if I've told this story before...but discussing poop laws reminded me.

Ella, the black lab and Lily walk together sometimes, while my neighbor Elizabeth, her owner and I talk. Elizabeth carries her poo bags in a little quilted purse, rather than exhibiting a plastic bag for all to see and smell when she takes a walk. One day we decided to take the dogs into my back yard so we could talk gardening and they could play. Elizabeth left her bag in front of my fence while we went around the back of the house. We were only there for about 5 minutes, but when we came back, someone had stolen her bag, which was full. We still laugh about it. Talk about justice...
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by Rita Hayworth »

JackFavell wrote:Forgive me if I've told this story before...but discussing poop laws reminded me.

Ella, the black lab and Lily walk together sometimes, while my neighbor Elizabeth, her owner and I talk. Elizabeth carries her poo bags in a little quilted purse, rather than exhibiting a plastic bag for all to see and smell when she takes a walk. One day we decided to take the dogs into my back yard so we could talk gardening and they could play. Elizabeth left her bag in front of my fence while we went around the back of the house. We were only there for about 5 minutes, but when we came back, someone had stolen her bag, which was full. We still laugh about it. Talk about justice...
Ha Ha Ha ... this is so freaking good ... This should be written up for Reader's Digest ... In Life In These United States ... this so unbelieveable ... thanks for giving a great laugh today!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: out of :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by JackFavell »

I'm glad it gave you a good laugh, Erik! I realized right after I posted it that I've written of it before and was about to take down my post.

It's just so hilarious thinking about the perp stealing that bag, and the look on his face when he opened it and found an enormous pile of poo inside....
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by CineMaven »

Here's wishing that all the Dogs of the SSO are well, happy and walked. Oh, and give 'em extra treats too. ( Come on Red! ) The world is in a terrible state of least let your doggies jump up on the couch!
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by knitwit45 »

Jacks, here's one for you:
(Happened to a woman I worked with years ago)
She was checking out at a grocery store, and watched a VERY pregnant woman walking across the parking lot. The woman reached her car, opened the door, and then suddenly bent over. My friend rushed outside, prepared to help. Now remember, this is at least 40 years ago, long before cell phones or 911 help. Anyway, when she got there, the pregnant lady was laughing almost hysterically. It seems she was on her way to her doctors office, and of course, years ago, you took your first of the day , um, specimen, with you. Well. She was in a hurry, couldn't find the cup the doctor sent home each time, so she used an empty beer bottle............and someone had stolen it from her car....... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Last edited by knitwit45 on May 6th, 2013, 8:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by Rita Hayworth »

I love this too Knitty! :) :lol:
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by JackFavell »

OMG! :D :D :D :D :D That's hilarious! Guess he got a real surprise.... :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: To Dream of Dogs

Post by charliechaplinfan »

There is justice in this world. People who don't pick up after their dogs really annoy me, I don't want anyone to think it's Lara. A bit of a wake up call now it's warm, I have my coat pocket bulging with dog bags and I don't need to use a coat at the moment, time for my little bag again.

Lara is in season, only Mum can deal with it, poor Lara, she just seems out of sorts, doesn't know where to put herself, hasn't got her usual appetite and is clingy, especially to me. She doesn't understand what is happening and doesn't seem bothered about the slight mess it is making. She can't be spayed until 90 days after and we're on holiday, hopefully we can catch her when we come back before she comes into season again.
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