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Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: July 13th, 2011, 2:43 pm
by moira finnie
movieman1957 wrote:At least you have that. The small Christmas tree that we planted years ago in the common area was last year stripped of nearly all its branches and this year is gone. There must be some metaphor for life in there.
Was it some deer that vandalized your tree, or do you think the earth or the light in that spot wasn't right, Chris?

People around here have had a long-running guerrilla war going on with our antlered friends. I don't mind the deer, (except when they leap out of the woods in front of my car to say "Hello!" and give me a coronary). My bete-noire are the Canadian geese, who are the Hell's Angels of the fowl world, muscling into every neighborhood, kicking out the native waterfowl and leaving their "messages" all over the sidewalks and lawns--though none have perched in my yard yet.

Sorry about the digression, Christy!! How's the drought going? Any relief yet?

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: July 13th, 2011, 2:46 pm
by movieman1957
No deer. It was the Condo Association.

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: July 28th, 2011, 6:07 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
The figs have played out, but they were nice. Tomatoes have all but died of the heat, but the bell peppers and a little okra are still creeping along, waiting for they daily drink.

But, Halleleujah, we had rain last week, and since tropical storm Don is on his way, relief is forthcoming...but I guess this info belongs on the 'Round the world Weather report....

When I settle down, I will try to post more about the TCM FEST....

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 2:39 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
I have to vote Marge Champion the Official Energizer Bunny of the 2011 Turner Classic Movies Film Festival. She was everywhere. I first noticed her in the elevator, and she was so adorable! She had on her slacks and her little running shoes, and her posture was simply regal. At 91, and I know it is impolite to mention a ladies' age, but she should be properly proud, as her energy level astonished me. Ms. Champion was here, there, and everywhere, and attended several screenings of other activities and film venues where she was not slated to appear. And her fans are grateful. And she is adorable!

After we shared the elevator, she also hopped on over to the Robert Osborne interview with the legendary Peter O'Toole at the Music Box Theater where I heard Ms. Champion say that she had been in a movie with him. Maybe it was The Party? May be she said she wanted to be in a movie with O'Toole. I am not sure. But she sat in the audience with the rest of us just like regular passholders, and everyone enjoyed that interview because it was the legendary Peter O'Toole.

I am seated in the last spot on the right. Ms. Champion was, I believe in the second row near the front of the stage in the center. Of course, everyone who knew who she was perked up immediately.

She introduced That's Entertainment on Sunday morning:

According to the blurb on the schedule, the Sunday afternoon TCM Panel entitled "Dancing in the Movies" would involve special guests who would discuss : "Movie dance performances" that " have spellbound audiences for decades; join our esteemed panel as they review the history of dancing in film, its impact on moviemaking and audiences, and what its like to choreograph for—and dance in—the movies."

So more on that next time!

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 3:04 pm
by JackFavell
WOW she looks great! Dancers seem to age well.

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 3:04 pm
by Rita Hayworth
I would love to attend any of the TCM festivals ... I guess that I have to wait a few years before I can afford to go and that's when my pension kicks in. Keep on reporting these ... these memories that you have are priceless and thanks for sharing it.

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 6:42 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Jackie, she looked all aglow, and was posture-perfect. I think she needs to write a book.

Thank you, kingme. It's expensive, but scrimping and saving and working extra jobs makes it possible. For me, it was definitely worth the extra effort.

All the wonderful friendships I have made, and all the fun make for warm memories on a cold day! But we won't see that here in Houston for awhile... 8)

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: September 21st, 2011, 4:22 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
The excerpt in the schedule for Sunday's panel included the following information about the panelists:

2:30pm - 3:30pm
DANCING IN THE MOVIES--Dancing has kept film audiences spellbound for decades. This esteemed panel of dance greats will review the history of dance in film and its impact on moviemaking and audiences, as well as what its like to choreograph for - and dance in - the movies.

Larry Billman, dancer, author, historian and co-founder of The Academy of Dance on Film, is the author of Film Choreographers and Dance Directors. Published in 1997, the book was the first encyclopedia on the subject. Here's a link to an article about Larry Billman: ... inment.htm

Debbie Allen is an Emmy-winning choreographer, actress, stage and screen director and producer. She has choreographed for artists such as Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey. She was also responsible for choreographing the Academy Awards 10 times.

Marge Champion is a dancer and choreographer who began her career as a live-action model for Snow White (1938), the Blue Fairy in Pinocchio (1940) and the hippopotamus ballerina in FANTASIA (1940). She and her husband, Gower Champion, were legendary for their appearances in many musicals produced in the 1950s at MGM. She last appeared on Broadway in the 2001 revival of Follies.

Vincent Paterson is a director, choreographer and dancer whose wide ranging career includes theater, concert tours, opera, music videos, Broadway and films, including Evita (1996) and Dancer in the Dark (2000); he also wrote, directed and co-choreographed the Cirque du Soleil show VIVA ELVIS!.

Here's a link:

Club TCM was packed, all center seats were filled, and I was sitting alternately on the floor and on top of one of the squishy chairs as passholders jostled around for comfortable perches.

I also met a passholder who claimed he was from Houston, but he really couldn’t explain to me where in Houston he lived. When Larry Billman revealed that the panel would answer questions from the audience, this same passholder stood up to speak to Debbie Allen. He commented that he had enjoyed the television program “A Different World” and then Ms. Allen began to respond even though the passholder in question had not even completed a query. She didn't discuss "A Different World" and she didn't discuss her experiences on "Fame."

For the next 12-14 minutes, Ms. Allen bulldozed the panel topics and spent her time in the spotlight discussing how AIDS had devastated her dance companies, and then spent about 5-7 minutes complaining that there is no dancer’s union, and that dancers should be able to have a union like actors, and one passholder in the audience commented that he was just waiting for her to hold up her “Norma Rae” sign.

Here's a link in case you are ready to join her team:

As an audience member, I noticed perplexed looks on the faces of many passholders, and some began to ponder what the diatribe was all about. I could also see that Vincent Patterson, who was seated next to Ms. Allen, was leaning as far away from Ms. Allen as was humanly possible without scooting his chair off the stage. The hidden diva had been unveiled.

And I agreed with some of the union statements and sympathies she expressed, but wrong time, wrong place, Debs. Some audience reactions included horror, confusion, and regret. Some folks pulled out their schedules and read about the panel again. “I could’ve gone to see a “A Place in the Sun” or a “Tribute to the Nicholas Brothers,” commented one female passholder. I just wish Ms. Allen had spent time time actually discussing the panel topic, dancing in the movies.

But I stood up, stated my first name, and that I was also from Houston. Ms. Allen was then poised to continue with her litany of personal causes, but I had explained that I really wanted to ask Marge Champion a question about her experiences on Showboat.

And I finally found out one of Ms. Champion's favorite stories about dancing in that landmark film. She described the grueling hours spent practicing and performing a number with her former husband and choreographer, Gower Champion, and after the last, grueling take, discovered the ribbon on her head had completely turned around and probably damaged the take. But she convinced everyone that it would never be noticed on the film. I really can't see it when I watch Showboat. Maybe if I stop almost every frame. But I couldn't tell. It was wonderful to hear her tell that story because she spoke with such an engaging attitude about her experiences, and she has such a sweet voice. She was also very accommodating to passholders she encountered during the course of the festival, and signed autographs and posed for photos.

I am still pondering that Marge Champion made a guest appearance on an episode of Fame as a character named Ann Carlton in 1982. But that point was never discussed in the panel introductions or responses. It seemed odd that no comment from the accomplished Allen made any recognition of the fact that the two actresses and dancers had ever crossed paths...

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: November 11th, 2011, 3:35 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
It's all about style for the 2012 TCM FILM FESTIVAL!
So I hope to chime in now and then with some of my favorite moments of stylistic bliss....

The delightful Helen Rose sketch for Grace Kelly's wedding dress..
The civil ceremony took place on April 18, 1956, and the Catholic ceremony followed on April 19. Helen Rose had dressed Grace for her role in The Swan, also starring Alec Guinness and Louis Jourdan. Some of Rose's other iconic films included The Opposite Sex, Designing Woman, Butterfield 8, Dangerous When Wet, Latin Lovers, and Dream Wife.
By the balcony somewhere in Monaco...
Life seemed a veiled mystery about to unfold...
The actual wedding photo of Princess Grace and Prince Rainier...
A formal pose...
Can't get enough of that dress! Here are the lovely maidens surrounding the former Grace Kelly...

And the latest news.... from The

Prince Albert II of Monaco, and his wife Princess Charlene have arrived in Toronto.

The newlyweds will officially open an exhibition at TIFF Bell Lightbox “Grace Kelly: From Movie Star to Princess” and attend a private reception.

The vast collection of Kelly’s artifacts — including jewels, gowns and personal correspondence — goes on display Friday offering a rarely seen glimpse into the private life of a superstar who was an enigma in many ways, says curator Noah Cowan.

“Although she was among the most photographed women of the 20th century she still remains something of a mystery,” says Cowan, also artistic director of TIFF Bell Lightbox.

“In all phases of her life she became iconic — as a movie star, as a bride, as a princess — and yet it’s hard to actually know who the real Grace Kelly is. I think this show actually takes you inside (her world). You see her personal correspondence, you see what she wore, what she loved to wear and what she loved to do.”

Among the more intriguing pieces are several letters from a playful Hitchcock, who signs his missives “Love, Hitch;” a handwritten holiday greeting from High Society co-star Bing Crosby; and framed collages of dried flower petals — a hobby picked up after Kelly retired from the big screen and settled into life as a princess and mother.

Then there are home movies, letters and photos from childhood scrapbooks, even cherished playbills and an early rejection letter from a filmmaker.

“She was a complete pack rat during her Hollywood years, so every telegram, every letter, every flower arrangement that she had was preserved,” says Cowan.

“From the very beginning the palace has been incredibly supportive of the exhibition, really excited that the legacy of their princess could actually come to North America,” says Cowan.

“They’ve been eager to have a North American venue from the very beginning.”

The exhibit is based on similar ones held in Monaco and London, and makes its only North American stop in Toronto. From Canada, it heads to Australia and then returns to the Grimaldi palace, says Cowan.

“Grace Kelly: From Movie Star to Princess” is loosely divided into three sections: Kelly’s life as a movie star, as a bride and finally, as a princess.

Highlights include an exact replica of her Helen Rose-designed lace wedding gown, several original dresses, her signature Hermes “Kelly bag,” her Academy Award for The Country Girl and the diamond tiara she wore when she became Princess of Monaco in 1956.

“The tiara was always kept by (jewellery designers) Van Cleef and Arpels; they were the owners of the piece and it was for the exclusive use of Grace Kelly,” Cowan notes. “And now of course that means it’s only in museums.”

Meanwhile, the replica wedding dress — featuring a 21-inch waist — was created by some of the original seamstresses who worked on the first one. Cowan says the original is in “pretty bad shape” and cannot travel from its home at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

“(The replica) is really made to the most exacting standards and I think it’s about as close as we’ll all get to seeing it,” he says.

Kelly left Hollywood at the height of her career after just five years in show business. Her 11 films, including Rear Window, High Noon and To Catch a Thief, made a huge impact on the industry, says Cowan.

“She is one of the great queens of the silver screen,” he says. “When people talk about Grace Kelly, they frequently use the word ‘timeless.’ She speaks to something that just doesn’t go away, which is a certain style, a certain glamour.”

Cowan notes that Kelly had hoped to return to acting after giving birth to children Caroline, Albert and Stephanie, but Prince Rainier asked her to stop.

“She was in fact prohibited from going back to Hollywood to work,” he says, noting Hitchcock had her in mind for his 1964 thriller Marnie, starring Tippi Hedren.

The exhibit is being held in conjunction with a film series Icy Fire: The Hitchcock Blonde, which kicks off Friday with Hitchcock’s 1954 mystery Dial M for Murder.

Cowan says there is still much to learn about Princess Grace, who died in a car accident in 1982.

“We still are finding things out about her and still finding images of her that redefine her sense of style and glamour. She’s just an endless source of what makes life more interesting.”

“Grace Kelly: From Movie Star to Princess” runs Friday through Jan. 22, 2012.

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: November 11th, 2011, 6:31 pm
by Vecchiolarry
Hi Christy,

The 'somewhere in Monaco' with the first picture is on the upper landing of the horseshoe styled staircase leading from "The Court of Honour" to the Palace... She is looking down onto the Court.

The wedding picture is switched (turned around). The Prince's medals are on the wrong side.
Medals are supposed to be on the left and the riband on the right...

I don't see Rita Gam in the picture with the bridesmaids(??)...

The forth picture with Prince Rainier is taken in the Grand Reception Room inside the Palace.
There is now a large beautiful pianting of Princess Grace in this room...


Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: November 14th, 2011, 4:46 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Dear Larry,

Thank you so much! It is great to have someone who really knows about these places, and can comment from first person experience!
I am so glad you replied.
How about this group of bridesmaids, Larry? Which one is Rita?

Grace Kelly, Jeff Chandler, (somebody I don't know), Rita Gam, and (somebody I don't know).

Will you be coming to the TCM Festival 2012 or are you venturing to Europe at that time?


Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: November 14th, 2011, 9:15 pm
by Rita Hayworth
Sue Sue ... I love all these Grace Kelly Photographs that you posted on your thread ... they are simply lovely and dignified. Grace Kelly ... in my book is one of the loveliest blondes in Entertainment History. So enchanting beautiful! Thanks for posting them in two separate posts!

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: November 15th, 2011, 10:29 am
by Vecchiolarry
Dear Christy,

Still can't tell which one is Rita Gam in the first photo; but I'd guess she's the one on the extreme left(??)...

In the second, the 1st 'unknown someone' is Elsa Schaparelli, the Italian fashion maven and grandmother of Marisa & Berry Berenson...
The second 'unknown' is Baby Pignatari, the Peruvian tin magnet, who romanced Linda Christian and Rita Gam in the mid 50's... Years later, I asked Linda what she ever saw in Baby, "as he was pretty fat & homely really"... She said, "His wallet was fat and quite attractive!!".... Don't you love honesty?!!!!!...... Loved Linda....


Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: November 15th, 2011, 6:35 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Thank you, kingme!

And Thank you, Larry!!!!

Toooooooooo funny! I almost fell off my swivel chair at work. And yes, I love honesty!
And, ahhhh, the spice you add to life, Larry!

When are we going to write your autobiography? You know it must be done! :lol:

By the way, did you see this photo of Prince Albert and Princess Charlene at the exhibition opening in Toronto?

Re: Sue Sue's TCM Film Festival Tidbit Travel Blog

Posted: November 16th, 2011, 10:09 pm
by JackFavell
I never thought I'd live to hear the name Princess Charlene. As beautiful as she is, some names just don't seem right with the word Princess attached.