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Posted: May 6th, 2008, 10:24 am
Spoiler Alert

Just found out that actress Georia Moffat is to play the Doctor's action heroine daughter in an up coming episode. how's that possible, the Doctor doesn't have sexual relations. however, as it turns out all is not what it seems. one interesting fact is that Georgia is the real life daughter of Doctor number 5 Peter Davidson. she says my dad is a wonderful father, but David (Tennant) is my Doctor. her mother is American born actress Sandra Dickinson. one thing i wouldn't mind explained, if The Doctor is the sole surviving Time Lord, what happened to Susan, his grandaughter in the William Hartnel era, not to mention her reappearence in The Five Doctors in the 80s

also in the final episode of the series Tennant's Doctor and Catherine Tate's Donna are joined by past assistants Martha Jones, Captain Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler and Sarah Jane Smith. it's rummoured that one of them will be killed off in a battle with the Daleks. if true i imagine it'll be between Martha and Rose, because John Barrowman, who plays Jack is the star of the spin off Torchwood, besides he's indestructable. likewise Elizabeth Sladen is the star of the other spin off The Sarah Jane Adventures, so i would think she's safe.

Posted: May 6th, 2008, 11:33 am
by cinemalover
Thanks for the update on Doctor Who. I have been watching the classic episodes for years and I seem to vaguely remember that at one point in the show they mentioned that the Doctor could only regenerate a certain numbers of times, I'm thinking it was nine. How many total Doctors have there been now, and if my memory is correct (never a sure thing), have they forgotten about this little detail in his history? (Not that they can't choose to change the rules in a time-traveling sci-fi show)

Posted: May 6th, 2008, 12:05 pm

David Tennant of number 10 out of 12. maybe bringing in a daughter, if that's what she is, might be a way out of it, doing a next generataion sort of thing. Tennant's filmed the next Christmas Special, but it's rumored he's about to give up the role.

it's been suggested that a female Doctor would be a good idea, but it's a bit late to go down that road now. however, Joanna Lumley i think played the role in a sketch

that's another thing i don't understand about his granddaughter Susan. even if they didn't want to bring back the now aging actress, she could regenerate.

in last weeks episode The Doctor was back working for the crack army unit he worked for in the original series, though there was no Brigadeer this time around, as he saved the world from the Sontarans

The Doctor's daughter

Posted: May 10th, 2008, 1:47 pm
Spolier Alert

last week i mentioned the appearence of Jenny, the daughter of Doctor Who. it turned out some time before at gunpoint a sample of the Doctor was taken and cloned into a young woman.

it turned out she was a soldier in a war that she and the others believed had been going on for generations, only to discover it had only been going seven days. the Doctor stopped the war, but the leader of Jenny's side shot, mortally wounding her. she died in her father's arms and he waited in the hope of a regeneration that didn't come.

leaving her on the planet, the Doctor disappeared in his Tardis with companions Donna and Martha. however, guess what, her regeneration was only delayed and she stole a spaceship with the intention of exploring new worlds. one supposes it's only a matter of time before she's reunited with her dad, who believes her still to be dead.

the Doctor admitted to Donna he had children before that had died. i hoped he might mention granddaughter Susan from the William Hartnel days, but he didn't. however, that might come.

Re: Dr Who

Posted: May 22nd, 2008, 5:32 pm
by traceyk
jondaris wrote: wrote:Serah Jane investigates. this stars Elizabeth Sladen as journalist Serah Jane Smith, who was the Doc's assistant when he was Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker in the 70s and she along with robot dog K9 and teenage children save the world every week. she's in great nick for 58.
WOOHOO! Sarah was my major crush as an adolescent -- she beat out any woman alive for me. I haven't seen the new show, since Tom Baker will always be THE Doctor to me, but I'll definitely check this out given the chance.

The new "Dr. Who" episode "School Reunion" features a Sarah Jane-Dr Who reunion. Funny epsidoe, with Rose as an undercover lunch lady.

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 12:38 pm
Billie Piper makes her comeback in the next episode of Dr. Who. With David Tennant's Doctor taking a back seat the episode revovles round her and current co-star Catherine Tate's Donna Noble.

It's a 3 parter and joining forces with them the following week are other Who legends Elizabeth Sladen's Serah Jane Smith and John Barrowman's Captain Jack Harkness

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 12:56 pm
by cinemalover
Thanks for the updates, Stuart. Do you know if they are making (or have made) a third season of Captain Jack's Torchwood?

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 2:43 pm
I image there will be a 3rd series of Torchwood

Posted: June 21st, 2008, 1:51 pm
Spoiler Alert

I just watched the last episode of Doctor Who. Donna (Catherine Tate)finds herself back on earth in a parralle universe with no memory of her life with The Doctor. She discovers a man called The Doctor is dead and a series of disasters that he prevented since meeting her have actually happened, leaving the whole world in crises. Also killed in this new world are Serah Jane, Martha Jones and The Torchwood team with the exception of indestructable Captain Jack.

Donna meets a Mystery blonde, who we all know as Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) who tells her she's the Doc's current assistant and she needs to travel back in time and warn him of up-coming events. Donna is killed as she runs in front of a lorry, but this returns her to the real world and the Doctor, who realises the whole Universe is in danger.

Next week we see a bumper of a cast. The Doctor, Donna, Rose, Serah Jane, Martha, The Torchwood team join forces with American actor Michael Brandon, as they battle to save the Universe from The Daleks and their creator Davros, who appeared in the Tom Baker shows, and The Darkness

Posted: June 28th, 2008, 3:06 pm
Spoiler Alert

I've just seen the 2nd of a three part episode. I tell you what IMO if the final part is up to the standard of the first two, they could make an all time great Sci-fi feature film out of it. I known many regard Tom Baker as the best Doc and respect their views, but I agree with Bernard Cribben's, who appreared in the 2nd Doctor Who movie as well as the current series that David Tennant is the best one. He's certainly the best runner!

I'm left wondering if David Tennant is leaving the show, despite the fact he's supposed to have filmed a Christmas Special and talking over a new deal, because she show ended with him supposedly regenerating. He was running toward Rose when he was shot by a Dalek, before Catain Jack appeared to kill the machine before it targeted Rose.

The show ended on three cliff-hangers. As well as the regeneration, both Serah Jane Smith and Torchwood's Gwen were facing point blank Dalek extermination.

One semi-regular does however, appeared to have been killed off. Everything appeared lost. The earth had been stoled by Dalek creator Davros with the Doctor and Donna unable to find it with Jack and Serah Jane hepless in a world invaded by Daleks. Then from no-where Penelope Wilton (Cry Freedom and Calander Girls), who reprised her role of ex-Prime Minister Harriet Jones managed undected to contact Jack, Serah Jane, Martha Jones and without realising it Rose. Together they sent out a phone message with incredible energy to The Doctor, to which he was able to respond. Sadly the daleks found Harriet and killed her.

Those communication scenes were also funny. Rose didn't know Martha. Donna didn't recognize Jack and no-one knew of Serah's adopted son

Posted: June 29th, 2008, 2:06 pm
On another thread I put on Doctor Who's home page under Doctor Who clips, but discovered it could only be seen in the UK. However, using SSO I managed to watch the entire episode of The Stolen Earth and noticed there was no available warning of can only be seen in the UK. If you can get it I recommend you watch it, it's terrific!

Posted: July 6th, 2008, 2:17 am
Spolier Alert

So the last episode was seen on UK tv last night and it didn't disappoint.

The Doctor appeared to be regenerating, but managed to stopped it after his body repaired itself.

Davros sent Donna (Catherine Tate) and the Tardis into an inferno, but she touched an old hand of the Doctor and gave herself Time Lord powers, creating a clone of the Doctor in the process, who himself was half human.

Serah Jane (Eilabeth Sladen) has a memorable reincounter with Davros who recogonizes her from her days with Tom Baker in the 1970s.

Davros and the Daleks are caught by surprise by Donna, who uses her Time Lord skills to save the Universe just seconds before the reality world is about to explode.

The clone Doctor, still fearing the Daleks, wipes them out, much to the real Doc's annoyannce.

The Doctor with Captain Jack, Serah Jane, Rose and Martha at the controls of the Tardis, but also with the help of the Torchwood team and Serah Jane's adopted son on earth steer the earth back to its rightful place. They needed a much needed code that no new, so Serah gets K9 to save the day.

After saying farewell to Serah, Jack and Martha on earth, The Doctor takes Rose and her mother Jackie back to their world. Rose (Billie Piper)wanted to stay with him, but she had to stay with the cloned Doctor, as he was to dangerous to travel with him on The Tardis. Being half human the clone was attracted to Rose, so in a way she got her man in the end. The clone also couldn't regenerate, so he would grow old together with Rose.

The story did end on a sad note. Donna's new powers were killing her, so inorder to save her The Doctor removed her memory of him and took her back to her family telling them never to talk of him or it would kill her.

It's the Christmas special next with The Return Of The Cybermen