Ebert and Roeper leaving At the Movies

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Post by mrsl »

I'm still laughing Judith!!!!

How did this Bozo get to University?


* * * * * * * * What is past is prologue. * * * * * * * *

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Joined: April 15th, 2007, 4:38 pm

Post by Hollis »

Bryce and Judith,

You've both hit your respective nails clearly on their heads. Bryce, I've never understood watching a show about entertainment rather than simply finding a way to keep yourself entertained. From the few times I've watched bits and pieces of it, It seems to be little more than a gossip show with an emphasis on who's wearing what and who's sleeping with who. What's the point? Judith, your point illustrates perfectly the saying that the reason college students are in school in the first place is because they have so much to learn. In your classmate's case, it sounds like he was merely trying to forestall by four years (or more) his entry into the real world, where he'd have to think for himself in order to sustain himself by bringing home a paycheck. Are you willing to bet that he's wearing a blue collar shirt and getting his hands so filthy (on the 3rd shift, undoubtedly) that he can't get them clean? That's not a knock against anyone that does manual labor, but why spend all that money on tuition and books if you're going to accept the type of position that doesn't require more than a high school education? Oh well, it takes all kinds to make the world go around, doesn't it?

Have a terrific weekend one and all!


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