Sorry, I gotta vent

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Re: Sorry, I gotta vent

Post by JackFavell »

Oh, I like Mrs. K. :wink:
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Re: Sorry, I gotta vent

Post by silentscreen »

Uh oh, I just got back from visiting my son and his family in SLC. My daughter-in-law painted my six months old granddaughters toes and fingers in bright red polish. I said, "Are you trying to tart them up?", and she smiled and said,"These are my last children and I'm going to have as much fun with them as possible." Later on I found myself staring at their tiny fingers and toes in that bright red polish with fascination. Can Toddlers and Tiaras be next? It's kind of a disturbing thought. They are fraternal twins, and quite cute the both of them in totally different ways.
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Re: Sorry, I gotta vent

Post by mrsl »

Sometimes you have to paint the toddlers fingernails because you have no choice. When I babysat my little dolly, I often brought my polish with me if I had something to do in the evening and would do my nails and naturally little missy would stick her little paws on my lap to be painted too, with her sweet little pease, gamma which I never to this day have been able to resist.

So Silentscreen, unless Grandma starts buying the gowns and uses eye makeup, let her have her fun. But don't leave the polish on much longer than a day or so, because some polishes use stuff that wears down the tissues of the nails.


I fully understand your morbid fascination. In my case I watch sometimes to see the mothers make such fools of themselves by doing the step by step routine in the aisle. The show I watched Saturday said they never consider the kids whose parents do that, they should be able to do their bit without any help. Also, this particular pageant made sure each contestant received a small trophy, which seemed more thoughtful to me.


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Re: Sorry, I gotta vent

Post by silentscreen »

Thanks Anne. You've set my mind at peace. I have to admit that the polish does look cute on them. I'm just very old school and not used to seeing it on babies. Grandma would never put them in eye makeup or evening gowns though, just some really frilly dresses. :)

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Re: Sorry, I gotta vent

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I've never seen nail polish on a baby, I can't imagine it although I don't see anything wrong with it. Wait until they're into everything and chipping it all the time. Libby has hers done at school holidays and hubby doesn't like it at all but there's no harm in it. She also has some play makeup, now you should see her when she's finished. Less certainly isn't more to a 6 year old, she looks like Aunt Sally with makeup applied by a visually challenged person.

She's 7 next week and is having a party on Saturday, she's been planning her outfit all week. Mum will be doing her hair and makeup if any is needed.
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Re: Sorry, I gotta vent

Post by Ollie »

Wifey hasn't stopped me from doing her nails, although she's insisting on either veto-powers or sales-commissions. When we were first married, I was doing the standard stuff, but gradually I'd slip in fades - top to bottoms, or from little toe to big.

Occasional glitters, then a shooting star streaking across a few toes. Moonscapes. Half-moons. Cloverleafs.

That's when the sales-commissions argument started - she said she didn't know if she was being painted or billboarded - "I look like I'm selling Lucky Charms!"

(Boy, I was so glad she couldn't see the little lephrechaun on her pinky!)

She finally relented (OK OK - technically, she was sleeping but she DID refuse to say "Absolutely no way will I ever allow you to paint my toes again") and I've continued with the Toe Murals. Earlier this month, we'd received the new DVD release of WAGONMASTER, so I thought, sure, why not? Sunset fades, wafting clouds, desert scenes, a mesa or two, with little wagons, drawn by several horses each. Clouds of dust.

Yet she's done nothing but complain. "That doesn't even LOOK like Ben Johnson!"

"It's really difficult to caricature Ben with those little nail brushes."

Then she said, "Wait! That looks a LOT like Stubby Kaye!"

At this point, I knew I should have hidden the magnifying glass better. She discovered Lee Marvin on one of the toenails, leaning his horse against the wall. She's bellowed for days about that - "It's not Wagonmaster at all - it's CAT BALLOU!"

Boy, she NEVER lets me have any fun!

Heck, I thought I did a bangup job of Reginald Denny in the bathtub! (Yeah, the word balloon with him saying "Trixie!!" didn't turn out too well either...)
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Re: Sorry, I gotta vent

Post by JackFavell »

Oh, you rascal! You made me laugh out loud.

I for one, would be thrilled to have Ben Johnson painted on my toes.....and Lee Marvin too? Oh my.... I would probably have a hard time getting anything done, I'd be staring at my toes all day long.
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Re: Sorry, I gotta vent

Post by mrsl »

This season Wednesday night is a terrible TV night for me, so out of boredom, I have been watching Toddlers & Tiaras. We have discussed this pretty much in depth, but I have now seen 3 or 4 new shows. The mothers are just disgusting. All of them are overweight, and I don't mean slightly, I mean rolls and rolls, where no amount of tugging of long shirts is going to hide the sight. I saw one idiot feeding her little girl candy for energy, and another getting angry because the little girl didn't smile the right way!!! Why are these things allowed??? The cameras are getting more and more loose in what they put on air. Mothers say the child is having a bad day if she cries that she doesn't want the make-up and/or hair spray. I already mail stuff out for Amvets and Haiti and seasonally for Leukemia, so I'm afraid to take on more than I can handle, but when I have a chance, I may devote some time to trying to put a stop to these so-called 'beauty' pageants.

ALK Inhibitor:

This thread also discussed the ALK Inhibitor; Has anyone heard anything about it recently? I googled it and apparently there are 5 actual trials going on now here in the U.S. I guess some people have a negative aversion to it, but if you don't, these trials will hopefully prove it to be helpful. There seem to be few side effects, but knowing how slowly the Food and Drug Adm. works, it could be another 20 years before it is allowed to be used here.

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