Was Sarah Palin out of order over N.H.S

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Re: Was Sarah Palin out of order over N.H.S

Post by Lzcutter »

Palin is upset because she wasn't allowed to abuse her gubernatorial powers anymore, couldn't fire State employees or even discipline State park clerks when they made she and her family stand in line behind 3 other citizens.
Boy - wait until she finds out someone dropped a house on her sister.

You owe me a new keyboard. :mrgreen:
Lynn in Lake Balboa

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Re: Was Sarah Palin out of order over N.H.S

Post by MichiganJ »

Ollie wrote:
Y'know, I've mostly (50.001% is technically "mostly") liked John McCain but I was shocked that, out of his decades of elected offices, he couldn't find ONE old chum to stand up with him. Not one. No Senators, no Congressmen, no old GOPers
McCain wanted to have Joe Lieberman as his running mate but the powers that be in the GOP refused to allow it. Having a former Democrat, now Independent, who was strong on foreign policy but, at least in the eyes of the conservatives, weak in everything else, as his VP would have lost McCain much of the conservative vote (but likely gained many independents, and proved he really was a "maverick".) Instead, McCain's campaign callously calculated that disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters would vote for any woman, thus they foisted Sarah Palin on the world.

Having quit her elected position, for reasons unexplained, or at least unintelligible (but probably having to do with making money, because fulfilling her commitment to Alaska doesn't pay enough), one wishes Sarah would avail herself of the opportunity her time off gives her to actually read the "1000 page monstrosity" health bill before commenting on it.

Sarah claims that consulting with a doctor about end-of-life care is really standing in front of a "Death Panel", which, in her warped little mind will determine when life will end (her comments and the like from the conservative spokespeople have achieved their goal in terrifying the elderly--nice people, those conservatives, taking something that is responsible and turning it into something horrific.)

Until very recently, Sarah had never left the country, but seems to know the inner workings of the health care systems of many countries, including the "socialist" Great Britain and Canada (many shots are being fired that-a-way, too). It's embarrassing and frankly sad. One wishes that these conservatives would at least learn the definition of"socialisim", but, alas, ignorance is bliss.
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Re: Was Sarah Palin out of order over N.H.S

Post by jdb1 »

MichiganJ wrote:
Having quit her elected position, for reasons unexplained, or at least unintelligible (but probably having to do with making money, because fulfilling her commitment to Alaska doesn't pay enough), one wishes Sarah would avail herself of the opportunity her time off gives her to actually read the "1000 page monstrosity" health bill before commenting on it.
Oh, gosh all get-out, Mish, there you go again.

C'mon now -- you know very well that bein' a governor is so gosh-darn haarrrdd, what with all that administratin' and all. Why, I hardly had any time whatso-gosh-darn-ever to read all those periodicals and magazines and things that crossed my governeerial desk. Anyhoo, I had to keep lookin' out the window to keep an eye on Russia, which I can see from every window in Juneau and Wasilla, you know. Ya never can know what those gosh-darn heathens are up to, and me the first defense and all! Gee, whiz!!
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Re: Was Sarah Palin out of order over N.H.S

Post by JackFavell »

C'mon now -- you know very well that bein' a governor is so gosh-darn haarrrdd, what with all that administratin' and all. Why, I hardly had any time whatso-gosh-darn-ever to read all those periodicals and magazines and things that crossed my governeerial desk. Anyhoo, I had to keep lookin' out the window to keep an eye on Russia, which I can see from every window in Juneau and Wasilla, you know. Ya never can know what those gosh-darn heathens are up to, and me the first defense and all! Gee, whiz!!
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