Oprah to Leave Her Talk Show

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Re: Oprah to Leave Her Talk Show

Post by srowley75 »

Judith, I thought this piece on CNN might interest you. Who knew: Stedman can talk!

http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2010/06/08 ... ah/?hpt=T2

Stedman Graham: Chicago doesn't appreciate Oprah
According to Stedman Graham, the Chicago area needs to sit up and take stock of the benefits "The Oprah Winfrey Show” has brought to the city now while they still can. Winfrey's Chicago-based talk show ends in September, 2011.

During an interview with Fox News Chicago, Graham said he doesn’t think Chicagoans appreciate Winfrey.

“I don’t think they understand the value of who she is as a human being and what she’s done,” he told the anchors. “Because a prophet has no honor in its home town.”

Mr. Oprah Winfrey – he doesn’t mind if you call him that, he said – added, “From an insider’s point of view, I don’t think she gets the just due based on who she really is and what’s she done for the Chicagoland area.”

First of all, he notes, “she’s brought a lot of international attention to Chicago” with her talk show. And secondly, there’s the humanitarian work that she does, like her school in South Africa, he said.

“I really don’t think she’s that appreciated. I think they take her for granted a lot,” Graham said. “It's natural for people to take it for granted until you leave."

Re: Oprah to Leave Her Talk Show

Post by jdb1 »

srowley75 wrote:Judith, I thought this piece on CNN might interest you. Who knew: Stedman can talk!

“I don’t think they understand the value of who she is as a human being and what she’s done,” he told the anchors. “Because a prophet has no honor in its home town.”

OMG! The mangled English!! The misquotation!!! The horror of a talking Stedman!!!!

I think they left out the very end of his statement:

All your base are belong to Oprah.
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