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Re: The Reckless Moment (1949)

Posted: August 2nd, 2010, 3:25 pm
by feaito
Hi Mr. Ark,

I saw "The Deep End" many years ago, way before I saw TRM of course and without being aware it was the remake of a Classic and I loved it. I think the world of Tilda Swinton's abilities as an actress.

I wrote this small review on Amazon:
Gripping account of motherly love

This movie struck me so real, in spite of the incredible events depicted, which start happening sort-of out of control, like in a "weird" chain reaction. Nonetheless, it's a realistic filmed story, set against the beautiful and very "normal" Lake Tahoe surroundings.

The picture's credibility and punch rests in the shoulders of outstanding actress Tilda Swinton, whose tour-de-force performance is the main reason of the movie's successful results. She plays an upper-middle class devoted mother who will do anything for her children's happiness, in this case her eldest son's. Her acting is so rich, subtle and restrained, showing the audience a "real" human being, with all the weaknesses, doubts and frailties, inherent to everyone of us.

This is a picture that deserves serious viewing, that is simply told, devoid of all the artificiality which usually surround this type of stories made-in-Hollywood. There are no easy final resolutions, or not-to-be-believed dialogue that seem taken out of a Shakespearean tragedy, this is a true-to-life believable drama.

Re: The Reckless Moment (1949)

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 4:18 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
What a beautifully written review! You've made me want to pull out my copy and watch it all over again.

Re: The Reckless Moment (1949)

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 9:35 pm
by feaito
Thanks Mr. Ark. I think I'm going to buy this one on DVD to have it for keeps. Tilda Swinton is an amazing actress and I found the film unique in its own right.