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Re: The Western channel on Encore TV

Posted: August 28th, 2010, 5:44 pm
by mrsl
Not too long ago, we had a discussion about El Dorado, and Michele Carey who had a small part in it. Mongo was kind enough to furnish us with a photo of her, but not much was published about her later work. As it turned out, last week I saw her in a Gunsmoke episode, and in a movie in which she starred. The movie was Five Savage Men, who raped her and left her for dead but an Indian came along and nursed her to health, then joined her in her search to find them and kill them. I still haven't made up my mind if I liked the movie or not, but it was not that bad, and at least was in color, and Michele was looking fine. I think that's one reason I like the Encore Western channel so much. I love seeing so many actors on a daily basis. Like TCM you can always look forward to seeing Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, or Barbara Stanwyck in her pre-Big Valley days. These were the years when writers just were not writing for women, after years of women being the main characters. So they turned to TV for acting roles, and in general got some pretty good jobs out of it. So, if you see Five Savage Men listed, you might want to tune in.

Re: The Western channel on Encore TV

Posted: August 28th, 2010, 6:43 pm
by klondike
Wow, with a little racial tweak on the sidekick, that plotlone sounds exactly like the one in Hannie Calder, which featured Raquel Welch & Robert Culp.

Re: The Western channel on Encore TV

Posted: August 29th, 2010, 7:57 am
by knitwit45
back on page one of this thread I said
Talk about BAD spaghetti westerns.....I saw one listed with Henry Silva as an Apache warrior who helps a woman catch the men who "assaulted" her......YIPES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had forgotten how violent those meatballs were. The movie is "Five Savage Men" and they weren't kidding. Keenan Wynne is the leader, and I don't think I'll ever be able to look at him in the same way ever again. The "assault" was vicious, and cavalry to the rescue here. UGH. I wanted to see Henry Silva in action, and fast forwarded thru the worst parts, but this is one stinkaroo from beginning to the miserable, chilling end....
That's what makes this place so interesting...a wide variety of opinions! (But this really is a miserable excuse for a movie) :lol:

Re: The Western channel on Encore TV

Posted: August 29th, 2010, 2:45 pm
by mrsl
Hi knitty:

No argument about the plot line at all, but I've been chided about saying a movie was 'bad' or 'garbage', so I try to get the idea across using less venomous words, because as you say, everybody has their own opinion. The movie really wasn't my aim in posting though, actually it was just funny to me that twice in one week I saw Michele Carey in two different forms of 'entertainment', when none of us remembered seeing her after El Diablo. On top of everything else, do you remember how it ended?

Re: The Western channel on Encore TV

Posted: February 23rd, 2011, 3:09 pm
by mrsl
Just a note to all of you Lee Van Cleef fans (of which I am not). Saturday the Western Channel on Encore is have a tribute to him. I believe it starts around 6:00 p.m. and continues all night. Like Warren Oates and several others, Van Cleef is not one of those villains that I can warm up to. I liked him as the hero/star of the follow up Mag Seven movies, but being the good guy in movies for Van Cleef, is rare. But if you don't have the channel, perhaps you have a dear friend who would run off a DVD for you. Good Luck.