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Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: May 13th, 2011, 8:23 pm
by feaito
Thanks for your feedback Wendy.

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: May 15th, 2011, 2:59 pm
by feaito
I revisited "The Young in Heart " (1938) yesterday and it was a complete success!!

A group of friends and family gathered yesterday night for a delicious Racklette meal and I was in charge of choosing a film for all! We had cocktails, dinner, wine, tea, ice cream etc. and the six of us -we all live in the same building- went upstairs to watch the film at my sister's. The print released on DVD is superb, clear and crisp. The film is a total winner from all points of view and Janet Gaynor shines as the a huge star and talent she was. I can't believe that this was her last film! (not taking in account the lackluster Bernardine comeback in 1957)

The story, the dialogue, the cinematography, the performances, the cynicism of some characters, the sweetness of others, the fluffy-airheadedness of Billie Burke et al are completely priceless and unsurpassable. What a gem!! Flawless!!! Great, great movie. And my sister and bro-in-law who are not that much "into Classics" loved it! So, I'm so very happy!!! A delightful night it was. This must be my favorite Janet Gaynor performance along with "Lucky Star" (1929).

And what about those Wombats!!!??

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: May 15th, 2011, 5:20 pm
by JackFavell
I am so glad your family enjoyed the film, Fer! It's so good, I don't understand why it's not better known. I had no idea it was Janet's last one. What a shame, she could have done so much more, but it's good that she went out with a great film.

Every character is unique and individual, and when they come together, it's magical. Each section of the story is as strong as the others, which hardly ever happens in movies. I care just as much about Doug Jr. and Paulette as I do about Janet and her love, or Roland Young and Billie Burke.

And we should all have a Flying Wombat of our own!


Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: May 15th, 2011, 7:44 pm
by feaito
I agree Wendy...It's a beautiful ensemble piece...I had first seen it in 2004-2005 and I remembered little, so it was like watching it for the first time! :D

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: July 14th, 2011, 7:59 am
by pvitari
Three Loves Has Nancy is going to be on TCM this morning in an hour (at 10 a.m.). I haven't seen this so I'm really looking forward to it.

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 2:46 pm
by RedRiver
I haven't seen much of Janet, but I like a lot what I've seen. She's wonderful in A STAR IS BORN. SUNRISE, when you consider the limtations of the technology, is so good it's amazing. Is it my favorite movie? No. I like a little sound. But I'm able to appreciate the styles of the different eras.

I didn't remember the car accident. Maybe I never knew. Sad.

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 4:12 pm
by JackFavell
Janet is overlooked a lot of the time, I think because of her girlish personality. She is tremendously talented and can make any role, no matter how conventional seem meaningful and moving.

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: February 26th, 2013, 10:14 am
by feaito
Last night, quite by chance I watched -thank God I did not miss it- "State Fair" (1933), the first and -in my opinion- the best version of the story.

Henry King's film has an Expressionistic quality that I liked very, very much. Janet impersonates perfectly the naïve Margie Frake and Lew Ayres makes a good match with her, as the all-knowing-journalist who falls in love with her during the Fair. Norman Foster while good at portraying his brother Wayne, is not altogether credible as a farm boy; he's got a certain urban quality that detracted a bit from his portrayal. Sally Eilers as the trapeze artist is super sexy. Will Rogers as Pa Frake was all I expected him to be: warm, endearing, understanding, etc (I had never seen him on film).

But the absolute surprise for me was Louise Dresser as Melissa -Ma- Frake; she was a tremendously gifted and versatile actress and she gave a beautiful, nuanced performance. To think that the following year she portrayed Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in "Scarlet Empress" (1934)!

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: February 26th, 2013, 2:25 pm
by RedRiver
Henry King directed? I didn't know that. I'm a fan.

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: February 26th, 2013, 2:37 pm
by feaito
Then you must watch it RR. You'd like it.

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: February 26th, 2013, 3:31 pm
by JackFavell
Oh fer, I managed to miss recording State Fair when it was on early last year, I came in on the last 40 minutes or so and was SO impressed with it. I thought the whole thing was charming and without any affectation. A splendid film.

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: February 26th, 2013, 4:13 pm
by feaito
"Charming and without any affectation". You sum it up beautifully WEN.

Re: Janet Gaynor

Posted: February 26th, 2013, 4:32 pm
by JackFavell
I love the story, and have always been a fan of the 1946 version. Now I don't know which I like best!