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Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 10:26 pm
by CineMaven
[u]knitwit45[/u] wrote:A friend and I went to see the 2pm screening today. There were only about 35 people in the theater, some my age, some much much younger. The manager assured me the evening performance at 7pm is almost sold out. Those 34 other people and I had an incredible experience.

Ingrid Bergman was unbelievably radiant in this movie. Her eyes glowed, her skin glowed...and her hair. Oh, my goodness, that hair. It had a shiny softness to it, you could almost smell the fresh scent of it. Bogie never ever looked as good as he did today. So many facial expressions, small ones that sometimes go unnoticed when I've seen it on television. When he slams the table and says "Play it, Sam. If she can take it, so can I." my heart just kind of clenched. And his last "Here's looking at you, Kid" sent me reaching for the tissues. When Ilsa says "I wish I didn't love you so much", I heard 2 ladies (not together) sigh...and I sniffled...
What a great time you all must've had. I enjoyed your "gushing" write-up. Heck, it ain't gushing if it's true. Ingrid Bergman is one of the most beautiful actresses in classic films. Radiant is such an apt word for her. (I got to see her in a play waaaay late in her career and her smile...crazy!!!) "Casablanca" is such a perfect motion picture...cast, sentiment, love story. Bogart, he gets it. A tough guy, a man who doesn't shtick his neck out...heartbroken...sacrificing. "Casablanca": Perfect.
And what the h-e-double hockey sticks :lol: :lol: are you doing downstairs, T? We've been holding your seat, fending off all comers...get your backside up here!!! And if you see Joe or Larry....grab 'em!!!!
REALLY? I didn't see my name on the list...well, heck let me climb over: ( Pardon me...'scuse me...sorry...pardon me...can I get through...owww...'scuse me ahhh! ) Thanx for the invite. I'll even share my Raisinettes and Twizzlers with you guys!

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 11:35 pm
by mrsl
No matter how often I hear how great Citizen Kane is, I will always argue that Casablanca is truly the best movie ever made. As someone has already listed, it has love, mystery, comedy, drama, and fears of war, as well as so many other things. Acted by a group of stars who are each top notch in his and/or her field all come together to offer a timeless movie. Although we know it is WW II coming, it could be any small city waiting to learn what their future will depend on. As many times as I have seen Casablanca, (the Marseillaise),always, without failure, brings tears of love of freedom to my eyes. I guess that's my thermometer to determine what is a great movie as opposed to a good movie. I have to 'feel' something while watching it. I don't mean an occasional laugh or tear but a movie that exposes all my emotions one after another from beginning to end.

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 23rd, 2012, 12:11 pm
by RedRiver
I had a strictly platonic relationship with a lady who asked me to go see this movie. I said, "Let me get this straight. Our arrangement is not romantic. You've fended off what efforts I've made. And you want to go see CASABLANCA? Have you lost your mind?"

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 23rd, 2012, 12:49 pm
by knitwit45
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 23rd, 2012, 1:34 pm
by charliechaplinfan
knitwit45 wrote:Alison, my 'dream' experience would be to have the first row balcony seats filled with you, Moira, Jacks, Paula, Miss G, 'Nando, Chris, Red, Jeffrey, ChiO, Ark, the Dewmeister, MrsL,Eric, and all the others here....with, of course, ME in the very middle! :lol: :lol:

Now THAT I would pay top dollar for!!!!!
That would be heaven :D

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 12:02 am
by rohanaka
Hiya Neighbor.. so glad you got to go. Sounds like it was a nice treat! I have been enjoying reading your thread. Thanks for the fun read! :D

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 8:53 am
by knitwit45
Hi Ro....We'll save the aisle seat for you!!!! :lol:

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 8:59 am
by moira finnie
Say, Nancy, just out of curiosity, what was the most interesting aspect of the special features that accompanied this screening of Casablanca? Were there any revelations, screen tests, out takes, or biographical info about the film's contributors included? Thanks again for sharing your experience with us.

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 9:09 am
by knitwit45
RO introduced the film, and had a 10 or 12 minute documentary about the film. Stephen Bogart was in it, a woman who worked on the film, I believe as 'script girl', lots of clips from the movie. This is terribly embarrassing, but I honestly can't remember (my line usually is "I've slept since then") :oops: :oops: I kept fidgeting, worried that all those clips, which included lots of plot points and 'money lines' would spoil the actual movie, but once the film started, you just got swept up into it.
There weren't any new tidbits revealed, but it was done in such a way that it simply piqued your interest. Sorry about this, after another cuppa, my brain may wake up, if so, I'll edit this. (but don't hold your breath... :cry: )

Re: Casablanca

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 11:05 am
by JackFavell
It really is a sweep you up kind of movie. I saw it long ago at our local movie palace, which now shows more live performances than movies. Everyone cheered at certain points and it was incredible seeing it with a crowd of movie lovers. I also cry every time the Marseillaise is played. :oops:

Captain Blood was another story, no one really cheered though we all enjoyed it, and my friend and I found that Errol played with the pommel of his horse's saddle entirely too much and in a very suggestive way. Olivia's bug eyed delivery of the line about Peter being "cru-el and ev-il" was so hilarious we still toss it into conversation to this day. The rest of it was beautiful, but it didn't have quite the same impact on the large screen.

The only other film I've seen in a crowd (besides this years Wagon Master) was Sunset Boulevard, which absolutely must be seen on a big screen at some time in your life, if possible. Gosh almighty, what a deliciously frightening film it is, as you sit out there in the dark.... tremendous.