Alexis Smith

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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Thank you Jacqueline, it looks like The Sleeping Tiger will be released here soon and my rental company has a copy of Divebomber, lucky me, Errol and Alexis. The Turning Point isn't listed here for rental yet. In The Constant Nymph I didn't realise that Joan Fontaine was the older, all three leads make a difficult story completely believeable, I read the book and Alexis's character was the most sympathetic, the other two needing their heads knocked together, they were far more acceptable in the film version.
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by Jacqueline T. Lynch »

Thank you, kingrat. I wondered to whom that plastic rain hoodie belonged. Tres chic. The moment I saw it, I knew I was out-classed. Me and my shabby sable. In which Thelma Ritter is now boarding some bus.

By the way, Arthur Treacher keeps walking around in butler's outfit with a tray of champagne glasses, but he never stops long enough for me to grab one. What does a girl have to do to get a drink in this place?

"The Sleeping Tiger" is in public domain now, so there are at least a few companies that have released a DVD of it. The downside is, of course, that being in public domain, the print you find may not be as crisp as it could be. Still, the actors all do great work in it. It's a very moody piece, and it's fascinating to see Alexis start out as very controlled and then drift into helpless obsession. I analyzed the movie in a very long post last year. Not for the faint of heart. The post, I mean.

Hmm, somebody left their champagne on top of the Victrola. Maybe I'll just...
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by Jacqueline T. Lynch »

Ah, Charliechaplinfan, I never read the book, but I'd like to. I'll have to find it one of these days. I'm glad you'll have a chance to see those films soon. I'd love to know what you think after you see them.
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by knitwit45 »

Hi Jacqueline.
I have been called "Moe" (Thelma Ritter's part in Pickup on South Street) on another of the threads here at the Oasis....and let me tell you, the Sable is on the bed!!!! I only wore it to go to the local bar, and I came right back...kinda... And if you want a drink, TRIP HIM! He's pretty nimble, but it will slow him down.

Loved your blog on Alexis & Errol.

Nancy (on FB, here I'm knitwit45...but you can call me Moe....)
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by Jacqueline T. Lynch »

Hi, Moe, nice to meet you. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog post. Why is my left coat sleeve soaked with gin?
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by knitwit45 »

That's when I grabbed Rock by the hair on his head, and when I dropped him, HE splashed....wasn't my fault, when you think about it....
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by Jacqueline T. Lynch »

That just about makes sense. Just. So, why is my right coat sleeve covered in clam dip?
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by knitwit45 »

That's when you took it off as you passed the buffet....

geez. Even Rock noticed it, I think that's partly why he passed out....2 hr old clam dip is 'cherce'
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by Vienna »

I've always liked Alexis and enjoyed reading all the posts.Two films I particularly liked her in were ANY NUMBER CAN PLAY as Gable's wife and in the western SOUTH OF ST LOUIS in which she looked so beautiful opposite Joel McCrea.
If you remember her dancing in THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS, it's a pity Warners didn't let her do more musicals.
Her comeback on Broadway in FOLLIES was amazing.
And a happy marriage to Craig Stevens.
I was lucky my enough to see Alexis when she did a charity concert of Cole Porter's NYMPH ERRANT at London's Drury Lane theatre . She sang a song called "The Cocotte" , not an easy song to do, and she was great.
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I just watched Alexis Smith in Montana with Errol Flynn, I hadn't watched her in a colour film before, I hadn't realised how gloriously red her hair was, although I had realised how attractive she was and the costumes do her justice, such a tiny waist but more than a match for Flynn. Her singing with Flynn, that is such a lovely song they sing together but until recently when Moira posted a clip of the song I hadn't realised they'd had this musical interlude, I reckon I'm in love with that song.
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by Jacqueline T. Lynch »

Vienna, there's a video of Alexis performing "Cocotte" on YouTube here:

I understand this was a one-night charity performance. I think in 1989 (the CD came out in 1990), which would make Alexis at something like 67 or 68 in this video. Still smashing, and still a beguiling mix of elegance and humor. She preferred to perform in comedy, but rarely got the chance.

I envy you the opportunity to have seen her on stage. I'd love to hear more of your memories of the occasion. Quite a cast for that event: Also Maureen McGovern, Andrea McArdle, Kaye Ballard.
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by Vienna »

Hi, Jacqueline. Thanks so much for highlighting that YouTube clip of Alexis Smith which was new to me.
Yes, the Drury Lane Theatre concert in London was in 1989 and was one of many producer Barry Mishon did for charity .
My memories are a bit hazy but here goes. I remember standing at the stage door before the concert and Alexis Smith appeared with no makeup and her hair a bit dishevelled . She rushed by me but did give me a smile. And then when she came on stage, she was the elegant Alexis we all know. You can see from the the YouTube clip that she had great command of the stage and that well defined walk of hers.
I adore Cole Porter songs and to hear ones new to me was heavenly.One which I immediately fell in love with was "You're Too Far Away", sung beautifully by Larry Kert (who starred on the original Broadway West Side Story).
I also remember how amazing it was that singer Elisabeth Welch who had been in the original 1933 stage production of Nymph Errant, was in this concert, singing another terrific song, "Solomon" which she had sung all these years earlier!
The whole cast were great - Kaye Ballard, Lisa Kirk, Patricia Hodge.
At the end, I was back at the stage door and there was a sound truck with the door open and we could hear some playback as the concert had been recorded.
Happy days!
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Re: Alexis Smith

Post by Jacqueline T. Lynch »

Lovely. Thank you so much, Vienna, for coming back to share your memories of the concert. You'll note that when this video comes up on YouTube, there is also a selection on the side for other videos of that same event. Too bad it's amateur video, but it's all we've got, I guess. I never heard of any film recording for TV or anything. I'm grateful to the person videotaped it on the sly.

Thanks again for commenting. It's a treat to communicate with someone who was there.
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