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Posted: April 23rd, 2007, 5:10 pm
by pktrekgirl
JulieMarch4th wrote:Pktrekgirl -- I like Dresden, too. (I've even read the first two of the series- and I like the show better.) And I have not seen ANY of the new Dr. Who's, but I've had many a late Saturday night watching classic Who on PBS (Maryland PBS!)

You know...I've not read any of The Dresden Files books. I probably should do that...but oddly enough, as much as I'm into scifi TV and film, I can't seem to get into scifi literature for some reason.

I've not even read the DS9 relaunch, despite about 4 years worth of ribbing on the part of my forum members in the DS9 forum.

I do love The Dresden Files though. He is just great! Did you see the season finale?

Little People, Big World

Posted: April 23rd, 2007, 5:16 pm
by moira finnie
Wow, this thread is better than reading alot of back issues of Entertainment Weekly. You guys have caught me up on pop culture big-time. Okay, so I gave up watching tv shows on a regular basis around the time that the splendid Tom Baker left Doctor Who--though I did follow a few episodes of Monarch of the Glen in the last 3 years, (btw, in between the beauty of Scotland, who should show up on that one but Tom Baker, snowy haired and just as eccentric as ever).

Right now, the only show that I try to catch regularly is a reality/documentary type program called Little People, Big World on The Learning Channel, about an Oregon family who live on a farm. The family is composed of two parents, Matt & Amy Roloff, who just happen to have dwarfism. They have four children, one of whom, Zach, has a form of dwarfism too. Zach has a normal sized twin, Jeremy, both of whom are about 16 and have the usual mood swings of adolescents, plus some. The other, younger children are the coltishly shy Molly, 13 and her endearing little brother, Jake, who's about 8--as well as their extended family and friends.

If you only heard or read about this program you might think it was maudlin or exploitive, but once you meet these funny, contradictory, bright and enterprising people you might find yourself getting quite involved in their everyday struggles, problems, acts of bravery and small victories. I think they show this program several times during the week, though I believe it's usually on Saturdays or Mondays. Has anyone seen this?

Marking time.

Posted: July 4th, 2007, 5:36 pm
by cmvgor
I'm just waiting for the new seasons of The Wire (HBO) and my man
Dexter (SHO). There's very little in Network TV that I find time for
anymore, outside of the 'Law & Order' franchise. The CSI shows sorta jumped that shark in the last year or so, and Criminal Minds is beginning to wear thin. Like someone else mentioned earlier, I spend
a lot of time with Premium movie channels, TCM, or just turn the thing
off. My DVD collection is growing, too.

Posted: July 4th, 2007, 6:23 pm
by Vecchiolarry

I like and watch all the CSI's, except I'm not fussy about Miami since I've never been there and don't know the city like I do New York City and Las Vegas. Also, they can dump David Caruso anytime; what a drip.....

I also like all the Law & Order's...

Also, I must have my daily dose of Coronation Street from Britain.
And, I used to watch Emmerdale, also from Britain before it was cancelled here in Canada. Stupid.....

My shameful guilty pleasure though is Desperate Housewives.. It's low class, tacky, stupid and hilarious, and I love it!!


Posted: July 9th, 2007, 3:16 pm
by traceyk
pktrekgirl wrote:
mrsl wrote: I miss my Stargate and Star Trek so much, that I check out anything that seems remotely like it might be pure escapism - anything that is the opposite of the horrible reality junk that's on so much now. American Idol is filled with the most idiotic fools I've ever seen grouped together in one show. And as far as I'm concerned Survivvor should have survived no more than two seasons at the most. I don't even want to get started on the Trump.
Anne, do you have the SciFi Channel or USA? Because actually, there are some decent scifi shows in production right now.

If you have the SciFi Channel and have not seen them yet, check out:

Stargate: Atlantis - obviously, the companion show to SG-1. They are just starting season 4, I believe. Plus, Joe Flanigan is way hot. :D Seasons 1 and 2 are on DVD as well.

Doctor Who - on break right now, but a really good show. Plus, David Tenant is just adorable. Season 1 and 2 on DVD.

Battlestar Galactica - Also on break now...but a very good show, especially if you like dark and gritty. They have three seasons in the can many DVDs are also available.

The Dresden Files - WOW! What a show! If you liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer or The X-Files...this show is sort of a cross between them. I love this show!!! And Paul Blackthorne is exceedingly hot. :D This show just wrapped it's first season and I love it.

Harry Dresden (Paul Blackthorne) is a wizard...and is alot like Harry Potter. Only all grown up and in more adult situations.


The 4400. This show is three seasons in, I believe. It's been on break for a while, but should be coming back with season 4 pretty soon, I would think. Seasons 1 and 2 are on DVD.

I have also heard very good things about Heros...but I've not had time to watch it yet. I have a bunch of episodes backed up on TiVo...if I ever get around to them...

I like "Dresden Files", too. Have you ever read the books? They are actually better--the writers for the show have made the "Harry Potter" blunder--removed much of the humor to make way for special effects. I do like the hockey stick wizard's staff, however--that's a nice idiosyncratic touch.

"Heroes" is a show you almost have to watch fromt he beginning (or on one of the "catch-up" days to know what the heck is going on. Otherwise it's very, very, confusing.


Posted: July 9th, 2007, 3:18 pm
by traceyk
oops--I just finished reading the rest of the posts and see you haven't read them prektregirl. You should. They are really very good. I also recommend Kim Harrison's Hallows books and the early volumes (say books 1-8 or so) of Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake series.
