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Posted: July 23rd, 2007, 6:19 pm
by traceyk
I agree with all you have said about how movies and TV are desensitizing us to violence. It's like everyone feels they have to up the ante--go for a little more gore and little more horror. You see it in sports too--a lot of players seem to be thugs in uniform. And don't get me started on "wrestling" and the lastest twists boxing, which to me is not sport, it's just grown men beating each other bloody.

It may be stretching things a bit, but doesn't this trend towards more violence in our entertainment feel like a DeMille movie? He wasn't making that stuff up to sell movies--bread and circuses was part of the downfall of Roman civilization (such as it was). Granted, most of the violence we see today is faked, but it comes to the same sort of thing--and begs the question--why is violence supposed to be entertaining?